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61. Cyclura.com :: Reptile Information Like other iguanids, lizards in the genus Cyclura are herbivorous endangered,with some considered the most endangered species of lizards in the world. http://www.cyclura.com/index.php?module=ContentExpress&func=display&ceid=5 |
62. Endangered Species Of Hawaii - Rainbow Lizards International. Rainbow lizards are loveable characters that tell about the myths and legends ofthe beautiful Hawaiian Islands through the original art of Stan Cowley. http://www.rainbowlizards.org/hawaiian_endangered_species.html | |
63. Frogweb: U.S., Canadian, And North American Amphibian Species Identification Gui Subject Reptiles, Snakes, Species of special concern, Turtles, Introduced animals,lizards, endangered animals, Endemic animals, Frogs, Herpetofauna, http://frogweb.nbii.gov/speciesid/identificationguides.asp | |
64. Mrs. Abernethy's Reading Rabbits Mrs. Abernethy s Learning lizards The following webquests include the studyof endangered animals endangered Species Webquest Congratulations! http://www.myschoolonline.com/page/0,1871,40458-119504-44-41339,00.html | |
65. Who's Watching Out For Endangered Species? as lizardsand talking about ways to help Missouri s endangered species.We had the opportunity to interview Amy Salveter, who is the endangered species http://www.conservation.state.mo.us/kids/out-in/1998/4/3.html | |
66. International Trade In Endangered Species The Convention on International Trade in endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Examples of Appendix II species include all chameleons, tegu lizards, http://www.ec.gc.ca/press/wappa_b_e.htm | |
67. Earth & Sky : EarthCare Stories And much of them are really endangered because they almost always occur in forests, including the small lizards, really is endangered and probably will http://www.earthsky.com/shows/earthcare/showsmore.php?t=20020310&s=s&h=Animals |
68. EarthTrends: Feature - Endangered Species: Traded To Death A majority of some animals, like primates and live lizards, are raised in There are currently 97 species listed as threatened or endangered in CITES for http://earthtrends.wri.org/features/view_feature.cfm?theme=7&fid=25 |
69. Endangered Species Bulletin: Regional News & Recovery Updates Although this species is not endangered, the endangered brown pelican (Pelecanus mourning doves (Zenaida macroura), lizards (Cnemidophorua spp. http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0ASV/is_4_23/ai_54023111 | |
70. IcNorthWales - Lizard Lounge Set Up For Endangered Species SAND lizards yesterday were back sunning themselves in the wild in North Walesyesterday. Latest news headlines daily from Wales and North Wales from http://icnorthwales.icnetwork.co.uk/news/regionalnews/tm_objectid=14626132&metho | |
71. EPA: Federal Register: Endangered And Threatened Wildlife And Plants, Notice Of the flat tailed horned lizard, pursuant to the endangered Species Act of 1973, It is distinguished from other horned lizards in its range by a dark http://www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-SPECIES/2001/December/Day-26/e31734.htm | |
72. IALC: IALC: Projects & Researchers: Project Number Search Effects of Habitat Fragmentation and Patch Alteration on Desert lizards for the conservation of the endangered lizard, Acanthodactylus beershebensis. http://alic.arid.arizona.edu/ialc/ialc4.asp?proj=97R-15 |
73. [India-ej] Illegal Lizard Skin Business Flourishes In Orissa Due to their endangered status, the lizards have also been listed under the RedData Book to Appendix I of the Convention for International Trade in http://puggy.symonds.net/pipermail/india-ej/2004-February/001174.html | |
74. Smallest Known Lizard Found In Caribbean The researchers collected eight of the lizards for further study. Because itshabitat is remote, S. ariasae is not currently endangered. http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2001/12/1203_TVtinylizard_2.html | |
75. Endangered Species Why is the Coachella Valley fringetoed lizard endangered? The Coachella Valleyfringe-toed lizard is threatened by a continual loss of habitat from human http://www.fws.gov/pacific/saltonsea/Coachella/CV_endspecies.html | |
76. Animal Fact Sheets Legless lizards belong to the family Anguidae, a family of around 80 species European legless lizards, also called glass lizards, range from the Balkans http://www.zoo.org/educate/fact_sheets/day/legless.htm | |
77. Animal Fact Sheets These giant lizards belong to the family Varanidae, which includes 52 species Varanus includes very tiny lizards only a few inches long to the immense http://www.zoo.org/educate/fact_sheets/kom_dragon/komodo.htm | |
78. Slender Glass Lizard The slender glass lizard was placed on the Wisconsin endangered and ThreatenedSpecies List in 1979 due to its reduced range and numbers. http://www.dnr.state.wi.us/org/land/er/factsheets/herps/Slnliz.htm | |
79. Earlham -- Biological Diversity -- St. Croix Ground Lizard The St. Croix Lizard was designated as endangered by the endangered FederalRegister, June 3, 1977 (endangered, 1996). The United States Federal Wildlife http://www.earlham.edu/~forbero/stcroix.htm | |
80. Earlham -- Biological Diversity -- The Common Basilisk Lizard is currently not an endangered species on any of theconservation lists such as International Union for Conservation of Nature http://www.earlham.edu/~washiti/basilisklizard.htm | |
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