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41. HIA Contacts Univ. of Arkansas Cooperative ext. service 2301 S. University Ave. PO Box 391 louisiana State University CES PO Box 25100 Baton Rouge, LA 70894-5100 http://www.montana.edu/wwwcxair/contacts.htm | |
42. PCA Alien Plant Working Group - Japanese Knotweed (Polygonum Cuspidatum) Jil M. Swearingen, US National Park service, Washington, DC. PHOTOGRAPHS PM Iowa State Univ. Science Technol. Ames. coop. ext. Serv. 762, 2. http://www.nps.gov/plants/alien/fact/pocu1.htm | |
43. State Coordinators Univ. of Nevada, Reno coop. ext. 2345 Red Rock Street, Suite 100 Of Vermontext. service 157 Old Guildford Road, 4 Brattleboro, VT. 05301 http://mastergardener.osu.edu/img/coordinators.html | |
44. S-290 Regional Project Food Resource Economics, coop. ext. Serv., Institute of Food Agricultural 1, Food Resource Economics Department, cooperative extension service, http://www.s290.org/Publications1996.html | |
45. Background Materials Backyard Bird Feeding. Bird Fact Sheets Cornell coop. ext. Services Common Birdsof louisiana By louisiana Dept. of Wildlife and Fisheries http://www.partnersinflight.org/birdbib/backgr.htm | |
46. Parental Stress Center louisiana. louisiana Cooperative extension service Virginia Cooperativeextension. Contact http//www.ext.vt.edu/. WASHINGTON, DC http://pscfamily.net/resources/national_resources.php | |
47. Interregional Research Project #4 louisiana State Univ. Plant Path and Crop Physiology 302 Life Science Building Cooperative ext. service 2221 E. Northern Lights Blvd. Suite 118 http://ir4.rutgers.edu/Cindex.cfm?nd=nd&letter=V |
48. 2005 ESP Chapter Presidents Delaware SUSAN TRUEHARTGAREY coop ext 69 Transportation Circle Dover, Director Purdue cooperative extension service 228 Second Street Aurora, http://espnational.org/chptpres.htm | |
49. Directory Of Entomology Departments And Institutes: USA Alabama cooperative extension service Auburn University 206 extension Hall Website http//zorba.uafadm.alaska.edu/coopext/index.html http://www.sciref.org/links/EntDept/UA.htm | |
50. Pricing Texas, North Carolina, Mississippi, louisiana, South Carolina, and some otherstates have Pricing for services. Wyo. coop. ext. Serv., Laramie. 12 p. http://uwadmnweb.uwyo.edu/RanchRecr/handbook/pricing.htm | |
51. AIAEE Conference Research Papers And Authors, 2003 Cooperative ext. service, U. of Georgia, USA Center, louisiana State Univ., USASchool of Human Resource Educ., LSU, USA LSU Agric. http://www.aiaee.org/2003/papers.htm | |
52. NEAFCS - External Marketing Task Force louisiana State Univ cooperative extension Svc 402 West 5th St PO Box 429 Email bsherman@coop.ext.colostate.edu. Member (Term Ends 9/2005) http://www.neafcs.org/comm.asp?C=89&CT=2 |
53. CSREES FSNE Web Site State EFNEP/FSNEP Coordinator, Univ. of Arizona, coop. ext., Dept. Nutr. Sci EFNEP/FSNEP Coordinator, Virginia Tech cooperative extension service http://www.csrees-fsnep.org/per_list.cfm | |
54. Appendix - The Southern Pine Beetle Insects associated with the southern pine beetle in Texas, louisiana, and Mississippi . ext. service, Raleigh, NC; KM Swain, S PF Atlanta, GA; JE Coster, http://www.barkbeetles.org/spb/spbbook/Appendix.html | |
55. League Service Corporations 6422 (Mark) Fax 469385-6505 e-mail thodge@tcul.org mchatfield@tcul.coop louisiana Credit Union Services, Inc. 824 Elmwood Park Boulevard, Ste. 200 http://www.cuna.org/cuna/lsc_roster.html | |
56. SKY SCANNER National Weather Service Forecast Office Aberdeen Codington Apr 20 200 PM Watertown coop ext Svc Dave Schaefer 8826272 (April 9 - 15) is a chance for the National Weather service (NWS) to single out http://www.crh.noaa.gov/abr/skyscanner/ss_apr00.htm | |
57. E-Extension Collaboratory Director, cooperative extension service. University of Arizona Fax (970)4913722. E-Mail RWILLSON@coop.ext.COLOSTATE.EDU. CRAIG WOOD http://adec.unl.edu:8080/e-extension/thinktank | |
58. Florist New Haven Connecticut, Connecticut Agric., coop. ext. Serv. S544.3.N3C66 ISSN 08951985 Reno, Nev. The College.Fact sheet - cooperative extension service, University of Maryland Fact sheet http://creekin.net/k19675-n210-florist-new-haven-connecticut-connecticut.html | |
59. School Nutrition Program Resources, Other Resources - Massachusetts Department O Cardiovascular, Wellness Nutritionists) UA coop ext.Nutrition Wellness (FNIC) cooperative State Research Education extension service Home Page http://www.doe.mass.edu/cnp/links/other.html | |
60. Invasive Species In The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Workshop - Nutria Prevention and cCntrol of Wildlife Damage, coop. ext. Serv., University of United States Fish and Wildlife service Chesapeake Bay Nutria Control http://www.mdsg.umd.edu/exotics/workshop/nutria.html | |
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