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41. Philosophy philosophy and History of philosophy, philosophy of Science and Mathematics. philosophy in Cyberspace Logic/Science Pure and Applied logics at http://www.personal.kent.edu/~rmuhamma/Philosophy/philosophy.html | |
42. Richard Zach - Research Nonclassical logics. Parallel to my work in philosophy and proof theory, I havealso pursued research on several related areas in non-classical logic. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~rzach/research/ | |
43. Richard Zach - Curriculum Vitae His interests include philosophy of mathematics, history and philosophy of logic,theory of proofs, and nonclassical logics. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~rzach/cv.html | |
44. History And Philosophy Of Logic, Mathematics, And Science The History and philosophy of Logic, Mathematics, and Science Working Group As alternatives there are nonstandard systems called relevance logics or http://math.berkeley.edu/~jhafner/hplm/archive01-02.html | |
45. AJL: The Australasian Journal Of Logic as it is applied in mathematics, computer science, linguistics and philosophy . Constant Domain Quantified Modal logics Without Boolean Negation http://www.philosophy.unimelb.edu.au/ajl/ | |
46. AJL: Volume 2, 2004 In two early papers, Max Cresswell constructed two formal logics of propositional Copyright © 2004, philosophy Department, University of Melbourne. http://www.philosophy.unimelb.edu.au/ajl/2004/ | |
47. Deparment 0f Philosophy And Religion Topics from among such deviant logics as manyvalued and paradoxes,nontruth-functional logics, and issues in the philosophy of language and logic. http://camden-www.rutgers.edu/dept-pages/philosreligion/pages/courses/des_philo. | |
48. Logical Paradoxes [Internet Encyclopedia Of Philosophy] Haack, S. 1978, philosophy of logics, CUP, Cambridge. Hallett, M. 1984, CantorianSet Theory and Limitation of Size, Clarendon Press, Oxford. http://www.iep.utm.edu/p/par-log.htm | |
49. ÃÃîñòðà ÃÃûé îòäåë - Ãèëîñîôñêèé ôà êóëüòåò à in logics General logics, logics of Scientific Cognition, philosophy and philosophy of Religion; logics; Philosophic Problems of Natural Sciences http://www.philos.msu.ru/fac/dep/foreign/eng.html | |
50. CSUSB Philosophy / Students / UD Descriptions s of all philosophy courses are available in the Catalog. In thiscourse, we consider logics alternative to the classical approach,...... http://cal.csusb.edu/Depts/Philosophy/up_div.htm | |
51. Introduction Of Researcher Organizer, FoLLI Workshop on logics for Linguistics, philosophy, and CognitiveScience, Chiba University, 1996. Editorial Board, Linguistics and philosophy, http://research.nii.ac.jp/~kanazawa/official/content_e.html | |
52. Introduction Of Researcher state of the art in the logics of circularityÂ, 35th Conference of philosophy of FoLLI International Workshop on logics for Linguistics, philosophy, http://research.nii.ac.jp/~terui/official/content_e.html | |
53. Philosophy (b) philosophy 3 (or 6 if not used to satisfy requirements of the minor) the treatment of nondenoting terms in logics known as Âfree logicsÂ; http://www.dartmouth.edu/~reg/courses/desc/phil.html | |
54. Harrison And Pezzaglia, Philosophy, Mathematics And Formal Logics Textbook for philosophy 205, SFSU. (Fall 2004 Tuesdays 7945 pm, Humanities 381).Title philosophy, Mathematics and Formal logics http://www.clifford.org/wpezzag/book/logic/ | |
55. Practical Philosophy And Human Relations - Ca' Foscari philosophy and politics, aesthetics, logics and epistemology, philosophy and history and philosophy (4 credits), theory, logics and epistemology, http://www.unive.it/nqcontent.cfm?a_id=7834 |
56. Where Now? He is now a Professor of Formal logics and philosophy of Language at the Institutfür Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung, Universität Stuttgart. back to top http://www.ucl.ac.uk/philosophy/alumni_wherenow.htm | |
57. Johan Van Benthem : Current Teaching Activities with links to philosophy and linguistics. Week 6 Modal logics of Space. Guest speakerDarko Sarenac. See also this seminar page http://staff.science.uva.nl/~johan/169-2004.html | |
58. Articles: Alexandre Costa-Leite Proceedings of the Workshop on the combination of logics theory and unity/plurality of logics and mathematics , Department of philosophy and Department http://luna.unine.ch/alexandre.costa/articles.html | |
59. Erkenntnis These fields are epistemology - philosophy of science, foundations and philosophy of logic, and all kinds of philosophical logics - philosophy of http://gort.ucsd.edu/newjour/e/msg02816.html | |
60. Grattan-Guinness, I.: The Search For Mathematical Roots, 1870-1940: Logics, Set logics, Set Theories and the Foundations of Mathematics from Cantor through While many books have been written about Bertrand Russell s philosophy and http://www.pupress.princeton.edu/titles/7004.html | |
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