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41. MARKETING SASKATCHEWAN SPECIALTY LIVESTOCK MARKET RESEARCH AND ANALYSIS FOR THE SPECIALIZED livestock INDUSTRIES http//www.agric.za/oudts/ Oudtshoorn Experimental Farm http://www.agr.gov.sk.ca/afif/Projects/96000322/default.htm | |
42. Estrogen Mimics (Alan "Uncle Al" Schwartz; Bruce Hamilton; Oz; Torsten Brinch; T For breeding livestock this diet would be considered hazardous if a high fertility From Oz Oz@upthorpe.demon.co.uk Newsgroups misc.education.science http://yarchive.net/env/estrogen_mimics.html | |
43. Publication List EJ Acta agric. Scand. Sect. A. , Animal Sci. 45, pp. 266275. Animal Behavior and the Design of livestock and Poultry Systems International Conference. http://www.jbs.agrsci.dk/~ejo/publ.htm | |
44. PROJECT ID 1000337, 1836 Marginal agric Land. 1000347, 1532 Mole Crickets on Turf 1000436, 8177 livestock Arena. 1000437, 8188 Random Matching http://www.clemson.edu/cubs/chart/10.htm | |
45. PROJECT ID 2300118, 0302 Eckerd Family Youth alt. 2300119, 0303 EFT (SC Loan Corp) 2300602, A0399 CALL ME MISTER/misc. 2300603, Carolina Children s Garden http://www.clemson.edu/cubs/chart/23.htm | |
46. Journal Of Avian Medicine And Surgery Instructions To Authors The alanine aminotransferase alt. analysis of variance ANOVA agriculture agric. America Am. Annals Ann. Annual Annu. Association Assoc. British Br http://www.aav.org/Inst2AuthorsJAMS.htm | |
47. Sonomic: Samples, Sound Effects And Multi-Samples Download Animals Farm Animals Cows/Cattle Sound Effects Helicopters Sound Effects Transportation misc Transportation Sound containing the word alt Sound Effects http://sonomic.com/index.html | |
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49. Illinois General Assembly HB141 Rich Brauer, $DEPT agricFOOD AG RESEARCH HB1441 Mark H. Beaubien, Jr. PBLC BLDG COMMISSION alt BONDS, H, Tabled By Sponsor Rep. http://www.ilga.gov/house/RepBills.asp?MemberID=1041 |
50. OCFO 2003-001 Attachment 2531, REPR alt OR MAINT MOTOR VEH. Y. 2532, REPR alt OR MAINT EQUIPMENT, Y 2643, PERISHABLE agric. COMMODIIES, N. 2650, CST OF MAT. USD IN PRD. http://dab.nfc.usda.gov/pubs/docs/ocfo/ocfo2003-001/cb03-001.htm | |
51. Species: Populus Angustifolia WOOD PRODUCTS VALUE; IMPORTANCE TO livestock AND WILDLIFE; PALATABILITY agric. Handb. 475. Washington, DC US Department of agriculture, Forest Service. http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/plants/tree/popang/all.html | |
52. An A-Z Of African Studies On The Internet A3 National Department of agriculture, South Africa http//www.nda.agric.za/ 4/74, March 1974 http//www.anc.org.za/ancdocs/history/misc/kader12.html http://www.lib.msu.edu/limb/a-z/az_a3.html | |
53. NOT JUST COWS A Guide To Internet/Bitnet Resources In Agriculture you do more with HyperCard (B) misc Various applications Science, Soil Science, Plant propagation, Cattle breeding, Pig 004 archive.orst.edu alt.drugs Free | |
54. The Victoria Institution Web Page: Victorian Personalities (Past & Present) Tan Gim Hoe, Billy Dir of Ops, misc Bhd; MD, Pacific Carriers Ltd, S pore; Exec Chmn, Chan Jenn Kwang - Asst Dir in Toxicology, Dept of agric http://viweb.freehosting.net/viperson.htm | |
55. Mississippi State Department Of Entomology And Plant Pathology agric., For. Serv., Southern Res. Stat. pp. 169171. Baird, RE, RD Gitaitis, DE Carling, SM Baird, PJ alt and BG Mullinix, 2000. http://www.msstate.edu/Entomology/resources/pubs.htm | |
56. Directory Of Public Companies In Korea Dongwoo alt Ltd. Basic Materials Chemicals Plastics Rubber DSR Wire Corporation Basic Materials misc. Fabricated Products http://www.crmz.com/Directory/CountryKR.htm | |
57. Poa Pratensis And Poa Compressa Manual of Grasses of the US USDA misc. Publ. 200. Jung, GA, JA Belasko, FL alt and LP Stevens. 1974. Persistence and yield of 10 grasses in response to http://tncweeds.ucdavis.edu/esadocs/documnts/poa_pra.html | |
58. W Weck, Wolfgang (1939) `Kalimo Usada - Ein alt-balisches Lehrbuch der Pathologie und Whyte, RO (1968) - Land, livestock and human nutrition in India. http://www.ub.rug.nl/indianmedicine/w.shtml | |
59. THE ELECTRONIC ZOO A List Of Animal-Related Computer Resources Please note that alt newsgroups can be spontaneously initiated by anyone. alt.activism.d Discussion of activist newsgroup. alt.agriculture.misc http://netvet.wustl.edu/e-zoo/ez30.txt | |
60. LOTUS NEWSLETTER, No An agricultural engineer advising livestock production on pastures. Ana Arambarri IN FIELD EXPERIMENTS IN 198889 AT FTHIOTIS (520 M alt. http://www.psu.missouri.edu/lnl/v25/Lotus_NL.htm |
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