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21. FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS ABOUT LOBBYING AND CILS remainder of this FAQ, there may be other federal, state, or local laws or regulations How does the lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 affect centers? http://www.ilru.org/html/publications/readings_in_IL/lobbying.html | |
22. FAQ About Lobbying And CILs state, or local laws or regulations which affect the lobbying activities of a center. How does the lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995 affect centers? http://www.ilru.org/html/publications/faqs/ilnet_lobbying97.htm |
23. JS Online: Bankruptcy Laws May Be Tightening The Bankruptcy Coalition, a lobbying group that includes JPMorgan Chase, The new law, they said, would mostly affect struggling middleincome families. http://www.jsonline.com/bym/news/jan05/288766.asp | |
24. TCA Tool-Kit: Advocacy lobbying is a form of advocacy that focuses on changing laws that affect individuals lives and issues communities care about. lobbying is an appropriate http://www.arts.state.tx.us/toolkit/advocacy/lobbying.asp | |
25. CFA Legislative Group: Unraveling The Mysteries Of Grass Roots Lobbying Grass roots lobbying is the foundation of the American political system. involved with rabies control, or other state laws that might affect breeders. http://www.cfa.org/articles/legislative/grass-roots-lobbying.html | |
26. New York State Lobbying Act ( lobbying Act created by Chapter 2 of the laws of 1999, This act shall take effect immediately and shall be deemed in full force and effect on and http://www.nylobby.state.ny.us/lobbying.html | |
27. New Ethics Law Not Expected To Affect Lobbying The State Journal has identified 11 lobbyists whose peers, legislators and others believe are the most effective when it comes to influencing state http://www.statejournal.com/story.cfm?func=viewstory&storyid=682 |
28. New Lobbying Disclosure Law Will Affect Emory Lobbyists New lobbying disclosure law will affect Emory lobbyists 1 that affect not only activities construed as lobbying, but also gifts, meals, http://www.emory.edu/EMORY_REPORT/erarchive/1996/April/ERapril.15/4_15_96new_lob | |
29. CLPI: Community Foundations: Lobbying And Public Policy Participation lobbying is defined by federal tax law is any attempt to influence specific legislation. Foundations and lobbying Safe Ways to affect Public Policy, http://www.clpi.org/community_foundations.html | |
30. CLPI: IMPORTANT EXCLUSIONS FROM LOBBYING UNDER THE 1976 LAW Exclusions from lobbying. Critical to the 1976 law are the provisions declaring public) on matters that may affect the organization s own existence, http://www.clpi.org/not_lobbying.html | |
31. Lobbying And Political Activity By Tax-Exempt Organizations Violation of the laws and regulations controlling lobbying and political If an election for a tax year is in effect for an organization and that http://www.muridae.com/nporegulation/lobbying.html | |
32. Idealist FAQ If you do lobbying but don t elect to be subject to the 1976 law, Electing to come under the 1976 law does not affect a charity s tax exempt status. http://www.nonprofits.org/npofaq/16/20.html | |
33. FNC | Legal Brief In considering the tax law definition of lobbying, it is important to ÂExcerpted from Foundations and lobbying Safe Ways to affect Public Policy, http://www.foundationnews.org/CME/article.cfm?ID=2454&authByte=63927&profileID= |
34. Donors Forum: Can I Lobby? Electing to come under the 1976 law does not affect an organization s tax The 1976 law is clear regarding what constitutes lobbying by nonprofits. http://www.donorsforum.org/policy/np_lobby.html | |
35. Lobbying By The Law - 2001-04-30 lobbying by the law. It s definitely not business as usual in Annapolis no one knows how the rules will affect the business of influencing government. http://www.bizjournals.com/baltimore/stories/2001/04/30/focus1.html | |
36. Legislative Branch Lobbying Legislature and laws. Chapter 1. Legislature. Part III. lobbying. § 50. Purpose 1181, §5, relative to remedial nature and retroactive effect. http://www.ethics.state.la.us/laws/lobbylaw.htm | |
37. IGDA - Anti-Censorship - Lobbying The IGDA advocates for the rights of game developers by lobbying was awarded and new laws to regulate games were prevented from going into effect. http://www.igda.org/censorship/lobbying.php | |
38. S.C. Code Of Laws Title 2 Chapter 17 Lobbyists And Lobbying - Www.scstatehouse.n (2) the total expenditures of the lobbyist for lobbying. The suspension shall remain in effect until the lobbyist is acquitted, the charge is dismissed, http://www.scstatehouse.net/code/t02c017.htm |
39. PETA UK > Media Centre : Factsheets:Lobbying: Laying Down The Law lobbying Laying Down the Law. Efforts to create new legislation are an Explain how the bill will positively affect the legislatorÂs constituents. http://www.peta.org.uk/factsheet/files/FactsheetDisplay.asp?ID=193 |
40. Directive On Takeover Bids.Lobbying On European Law. 13th Company Law European Directive on Takeover bids. Overview. On the contrary, the proposed Directive specifically provides that it Âdoes not affect http://www.tob-eur-opa.com/legislation/european/directive/questions.html | |
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