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81. ABA Division For Bar Services Association leaders believe the 1994 law encroaches on their right to lobby without It has had negligible effect on the amount of lobbying efforts or http://www.abanet.org/barserv/asaelobb.html | |
82. Marketers To Ask Feds To Quash California Anti-Spam Law talks to legislators and prepares clients for the law coming into effect, The ESPC, IAB and NAI are lobbying Congress to quickly pass one of two http://dc.internet.com/news/article.php/3096781 | |
83. ARNnet | Lobbying Heats Up Ahead Of Antipiracy Law Debate lobbying heats up ahead of antipiracy law debate you still are having a very negative effect on authors and musicians, she said. http://www.arnnet.com.au/index.php?id=338111264&fp=2&fpid=1 |
84. Fwd: The "ABC's" Of Lobbying -- Apu32.com At the risk of boring some of you, here are ABCs of lobbying for an President will have the temporary effect of law for the duration http://asiapacificuniverse.com/asia_pacific/messages7/160.html | |
85. NBER Papers In Law And Economics Judicial lobbying The Politics of Labor Law Constitutional Interpretation Property Tax Limitations and Mobility The Lockin Effect of California s http://www.nber.org/papersbyprog/LE.html | |
86. ASNE - DMV Data And Lobbying DMV DATA COULD BE LOST WITHOUT lobbying. Federal law, which gives states a chance to optout, severely restricts the information the press is able to obtain http://www.asne.org/kiosk/editor/june/niederpr.htm | |
87. Party Vote ACT 2005 // A C T - Health Dollars Spent Lobbying MPs a political campaign on MPs and through the media to effect a law change. That is money meant for health care  not lobbying MPs and writing letters http://www.act.org.nz/item.aspx/24783 | |
88. Social Studies/Civics - Essential Academic Learning Requirements 2.2 Understand the function and effect of law and explain how citizens can influence governments through voting, lobbying, protesting, revolution http://www.k12.wa.us/curriculumInstruct/SocStudies/civicsEALRs.aspx | |
89. The Newspaper And Media Industry S Lobbying For The Proposed The Newspaper and Media Industry s lobbying for the Proposed Federal Shield Law Shield law supporters also have the backing of a powerful labor union http://yubanet.com/artman/publish/printer_23443.shtml | |
90. GOVERNOR, SENATE MAJORITY LEADER, SPEAKER ANNOUNCE AGREEMENT ON LANDMARK ETHICS Omnibus lobbying Law Reform Act of 2005 The bill establishes an Advisory Council on Procurement lobbying to examine the effect of the new law and to http://www.state.ny.us/governor/press/year05/june21_3_05.htm | |
91. Stand Up For Equality and that therefore to declare this act to be irrevocable would be of no effect in law; yet we are free to declare, and do declare, that the rights http://standupforequality.org/ | |
92. RETANET | Legalizing Divorce In Chile CHILE DIVORCE LAW GOES INTO EFFECT, CREATING AVALANCHE OF REQUESTS . Chile put into effect its law allowing divorce, ending decades of legislative http://retanet.unm.edu/article.pl?sid=05/03/28/2015210&mode=flat&tid=20 |
93. Resurgence Issue 213 - REDESIGNING CORPORATE LAW By Robert Hinkley ThatÂs the effect the law has inside the corporation. Outside the corporation the effect is more devastating. It is the law that leads corporations to http://www.resurgence.org/resurgence/issues/hinkley213.htm | |
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