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21. Richard Zach - Associate Professor Of Philosophy - University Of Calgary University of Calgary Non-classical logics, proof theory, philosophy of mathematics, history and philosophy of logic. http://www.ucalgary.ca/~rzach/ | |
22. Pathways To Philosophical Logic And The Philosophy Of Logic philosophy of logics. Cambridge Cambridge University Press 1978. Modal logicsand philosophy. Montreal McGillQueen s University Press 2000. http://www.formalontology.it/pathways_logic.htm | |
23. Alternative Logics (from Logic, Philosophy Of) -- Encyclopædia Britannica Alternative logics (from logic, philosophy of) The natures of most of the socallednonclassical logics can be understood against the background of what has http://www.britannica.com/eb/article?tocId=36305 |
24. Otter And Mace Users propositional logics, philosophy. Albert C. Esterline , propositional logics,philosophy. Norbert E. Fuchs, University of Zurich http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/AR/otter/users.html | |
25. Post Message : Society Redefined : Into The Field: Methods And Methodology of several disciplines making conclusions/thinking is studied by psychology,logics, philosophy, methodology, phenomenology, and cognitive sciences. http://www.sociopranos.com/forums/thread-post.asp?Action=Reply&forumid=12&thread |
26. Logics And The Philosophy Of Language - Message Boards - ICQ.com Forums in logics and the philosophy of Language (total 3 topics). Frege,Gottlob@ (1). Grice, Herbert Paul@ (1). Wittgenstein, Ludwig@ (1) http://www.icq.com/boards/browse_folder.php?tid=9057 |
27. Logics And The Philosophy Of Language - ICQ Interest Groups - ICQ.com There are no groups in logics and the philosophy of Language at this time.If you would like to create a group for this category just click below. http://www.icq.com/groups/browse_folder.php?tid=9057 |
28. Pure And Applied Logic At CMU set theory, temporal and modal logics, theory of computing, type theory, Logic and philosophy Colloquium, Thursday, 430, BH A53 (refreshments at http://www-2.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs.cmu.edu/project/pal/www/pal.html | |
29. Histories, Logics And Politics: An Interview With Mark Bevir -- Stow 2 (2): 193 Journal of Moral philosophy, Vol. 2, No. 2, 193206 (2005) Histories, Logicsand Politics An Interview with Mark Bevir. Simon Stow http://mpj.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/2/2/193 | |
30. Ralph Dumain: "The Autodidact Project": Web Guide: Philosophy Of Paraconsistency philosophy of Paraconsistency Associated logics. General resources on the web.Stanford Encyclopedia of philosophy. Dialetheism Paraconsistent Logic http://www.autodidactproject.org/bib/paraconsistency.html | |
31. School Of Humanities | Prof Chris Mortensen relevant and modal logics, philosophy of logic, philosophy of mathematics,philosophy of physics, cognitive science, and metaphysics. http://www.arts.adelaide.edu.au/humanities/people/philosophy/cmortensen.html | |
32. Peter Suber, "Non-Standard Logics" The philosophy of logics. Cambridge University Press, 1981. Hintikka, Jaakko, Standardvs. Nonstandard Logic HigherOrder, Modal, and First-Order logics, http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/courses/logsys/nonstbib.htm | |
33. Buddhist Logics-The Philosophy Of Buddhism- Sanuja Senanayake S Attention In Buddhist logics and reasoning, the modern reader will find Another major point in Buddhist philosophy is reasoning(dependent origination). http://members.shaw.ca/sanuja/logic.html | |
34. Teaching Proposals In Philosophy Jacques Derrida is the Âbad boy of contemporary philosophy. His writing concernsitself with the deconstruction of the logics of Western philosophy. http://cafedifferance.haifa.ac.il/courseproposals.htm |
35. IWU Philosophy Courses of logic such as secondorder logics, modal logics, or many-valued logics . Prerequisite Prior completion of at least three courses in philosophy http://titan.iwu.edu/~philos/courses/1.htm | |
36. EpistemeLinks.com: Website Results For Logic And Philosophy Of Logic research interests include logics of practical reasoning,......General website search results for Logic and philosophy of Logic including brief http://www.epistemelinks.com/Main/Topics.aspx?TopiCode=Logi |
37. Mark Jago - Department Of Philosophy - University Of Nottingham In 2002 I won the Lumsden Memorial Essay Prize (Department of philosophy, I m currently writing two papers, provisionally entitled logics for http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/philosophy/staff/mark-jago.htm | |
38. Analytic PHL C. Cohen, Introduction to Logic; Haack, Susan, philosophy of logics; Forbes, Nolt, John, logics; Pospesel, Howard, Predicate Logic; Quine, WV, http://www.humboldt.edu/~mfg1/anaread.html | |
39. Consequently.org IÂve been invited to give a philosophy seminar at Nottingham on Wednesday Sara manages to get sequent systems for these logics too, by changing the http://consequently.org/ | |
40. [This Is Not The Real Writing Page, Which I Accidentally Deleted abstract; ÂSimplified Semantics for Relevant logics (and some of their rivals)Â to appear in the Handbook of the History and philosophy of Logic, http://consequently.org/writing/ | |
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