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21. Radiologic Technology Continuing Education Providers Citrus Memorial Hospital, cmchugh@citrusmh.org, Carol Mc Hughstaff dev University of louisiana at Lafayette, Pat Miller, (337) 482-5648, No, No http://srdappsdoh.doh.state.fl.us/RadTech/CeProviders.aspx | |
22. Louisiana REALTORS® - Teams - Professional Development Works to develop and coordinate education and professional development programsoffered staff CONTACT Sandy Lash Director of Professional Development http://www.larealtors.org/teams/teams_profdev.asp |
23. Professional Development Workshops Of CATALyST - Center For Applied Teaching And Working along side an education specialist, the CATALyST staff provides a series of Through participation in Project DEEDS, louisiana educators learned http://catalyst.latech.edu/prodevwork.htm | |
24. Education Links - CATALyST - Center For Applied Teaching And Learning To Yield S A Department of education initiative that provides louisiana high school students The project is directed by Orley R. Chip Taylor and staff within the http://catalyst.latech.edu/educationlinks.htm | |
25. LSU Department Of Food Science Title Professor and Head education BS louisiana State University 1970 B.Sc.AgroIndustrial Product dev- Kasetart University, Thailand (1989) http://www2.lsuagcenter.com/foodscience/faculty.asp | |
26. PLS Client List NC State Dept. of education, NC; Northwest louisiana University, LA; Oakwood CitySchools, PLS provides customized staff development and consulting. http://www.plsweb.com/professional_development/clients/ | |
27. UL Lafayette: Kinesiology: Faculty & Staff Faculty Adjunct Faculty staff Endowed Professors. Faculty. Johan J.Adendorff, M.Ed. Professor, EP Nalley Endowed Professorship in education http://kinesiology.louisiana.edu/Faculty-staff/index.shtml | |
28. UL Lafayette: Kinesiology: Programs: Health & Physical Education: Career Opportu University of louisiana at Lafayette, Kinesiology Colledge of education Blackboard ULink Prof dev Schools Intramurals http://kinesiology.louisiana.edu/Programs/HealthPE/career-opps.shtml | |
29. NSDC - Connect With NSDC: About NSDC - Affiliates louisiana staff development Council Amy Allen 7121 Winthrop Avenue Curriculum staff dev. Grand Rapids Christian Schools 1812 Sylvan SE http://www.nsdc.org/connect/about/affiliates.cfm | |
30. SETDA's NLI Toolkit 2003 - Executive Summary Sheila Talamo, Chair louisiana Department of education Scott Montgomery,Chief of staff Florida education Technology Corporation (FETC) http://www.setda.org/Toolkit2003/execsum/es6.htm | |
31. SETDA's NLI Toolkit 2003 - Virtual Schools And Distance Learning National staff Development Council, ELearning for Educators Implementing theStandards for staff louisiana State Standards for Distance education, http://www.setda.org/Toolkit2003/vsdl/vsdl6.htm | |
32. Caddo Public Schools - Pride Points Teachers staff, District News, District Calendar, staff dev. CPSB is oneof only four local governments in louisiana, and the only school board, http://www.caddo.k12.la.us/pride-points.cfm | |
33. Ascension Health: Sister Bonnie Hoffman, DC She went on to become Director, education, staff Development Consultation atthe Medical Center of louisiana, New Orleans, from 1994 to 1998, http://www.ascensionhealth.org/about/board_trustees/bonnie_hoffman.asp | |
34. Education World ® Administrators Center: Principals Solve Inclusion Challenges Inclusion Tips. * How many special educators are on your staff? As principalat Alexandria (louisiana) Magnet Middle School for Math and Science, http://www.education-world.com/a_admin/admin/admin340.shtml | |
35. Paralegal Training, Online Legal Studies, Legal Education dev education dev education Your online source for education! Alexandria,University, louisiana, education, Higher education, LSU, LSUA, college http://www.legalstudies.com/links.htm | |
36. Allnurses.com Nursing For Nurses - Websites For LTC Staff Development I am a staff development Coordinator for a CCRC in louisiana. I, too, am newto ltc staff dev./ infection control/ safety/ etc. http://allnurses.com/forums/archive/index.php/t-13314.html | |
37. Nursing Staff Development - Allnurses.com Nursing For Nurses Thinking about Grad School for staff dev. nurselily3 Career Ladders in aCentralized education and development Department. Lynn Crist http://allnurses.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=73 |
38. Teacher Education | Faculty And Staff Directory Southeastern louisiana University, Hammond, LA Assistant Professor. 1983-1986 Office of Clinical Services and Teacher education Center drakejr@mscd.edu http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/contact/faculty_staff.shtml | |
39. Teacher Education | Faculty & Staff Information Elementary education, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC Southeastern louisiana University, Hammond, LA Assistant Professor http://www.mscd.edu/~ted/dptinfo/faculty.shtml | |
40. Trelease Lectures, States I-M Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky louisiana Maine Maryland bullet Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2002 FergusonFlorissant Schools staff dev. Center, 1 pm http://www.trelease-on-reading.com/calendar_states_i_m.html | |
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