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81. Louisiana Library Jobs For Information Professionals And Librarians Lisjobs.com collects job databases, guides, and other employment resources forlibrarians from across the web and organizes them into one handy site. http://www.lisjobs.com/states/louisiana.htm | |
82. Rapides Parish Library Parish Library is a mediumsize public library, serving Rapides Parish (county)located in central louisiana. louisiana Library Connection Databases http://www.rpl.org/ |
83. Susan Marshall Richard of Edith Garland Dupré Library. Lafayette, LA University of louisiana at.Lafayette, 1998 . Baton Rouge, LA louisiana Library Association, http://www.ucs.louisiana.edu/~som6843/ |
84. ALA | Louisiana Library Settles Suit By Former Staffer louisiana Library Settles Suit by Former Staffer. A fouryear-old lawsuit broughtby a fired library technician against the Tangipahoa Parish Library in http://www.ala.org/al_onlineTemplate.cfm?Section=february2002&Template=/ContentM |
85. Louisiana Library Connection Databases louisiana Library Connection Databases. http//lalibcon.state.lib.la.us/ Thefollowing databases are provided by the State of louisiana and may be accessed http://www.ashrosary.org/lalib.htm | |
86. ASIS MY98, Case Studies In Academic Collaboration A Statewide Cooperative Project The louisiana Library Network Carol Barry,louisiana State University (contributed paper) http://www.asis.org/Conferences/MY98/Panel-Case.htm | |
87. New Orleans And Louisiana Authors, Literature, And Book Stores Locating louisiana Writers 17061867. louisiana Library Directory - This StateLibrary of louisiana allows you to browse your Parish library systems online http://neworleanswebsites.com/cat/ar/lt/lt.html |
88. Nicholls State University - Ellender Memorial Library It is brought free of charge and run by the louisiana Library Association. The State Library of louisiana is one of the state s greatest sources for http://www.nicholls.edu/library/sg_louisiana.htm | |
89. Consortium Of Consortia louisiana Library Connection Website http//lalibcon.state.lib.la.us. louisianaLibrary Connection State Library of louisiana PO Box 131 http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/LLC.html | |
90. Consortium Of Consortia International Coalition of Library Consortia louisiana Library Network The louisiana Library Network combines the resources of louisiana s public and http://www.library.yale.edu/consortia/LOUIS.html | |
91. NASIG Newsletter, June, 1998: LOUISIANA LIBRARY ASSOCIATION ANNUAL CONFERENCE Cosponsored by NASIG and the louisiana Library AssociationÂs Academic Section,this program was full of timely, useful information. http://www.nasig.org/newsletters/newsletters.1998/98june/98june_louisiana_librar | |
92. NASIG Newsletter, June 1999--SERIALS-RELATED REPORTS NASIG and the Serials Interest Group of the louisiana Library Association are tobe commended for presenting such a timely workshop. http://www.nasig.org/newsletters/newsletters.1999/99june/99june_serials_reports. | |
93. Notable Venues louisiana State Arts Conference; Baton Rouge, LA louisiana Library AssociationConference Showcase; Lafayette, LA Blueberry Jubilee Storytelling Festival; http://www.storyconnection.net/venues.php | |
94. Renée Bougard S Curriculum Vitae louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine Library, louisianaLibrary Association Annual Conference, Lafayette LA, March 2001. http://nnlm.gov/scr/aboutus/cv_Bougard.htm |
95. Blaine S. Kern Library - Our Lady Of Holy Cross College louisiana Academic Library Information Network consortium (LALINC) includes the LOUIS The louisiana Library Network is a statewide network of academic, http://www.olhcc.edu/library/services.shtml | |
96. Dr. Anna H. Perrault Outstanding Alumna, School of Library and Information Science, louisiana She is a past president of the louisiana Library Association and served as an http://www.cas.usf.edu/lis/faculty/perrault.html | |
97. Vertical File --Louisiana . . ., Louisiana Division, New Orleans Public Library louisiana Library AssociationDocuments, US Government Access Addresses, 1975,VF. louisiana Library Association-Library Appreciation Day, VF http://nutrias.org/~nopl/info/louinfo/vf/vflou.htm | |
98. Library And Information Science Links Good Links Outside of Our Walls New Orleans Public Library LSL s home page,including their louisiana library directories (useful primarily for mailing http://nutrias.org/~nopl/links/liblinks/liblinks.htm | |
99. GUIDE TO LAW ONLINE: United States - Louisiana louisiana Legislative History (Law Library of louisiana); Research Guides (LawLibrary of louisiana). Southeastern Chapter of the American Association of http://www.loc.gov/law/guide/us-la.html | |
100. General Conference - Wednesday, February 28, 1996 Public, and School Library Network The louisiana Experience. Ralph Boe louisiana Online University Information System, louisiana Library Network http://www.infotoday.com/cil96/wedsfull.html | |
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