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81. Oxford University Press: A Study Of Logics: John P. Cleave A Study of logics. John P. Cleave. bookshot Add to Cart. 0198532113, hardback,432 pages The philosophy of Mathematics. by WD Hart $26.95 paper In Stock http://www.oup.com/us/catalog/general/subject/Philosophy/LogicMathematics/Critic | |
82. OUP: Algebraic Methods In Philosophical Logic: Dunn logics are considered in various senses eg systems of theorems, Undergraduatesof logics in Mathematics, philosophy, Computer Science and Linguistics. http://www.oup.co.uk/isbn/0-19-853192-3 | |
83. Center For Logic, Epistemology And The History Of The Science - CLE Model and Proof Theory of NonClassical logics; Algebraic Aspects of Non-Classicallogics; Computability Theory; Foundations of Set Theory; philosophy of http://www.cle.unicamp.br/english/page_ing.htm | |
84. Philosophy, Probability, And Modeling - A Research Group At The University Of Ko He has published numerous papers on epistemology, philosophy of science,philosophical logics, philosophy of language, philosophy of mind, decision and game http://www.uni-konstanz.de/ppm/summerschool2003/lecturers.htm | |
85. Mark Jago In 2002 I won the Lumsden Memorial Essay Prize (Department of philosophy, Universityof Timed Reasoning logics (with Natasha Alechina and Brian Logan) http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~mtw/ | |
86. Wisconsin Philosophy Faculty Research interests in nonstandard logics and history of analytic philosophy, on non-standard logics and on Russell s work in logic and philosophy. http://philosophy.wisc.edu/people/ | |
87. Philosophy Department - UAF Emeritus Professor of philosophy Humanities; special interests in Easternphilosophy, Comparative Religions, Comparative logics. Dr. David Bantz http://www.uaf.edu/philo/ | |
88. PPP - Seminars, Conferences And Meetings The Legacy logics, philosophy and Ethics Torun, 2728 IV 1999 Org. prof. W.Tyburski and prof. R. Wisniewski. 11th International Congress of Logic, http://www.fmag.unict.it/~polphil/PolPhil/Semin.html | |
89. Department Of Philosophy ::: Dr. Susan Haack Haack s philosophy of logics was published in Brazil in fall 2002, and the Chineseedition in Beijing in summer 2003. Her most recent book, http://www.miami.edu/phi/haack/ | |
90. Faculty Of Arts: Postgraduate and indefiniteness; deviant logics. philosophy of Mind and Action The Masterof Arts (Applied Ethics) is a course in applied philosophy, http://www.uow.edu.au/handbook/yr2000/dept_ArtPgPhil.html | |
91. NOVARONED of logic (for non inferential knowledge, non-classical propositional logics),philosophy of science, philosophy of mathematics and computer science. http://www.univaq.it/diri/riuman/novanored.htm | |
92. The KLI Theory Lab - Epistemology, Philosophy Of Science etc. in particular; philosophy of mathematics; logic, philosophy of logic,and all kinds of philosophical logics; philosophy of language; ontology, http://www.kli.ac.at/theorylab/Areas/EPPS.html | |
93. CV Nonclassical logics (primarily modal and tense logics); philosophy of mathematics;philosophy of language; philosophy of science. Education http://www.ellipsis.cx/~liana/cv.html | |
94. SCIENCE A N D PHILOSOPHY AND EMANCIPATION of Formal logics, Dialectics, of the gaping abyss of nothingness, and of thealienating, religious 1962 where he studied Political Science, philosophy http://www.franzjutta.org/ | |
95. EpistemeLinks.com: Journals For Analytic Philosophy Journal search results for Analytic philosophy. and all kinds of philosophicallogics, philosophy of language, Ontology, metaphysics, theory of truth, http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Journals.aspx?Format=Both&TopiCode=Anal |
96. Graduate Courses, Philosophy, McMaster University philosophy 760, Selected Topics in Logic the Theory of Argumentation ModalLogics and philosophy, Dr. David Hitchcock. philosophy 763, Selected Topics in http://www.humanities.mcmaster.ca/~philos/gradcourses.html | |
97. Faculty Of Philosophy: Part IB Paper 2 P. Engel, The Norm of Truth (Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991) S. Haack, philosophy ofLogics (CUP, 1978) RM Sainsbury, Logical Forms (Oxford Blackwell, 1991) http://www.phil.cam.ac.uk/u_grads/Tripos/Logic/Course_Outline/IB_P_2_03Logic.htm | |
98. Department Of Philosophy His principal research interests are in the algebraic treatment of nonclassicallogics, metaphysics, philosophy of mathematics, philosophy of language, http://www.indiana.edu/~phil/faculty.shtml | |
99. WoPaLo - Workshop On Paraconsistent Logic - ESSLLI 2002 Workshop in Paraconsistent Logic, part of the 14th European Summer School inLogic, Language and Information. Trento, Italy; 59 August 2002. http://logica.rug.ac.be/WoPaLo/ | |
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