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61. ¶Ã¼y©ú µÃ§@¥ÿý logics;. philosophy of Logic;. philosophy of Language. National Taiwan University.logics;. philosophy of the Book of Change; http://www.fgu.edu.tw/~philosophy/English/teacher.htm | |
62. Facultad De FilosofÃa Y Letras - Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina In 1959, the School created a Department of logics and philosophy of Sciences,and Professor Moreno was also appointed Head of such Department. http://www2.uca.edu.ar/esp/sec-ffilosofia/eng/page.php?subsec=institucional |
63. Peter Lang Publishing, Inc. NORTH AMERICA - An Introduction To This book gives an overview of paraconsistent logics  that is logics The Author Manuel Bremer teaches philosophy at the University of Düsseldorf. http://commerce.peterlangusa.com/genBook.asp?CategoryName=Philosophy&CategoryTyp |
64. Book Reviews By Stephen Read S. Haack, philosophy of logics, Cambridge UP, 1978 Philosophical Books, 20 (1979),pp. 13840. E. Saarinen, Game-Theoretical Semantics, Reidel, http://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/~slr/reviews.html | |
65. UC Davis Catalog 97-8/Philosophy including manyvalued logics, intuitionist logics, relevance logics, andnon-monotonic logics. *137. philosophy of Language (4) King http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/UCDWebCatalog97_98/WebCatCrs/gc_phi.htm | |
66. UC Davis Catalog 1999-2000/Philsophy philosophy addresses problems and questions that arise in all areas of humanthought and and nonmonotonic logics. *137. philosophy of Language (4) King http://registrar.ucdavis.edu/UCDWebCatalog99_00/WebCatCrs/gc_phi.htm | |
67. Construcción De Web Page Non Classical logics Many Valued / Paraconsistent; philosophy of Logic.Fuzziness and the Sorites Paradox. Ontology; Epistemology, philosophy of Science http://rai.ucuenca.edu.ec/profesores/m-vasconez/links.html | |
68. Staffs In Faculty Of Letters NAKATOGAWA, Koji, Professor, S203, M.Math., D.Litt., logics, philosophy of logics Research Group of RELIGIOUS STUDIES AND INDIAN philosophy http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/letters/english/staffs_e.html | |
69. PHILOSOPHY Introduction to philosophy, Historical Outline of Western philosophy, philosophy,History of Social Thoughts, logics, Seminar in philosophy. http://www.hokudai.ac.jp/catalog/02-03/f_g/03_01/03_01_01_029-030.html | |
70. INIST-CNRS: FRANCIS Database, Philosophy File aesthetics, philosophy of culture, philosophy of education, logics, philosophyof language, philosophy of science, epistemology, knowledge theory. http://www.inist.fr/en/PRODUITS/philo.php | |
71. IHPST - Philosophy - Logic And Language philosophy of logic (substructural logics and antirealism, logical constants,games and norms, etc). 7. The logical analysis of contextual phenomena in http://www-ihpst.univ-paris1.fr/rub.php?lng=en&cat=_philo&rub=r01&srub=02&ssrub= |
72. PHILOSOPHY 3351 Social and Political philosophy and 3352 Ethical Theory Some attentionto connections between these logics and topics in philosophy, http://www.trinity.edu/departments/academic_affairs/course_catalogue/pages/philo | |
73. Department Of Philosophy NonClassical logics, Logic Applied to Information and Computation, flow theoryand its applications to philosophy, modal logics and their applications, http://www.indiana.edu/~phil/grads.html | |
74. Course 24: Linguistics And Philosophy Introduction to the problems of philosophy, in particular, Tense and dynamiclogics, epistemic logics, as well as logics of necessity and possibility. http://student.mit.edu/catalog/m24a.html | |
75. Vrije Universiteit Brussel Titel The relevance of nonclassical logics for the philosophy of science, Keywords philosophy of logic, non-classical logics, philosophy of language http://rd-ir.vub.ac.be/vademecum/project/FWOAL223.html |
76. Variable Content Undergrad Courses - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Al We will look at free logics (in an attempt to eliminate the existence philosophy 443 17TH AND 18TH CENTURY BRITISH philosophy taught with PHIL 546, http://www.uofaweb.ualberta.ca/philosophy/nav04.cfm?nav04=12612&nav03=12338&nav0 |
77. School Of The Humanities School of the Humanities. Department of philosophy Western philosophy,philosophy of Science and Technology, philosophy of Religion, logics, Ethics http://www.fudan.edu.cn/english/about/dep/Undergraduate/Humanities4.html |
78. UniFI - Department Of Philosophy - Group In Logic And Philosophy Of Science Andrea Cantini (Professor) Proof theory and computability, modal logics, formaltheories of truth, philosophy of logic and mathematics, history of logic and http://www.philos.unifi.it/ricerca/logica_eng.htm | |
79. About Georgian Academy Of Sciences Department of Logic Nonclassical logics, especially Epistemic and DoxasticModal logics, Problems of philosophy and History of Logic. http://www.acnet.ge/phylos.htm | |
80. F O N D A Z I O N E R O S S E L L I Ethics and moral philosophy applied ethics, environment, bioethics. philosophyscience philosophy, logics, philosophy of the language, philosophy of the http://www.fondazionerosselli.it/User.it/index.php?PAGE=Sito_en/biblioteca |
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