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41. CRS/LII Annotated Constitution First Amendment Other statutes and governmental programs affect lobbying and lobbying activities ÂFair and effective law enforcement aimed at providing security for the http://straylight.law.cornell.edu/anncon/html/amdt1cfrag8_user.html | |
42. JuneauEmpire.com State Regional Murkowski Signs Lobbying Bill A bill relaxing the state s lobbying laws by lengthening the amount of time some people could spend attempting The new law will take effect in 90 days. http://juneauempire.com/stories/061903/sta_leglobbying.shtml |
43. Wiley  - Publications & Events  September 2003 Election Law News. Alaska lobbying. Alaska recently enacted two new statutes that affect lobbyist registration and lobbyist gift rules. http://www.wrf.com/publication_newsletters.cfm?sp=newsletter&year=2003&ID=16&pub |
44. Delaware Public Integrity Commission Lobbying: HR 3 of State arrows Public Integrity Commission arrows lobbying arrows Related laws The effect of its passage does not go beyond the bounds and the http://www.state.de.us/pic/sections/lobbying/related/hr3.shtml | |
45. Corporate Friendly Laws, At The Expense Of Working Americans - Aug. 11, 2005 lobbying against America Corporate supremacist lobbyists control Congress, passing corporate friendly laws at your expense. August 11, 2005 641 PM EDT http://money.cnn.com/2005/08/11/commentary/dobbs/corporate_lobbying/ | |
46. Florida United Businesses Association- The Lobbying And Trade Association Repres NEW laws TAKE EFFECT THIS MONTH. Due to an overwhelming response to last monthÂs OneStop Permitting This new law, which takes effect October 1, 1999, http://fuba.org/fuba/letter/9910/newlaws.htm | |
47. Florida United Businesses Association- The Lobbying And Trade Association Repres NEW laws WILL TAKE EFFECT NEXT MONTH. Several new state laws will become effective on October 1, 1999. They include. Litigation Reform During the recent http://fuba.org/fuba/letter/9909/newlaws.htm | |
48. Washington College Of Law - Office Of Career Services A separate form of lobbying, called outside lobbying, seeks to affect the legislature or What Can You Do With a Law Degree? A Lawyer s Guide to Career http://www.wcl.american.edu/ocs/government/lobbying.cfm | |
49. Group Wants To Put Teeth In Lobbying Law - Capital News Online A coalition of citizens groups wants tougher laws for lobbying. The law, which came into effect in 1989, requires people who try to influence the http://temagami.carleton.ca/jmc/cnews/03112000/n2.htm | |
50. UCLA International Institute :: The Business Of Lobbying In China The illustrate how lobbying works in China, Professor Kennedy discussed what he Policies that affect just one firm and are very informal such as the http://www.international.ucla.edu/article.asp?parentid=23249 |
51. New Campaigns Against Joffe And Mental Capacity Bills Home lobbying Alerts New campaigns against Joffe and mental capacity bills Clause 58, which states that nothing in the Bill will affect the law http://www.spuc.org.uk/lobbying/alerts/20040719 | |
52. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, they would have had the effect and status of ordinary laws in every respect. Footnote 7 Petitioners Cammarano suggest that in fact lobbying was http://caselaw.lp.findlaw.com/cgi-bin/getcase.pl?navby=volpage&court=us&vol=358& |
53. RBCC Lobbying - (E) Tax Forum - Comments On Tax Law & Administration If a country has clear, precise, well administered laws achieving the to act as independent consultant to a group lobbying on the taxation of banks. http://www.rbcc.co.uk/lobby/tax_forum.htm | |
54. McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton | Practices > Lobbying Services For further information on any of our lobbying services, contact Gregory Smith at (603) 2304401 or Regulations have the same impact and effect as law. http://www.mclane.com/practices/lobbying.html | |
55. NEW YORK STATE COMMISSION ON LOBBYING -- 2005 LEGISLATIVE RECOMMENDATIONS the force and effect of law or the outcome of any ratemaking proceeding by a lobbying Contracts. The present law requires lobbyists to attach their http://www.nylobby.state.ny.us/annreport/05legrec.html | |
56. Lobbying Disclosure Act Of 1995 Takes Effect The lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 became effective January 1, 1996, not be required to register if lobbying expenditures computed under the tax law do http://www.kdv.com/nonprofit-articles/1995.html | |
57. Lobbying - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia And lobbying firms and trade groups were leery of hiring former members of about 100 law firms in Belgium specializing in Community law and many more in http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lobbying | |
58. Senate Approves Lobbying Accountability Act The lobbying Accountability Act would shed more light on the scope and nature of This rule remains the only lobbyist disclosure requirement in effect. http://robbins.pasenategop.com/2005-press/042005-lobbying.htm | |
59. Idealist FAQ Basic Information About the 1976 Law Governing lobbying by Charities The 1976 law is clear regarding what constitutes lobbying by charities. http://www.nonprofits.org/npofaq/16/34.html | |
60. Lobbying Legislation enacting the New York State lobbying Act was signed by of any rule or regulation having the force and effect of law or the outcome of any http://www.brockport.edu/govrel/lobbying | |
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