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61. Alternate Teacher Certification Programs - Louisiana Department Of Education Providing alternative Paths to Teacher Certification The louisiana alternative Certification Program provides opportunities for individuals with http://www.louisianaschools.net/lde/tsac/614.html | |
62. Press Releases - Louisiana Department Of Education Post Office Box 94064 Baton Rouge, louisiana 708049064 1-877-453-2721 Fax (225) 342-0193 denotes alternative school. ** indicates a closed school. http://www.louisianaschools.net/lde/comm/pr.asp?PR=625 |
63. National Center For Alternative Certification Each school district must offer a competencybased alternative certification Name of Program, louisiana alternative Teacher Certification Program http://www.teach-now.org/frmprogramrequirements2.asp | |
64. Welcome To PASS-PORT louisiana Council for Professional Education Administrators An alternative school within a school A case study on meeting motivational, curricula, http://ulm.pass-port.org/main/facultyDetails.asp?ID=21223 |
65. LSU AgCenter News - Youth Financial Summit Stimulates, Motivates Educators - 07- Turner joined about 100 louisiana school teachers and others who work with a free enterprise teacher at Valley Park alternative School in Baton Rouge, http://wwwsrch2.doa.state.la.us/news/submitArticles/200519A607188/200519A607188Y | |
66. Alternative Boarding Schools | Evangeline Christian Home For Girls Evangeline Christian Home is a residential alternative boarding school program designed to help deal with behavior problems, drug or alcohol abuse, http://www.evangelhouse.com/prod02.htm | |
67. Evangeline Christian Home For Girls - Christian Alternative Boarding School residential treatments and a Christian alternative boarding school. to learn how our alternative Boarding schools can help troubled teen girls ages http://www.evangelhouse.com/ | |
68. Vocabulary.com -- VOCAB U. Participants From Louisiana Registrants from louisiana include. Abbeville High School, Abbevilles Pineville; Rayne Catholic, Rayne; Red River Parish alternative School, Coushatta http://www.vocabulary.com/VUstate_louisiana.html | |
69. Alternative Schools - Private Boarding Schools alternative schools â These schools are not just training grounds for the armed forces but also in many other fields. http://www.militaryschooloptions.com/education.html | |
70. End Zero Tolerance..::.. Putting The Spotlight On Zero Tolerance WEST S louisiana STATUTES ANNOTATED louisiana REVISED STATUTES TITLE 17. EDUCATION CHAPTER 2. (ee) Assignment to an alternative school. http://www.jlc.org/EZT/StateLaws/Louisiana.htm | |
71. Louisiana Induction; Professional Development; Title II / TQ Efforts; louisiana Web Links To accomplish this goal, louisiana redesigned its alternative http://www.teachingquality.org/policy/states/louisiana.htm | |
72. Houma, Louisiana Detailed Profile - Travel And Real Estate Info, Jobs, Hotels, H TERREBONNE PARISH alternative SCHOOL (Students 23; Location 609 EAST STREET Ellender High School contains grades 912. Houma compared to louisiana http://www.city-data.com/city/Houma-Louisiana.html | |
73. Tallulah, Louisiana Detailed Profile - Travel And Real Estate Info, Jobs, Hotels Profiles Tallulah, Madison County, louisiana local houses, apartments, CHRISTIAN ACRES alternative SCHOOL (Students 91; Location 507 BAYOU DRIVE; http://www.city-data.com/city/Tallulah-Louisiana.html | |
74. Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge Student Resource Webpage For The Depart The Department of Curriculum Instruction at louisiana State University has named it an Exemplary AtRisk/alternative School and Community Program. http://asterix.ednet.lsu.edu/~edciweb/Programs/res_indx.html | |
75. Grants And Special Projects Of The Department Of Curriculum & Instruction, LSU In an attempt to assist louisiana children in overcoming obstacles to their named it an Exemplary AtRisk/alternative School and Community Program. http://asterix.ednet.lsu.edu/~edciweb/Programs/cigrantsx.html | |
76. Louisiana louisiana does not provide state funds for schoolrelated HIV, STD, to provide alternative programs for those students who cannot attend school. http://www.nasbe.org/HealthySchools/States/Louisiana.html | |
77. Ascension Alternative School High School Alumni Classmates @ Reunion Ascension alternative School High School Alumni Class Reunions @ Reunion.com Register Free Today to view your high school alumni class list at Reunion.com http://static.reunion.com/us/louisiana/darrow/ascensionalternativeschool/ | |
78. West Monroe Alternative School High School Alumni Classmates @ Reunion West Monroe alternative School High School Alumni Class Reunions @ Reunion.com Register Free Today to view your high school alumni class list at http://static.reunion.com/us/louisiana/westmonroe/westmonroealternativeschool/ | |
80. University Of Phoenix Louisiana, University School Information University of Phoenix, University in louisiana School Information. University of Pheonix. University of Phoenix louisiana Community College alternative http://phoenix.19gi.com/campus/Louisiana/schoolinformation.php | |
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