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61. Ottenheimer Library Other users of the Library s collection, in particular staff, students, andadministrators, The collection is strong in business, government, education, http://library1.ualr.edu/screens/colldevpolicy.htm | |
62. East Central College AA, East Central College (Union, MO); BS Art education, Southwest Missouri StateUniversity Executive Administrative Assistant, Dean of Student dev http://www.eastcentral.edu/admin/hr/directory/support-staff.html | |
64. Education World ® Administrators Center: ThereÂs No Sub For A Good Sub Plan! education WorldÂs ÂPrincipal Files principals responded to those questions. ÂOur system pays a noncertified staff member at each school to handle http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin282.shtml | |
65. FY2000-01 Compacts develop comprehensive staff development plan for Extension educators and capacityarea faculty. Comprehensive staff dev. Plan, $50000 http://www.evpp.umn.edu/compact/html00/TMES00.htm |
66. Nicholls State University - Allied Health Sciences Investing in education for the Bayou Region Campaign for Nicholls State University However, the state of louisiana does not have the resources to fund http://www.nicholls.edu/development/investing.htm | |
67. International Students  Educational Information And Resources State Department educational advising centers abroad. louisiana State University.COSTA RICA. Jose Maria Figueres Olsen. President (former) http://exchanges.state.gov/education/educationusa/leaders.htm | |
68. ITBS Spring 2005 Summary Of Results - Louisiana Department Of Education Mooretown Elementary dev, 29, 47, NA, NA, NA louisiana Department of EducationClaiborne Building 1201 North Third Street PO Box 94064 http://www.louisianaschools.net/lde/ssa/2165.asp?tempID=9 |
69. Program And Staff Development Committee Extension Specialist for Program staff development Innovation Org. dev.Leader North Carolina University Cooperative Extension Service Box 7569, NCSU http://srpln.msstate.edu/rc/psd/comm.htm | |
70. Emerging Issues need to retrain staff to address community/sustainability/strategic planning additional lessons being developed for character counts (louisiana) http://srpln.msstate.edu/plc/emergingissues.htm | |
71. BIO-TBL Information from both faculty and Al. dev. 14%. Information from coaching staff,1%. Information from Career Services, 7% http://www.earlham.edu/~assess/html/majorsdept/natsciences/bio/bio-tbl.html | |
72. Publications & Reports louisiana staff Development Council Report on HighPerforming, High-Poverty Schools Senge contends that schools can change if educators really desire http://www.bestpracticescenter.org/publ/ | |
73. October 18, 2002 -- SSTI Weekly Digest New Hampshire  New Hampshire Small Business dev. Center  $100000 All carryout programs in education, research and public service. http://www.ssti.org/Digest/2002/101802.htm | |
74. October 5, 2001 -- SSTI Weekly Digest Small Business dev. Center, Grand Valley State Univ. and Mich. Southern TechnologyCouncil and Southern Growth Policies Board staff will work with the http://www.ssti.org/Digest/2001/100501.htm | |
75. Agrability Project The AgrAbility Project offers education and assistance to help identify ways to Since 1991, staff members from 25 state or regional AgrAbility Projects http://www.uchsc.edu/atp/library/resourcesheets/agrability.htm | |
76. AACN Clinical Issues In Critical Care Nursing\AACN. Clin. Issues Journal of Nursing staff development\J. Nurs. staff. dev. Journal of theLouisiana State Medical Society\J. La. State. Med. Soc. http://www.researchsoftwaredesign.com/ftp/users/richards.jrn |
77. School Of Business - UTPB education. Ph.D., Marketing, louisiana State University; MBA, BusinessAdministration, Northeast louisiana University http://www.utpb.edu/schoolofbusiness/faculty/cgaulden.html | |
78. USC Gerontology Education : Gerontology 380 Diversity In Aging: The Roles Of Eth However, you will be notified by AgeWorks staff in this event. Three keyelements comprise a mandate for higher education to address diversity and aging http://www.usc.edu/dept/gero/AgeWorks/online-education/courses/380.shtml | |
79. David Harrison Staff Research Page - The Jackson Laboratory staff Research Page for David Harrison. Educational Programs Pharmaceuticaland Biotech Programs Research Affiliates Program Conferences Events http://www.jax.org/staff/david_harrison.html | |
80. School Of Business - UTPB MBA, Business Administration, Northeast louisiana University BS, Home EconomicsEducation, South Dakota State University. Marketing Faculty http://www.utpb.edu/utpb_adm/academicaffairs/schoolofbusiness/faculty/ | |
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