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21. Special Education Support Groups Families Helping Families of louisiana Families Helping Families of Federation for Children with special needs - A center for parents and parent http://www.teach-nology.com/teachers/special_ed/support/ | |
22. A Bad IDEA Seven years ago, my younger son was classified as learning disabled. Also,school officials can often exclude special-needs students from high-stakes http://www.connsensebulletin.com/badidea.html | |
23. LA ALLEN PARISH SCHOOL BOARD, Oberlin, Allen Parish, louisiana to the sparselypopulated rural community, could be brought to children with special needs. http://www.usda.gov/rus/dlt/la.htm | |
24. LATAN louisiana Speech Language and Hearing Association Homepage of louisiana s that enhances the quality and enjoyment of family life with special needs. http://www.latan.org/links/resources.html | |
25. Therapy/Respite Camps: Kids With Autism And Other Special Needs A page with information about summer camps for kids with special needs. Peterson s Guide to Summer Camps and their Guide to special schools. http://wmoore.net/therapy.html | |
26. The Math Forum - Math Library - Disabled/Challenged This page contains sites relating to disabled/Challenged. Publishers ofeducational software, focusing on special needs software for Windows and http://mathforum.org/library/ed_topics/contexts_disabled/ | |
27. Special Needs Info & Views (Susan Ohanian Speaks Out) special needs Info. So what if they are qualified as special Edthey can (See Disparately disabled. ) Onefifth of special education students spend http://susanohanian.org/show_special_info.html?id=13 |
28. Resources Renee s Communiqué s Information on kids with special needs XXYY or Klinefelter National Alliance of the disabled, Inc. - An online informational and http://www.trcd.org/services.htm | |
29. Louisiana Tech University - Office Of Disability Services::Student Rights And Re disabled students applying for admissions to louisiana Tech University However, in postsecondary schools, the students themselves must identify the need http://www.latech.edu/ods/student-rights2.shtml | |
30. Assistive And Adaptive Technology SNOW s sister site for special needs children and their teachers and parents . Computer Assistive Technology for People Who Are disabled. http://disability-resource.com/assist.html | |
31. St. Joseph Holds Special Mass For Families With Disabled Children The church needs to provide that service. Families with disabled children They are not able to attend St. Michael s special School because they cannot http://clarionherald.org/20041201/art004.htm | |
32. Bill Seeks Testing Help For Learning-disabled Students But adults can get frustrated when disabled students still can t reach grade The state currently tests special needs students with the LEAP Alternate http://www.shreveporttimes.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050607/NEWS01/506070 |
33. I Just Heard ~ Special-needs, Rumours ( And Rumors) And News About Special Needs increased the importance of the Pitt dental school s special needs clinic, MorrisSambur s vision is to train the disabled and special needs veterans http://www.ijustheard.com/daylist_html?year=2005&month=7&day=5&cat_id=30 |
34. Baton Rouge Parents Magazine Has a Family Advocate, a parent of a child with special needs, Transitionalservice for the learning disabled from school into the workplace and http://www.brparents.com/july052.asp | |
35. Baton Rouge Parents Magazine Finding the right school for a specialneeds student requires the parent to applythe The louisiana School for the Deaf (LSD) 2888 Brightside Drive http://www.brparents.com/july051.asp | |
36. LD OnLine - Headlines On Learning Disabilities Sometimes, the parents of special needs children can feel overwhelmed and School is enough to make one of her learning disabled fifthgrade students http://www.ldonline.org/article.php?max=20&skip=&special_grouping=&id=0&loc=92&s |
37. LD OnLine - Headlines On Learning Disabilities 10 A School s special needs by The Star-Ledger (New Jersey) - Ref 1388 - Posting 20 - Bill Seeks Testing Help for Learning-disabled Students by The http://www.ldonline.org/article.php?max=20&special_grouping=&start=101&end=120&i |
38. SpeechPathology.com: Language Literacy Laboratory: A Collaborative Service Deliv Providing inclusive speechlanguage therapy services for special needs students In addition to collaboration at the school and district level, louisiana http://www.speechpathology.com/articles/arc_disp.asp?id=77 |
39. VITA louisiana Department of Education, Office of special Education Services. Grant to develop a systems change model to address transition needs for http://www.selu.edu/Academics/Faculty/scarr/VITA.html | |
40. Advisory Committee and conducted numerous conferences for Indian families with special needs . Guy Leefe is an attorney in private practice in New Orleans, louisiana. http://www.familysupport-hsri.org/about/advisory.html | |
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