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Louisiana School Media Centers: more detail | ||||
21. Louisiana School Employees' Retirement System Thursday, June 9 DeSoto Parish school Board, DeSoto media Center, 523 Oxford Road louisiana Legislation Passed During 2003 Regular Legislative Session http://www.lsers.state.la.us/News.htm | |
22. Louisiana Voices Unit VI Louisiana's Musical Landscape Even high school students appreciate a listening or audiovisual center or archive, videos, and publications for home use or in the school media center. http://www.louisianavoices.org/Unit6/edu_unit6.html | |
23. Classroom Applications Of Fieldwork Basics Study Unit VI The State of Our Lives Being a louisiana Neighbor Try theschool media center, local newspaper, high school art department, and parents. http://www.louisianavoices.org/Unit2/edu_unit2.html | |
24. School-Libraries.Net: Peter Milbury's Network Of School Librarian Web Pages Many Junior High school Library and media Center Maintained by Eric Hood,Librarian media Specialist, Many Junior High school, Many, louisiana. http://www.school-libraries.net/usa/la.html | |
25. IASL: Links To School Library Associations Florida Library Association (FLA) school Libraries and media centers Section Massachusetts school Library media Association (MSLMA) http://www.iasl-slo.org/slibassoc.html |
26. Public Relations As A Catalyst -- The Center For Health And Health Care In Schoo The coalition for schoolbased health centers has been building for eight The plan has a number of specific strategies aggressive media relations, http://www.healthinschools.org/pr.asp | |
27. Making The Grade - Publications - From Margins To Mainstream Between 1992 and 1998, schoolbased health centers in louisiana grew from eight In louisiana, school-based health centers exist in schools where most http://www.healthinschools.org/sbhcs/papers/louisiana.htm | |
28. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - School Of Nursing - Clinical louisiana State University Health Sciences Center school of Nursing Multi media Center Homeless Clinic, New Orleans, LA; New Orleans Center for http://nursing.lsuhsc.edu/AboutUs/ClinicalAffiliations.html | |
29. Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center - School Of Nursing - Student louisiana State University Health Sciences Center school of Nursing - StudentInformation Students learn at their own pace using instructional media. http://nursing.lsuhsc.edu/StudentInformation/NursingMultimediaCenter.html | |
30. Media Center GregoryLincoln Education Center Houston, TX. I appreciate, and my students arelearning to appreciate Archbishop Rummel High school Metairie, louisiana http://www.yourhomework.com/mediacenter/quotes.html | |
31. Louisiana Xavier University Preparatory school media Center New Orleans, LA; MaplewoodMiddle school Library media Center Sulphur, LA http://www.reference.com/Dir/Reference/Libraries/School_Libraries/Louisiana/ | |
32. Fall 2004 Schedule media Center Rooms 1 2. 502 Beauregard Day visits to the louisiana schoolare also encouraged. What does the louisiana school look for in an applicant http://www.lsmsa.edu/Admissions/Night_Meetings/ | |
34. New Page 1 media Center More than 160 case studies and success stories highlight the 089 louisiana Ponchatoula High school accounts for every child every day http://www.usnetcomcorp.com/newweb/media.htm | |
35. Libweb - Libraries On The Web IL, Illinois, USA; Many Junior High school Many, LA, louisiana, USA;Marathon Middle/High school Library media Center Marathon, FL, Florida, USA http://lists.webjunction.org/libweb/usa-special.html | |
36. Welcome To The Louisiana Farm Bureau Federation Online West Carroll Parish media Center 410 Willis Street Oak Grove. Tuesday, September 20.Morehouse school Board Educational Resource Center http://www.lfbf.org/aitc/workshops/ | |
37. Event Details For #25340 - Louisiana Department Of Education Rapides Instructional media Center Alexandria, LA louisiana INTECH,louisiana Educational Leadership Network, louisiana Virtual school http://www.louisianaschools.net/lde/calendar/details.asp?ID=25340 |
38. Serious Magic - Award Winning Visual Communication Tools Creighton University; Crestview HS media Center; Dalton Middle school louisiana school for Math, Science, and the Arts; louisiana State University http://www.seriousmagic.com/whosUsing.cfm | |
39. Louisiana Outreach Practices MCH assisted louisiana s school Based Health centers in becoming Developed majormedia contacts to provide opportunities for State SCHIP program http://www.cms.hhs.gov/schip/outreach/factla.asp | |
40. Louisiana Tech University - Media::Audio/Video Archives and philosophy behind the louisiana Center for the Blind in Ruston. But for some middle school students, the gearing up happened throughout the http://www.latech.edu/media/audio-archives.shtml | |
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