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21. Agriculture Google Newsreader alt.agriculture.misc Listserv Mailing List. List Name agricl Subscribe To listserv@listserv.uga.edu http://www.harley.com/yp/categories/agriculture/items.html | |
22. Dynamic Cropping Systems: An Adaptable Approach To Crop Production In The Great USDA misc. Circ. 81. US Gov. Print. Office, Washington, DC. Crookston, RK 1995. Am. J. alt. agric. 984Â87. Tanaka, DL 1989. http://agron.scijournals.org/cgi/content/full/94/5/957 | |
23. Ecological Agriculture (Links) Ecolagric. www.jiscmail.ac.uk/lists/ecol-agric.html Discussion list. alt.agriculture.fruit alt.agriculture.misc alt.sustainable.agriculture http://peopleinaction.gn.apc.org/agriculture.html | |
24. AGNET NOVEMBER 3, 2000 Aventis Awaits Starlink Test Results In COFFEE Maxwell, Sanka, Yuban misc Bakers Chocolate, Capri Sun, Am J alt agric, 7129136. 62. Miller JD (1998) Global significance of mycotoxins. http://archives.foodsafetynetwork.ca/agnet/2000/11-2000/ag-11-03-00-01.txt |
25. Usenet Archive ethics.vegetarian,alt.food.vegan,alt.philosophy,misc From The Rock Garden Newsgroups misc.rural Subject Re We have a local small livestock operation that http://www2.usenetarchive.org/Dir60/File17.html | |
26. Bioline International Official Site (site Up-dated Regularly) The screwworm fly in Libya a threat to the livestock industry of the Old World. US Dept agric misc Publ 631, Washington, 175 pp. James MT 1970. http://www.bioline.org.br/request?oc95093 |
27. AmiBroker Tips - Weekly Newsletter - Issue 07/2000 Beverages (NonAlcoholic) Crops Fish/livestock Food Processing Programming Transportation (10) Air Courier Airline misc. align=center B IMG alt= border= http://www.purebytes.com/archives/amibroker/2000/msg00487.html | |
28. GRIN-CA Taxonomy Information Taxon Vicia benghalensis L. Genus Vicia Family Fabaceae alt. Crops US; Enneking 1995); Vertebrate poisons mammals (to livestock fide Enneking 30. USDA misc. http://pgrc3.agr.ca/cgi-bin/npgs/html/taxon.pl?41464 |
29. So...what's The Deal On Bacon? caveat lector Halcitron misc.survivalism alt.survival Failing to We have a local small livestock operation that specializes in chickens and mostly http://www.rural-forum.com/forum/Sowhats_the_deal_on_bacon_183775.html | |
30. GRIN/NPGS Taxonomy Information Genus Vicia subgenus Vicilla section Cracca Family Fabaceae (alt. US; Enneking 1995); Vertebrate poisons mammals (to livestock fide Enneking 30. USDA misc. http://www.ars-grin.gov/~sbmljw/cgi-bin/taxon.pl?41464 |
31. Citations Bibliography USDAARS misc. Pub. No. 1992. How sweet it is Yellow-blossom sweetclover fights weeds, adds N and feeds livestock. The New Farm 146-8. Amer. J. alt. Ag. http://www.virtualfarmersmarket.net/cefs/CoverCrops/apendixg.htm | |
32. Usenet Archive my cashflow along with livestock sales through misc,freeserve.discuss,uk.politics. misc,alt.politics.british Oldfield Newsgroups demon.local,alt.animals.ethics http://www3.usenetarchive.org/File.asp?service=5623 |
33. The Birds Of North America Online Distribution and magnitude of eagle/livestock conflicts in the western United Maine agric. Exp. Stn. misc. Publ. no. 689, Orono. Todd, CS, A. Weik. http://bna.birds.cornell.edu/BNA/account/Bald_Eagle/bib/ | |
34. AllRefer - Species: Narrowleaf Cottonwood | Populus Angustifolia livestock grazing should be excluded for at least five years after fire, with wildlife browsing misc. Publ. Swenson, Jon E.; alt, Kurt L.; Eng, Robert L. 1986. http://reference.allrefer.com/wildlife-plants-animals/plants/tree/popang/all.htm | |
35. PROJECT ID 1000076, 1567 Assessment. 1000077, 1568 livestock Facilities. 1000244, 9055 Management alt. Res. Proj. 1000370, 8142 Field Operationsmisc. http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/CUBS2000/chart/10.htm | |
36. From Dhawkins@gate.net Fri Jan 19 210239 1996 Path Uunet!bounce of material relating to the humane farming of chickens and other livestock fowl. alt.sustainable.agriculture10440 misc.rural26255 rec.birds34514 http://www.faqs.org/usenet/news.announce.newgroups/sci/sci.agriculture.poultry | |
37. CSI's UA Transmittal Manifest SAUSF; 7211, alt-E, SSF-alt-altadis SA Construction Services; 10032, CGMC-I, II-Capital Goods misc. 10038, CNFL-I, II-Consumer Non-Cyclical Fish livestock; http://www.csidata.com/factsheets/UATransmittalManifest.htm | |
39. The Prairie Chicken And Livestock On SNG Integrated Management of the Greater Prairie Chicken and livestock on the Sheyenne agric., For. Serv. Gen. Tech. Rep. RM.159. Noble, ER and GA Noble. http://www.npwrc.usgs.gov/resource/birds/sheyenne/litcite.htm | |
40. Having Your Say - Australian Farmers Guide To The Internet newsalt.agriculture.fruit newsalt.agriculture.misc newsalt.agriculture.technology EDU including in the body of the message subscribe agricL http://www.rirdc.gov.au/farmersguide/listings/hy.htm | |
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