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121. American Veterinary Identification Devices - Home Page Developer and manufacturer of microchip technology for identifying wild animals, livestock and pets. Includes company information and portal to international sites. Head office in Norco, California, USA. http://www.avidid.com/ | |
122. LIO: Beef Cattle Index A catalog and database of resources related to performance recording and the genetic improvement of beef cattle. Your onestop source for beef breed sire http://www.ads.uga.edu/lio/beef/ | |
123. American Livestock Magazine. Providing Advertising And Publishing Services To Va Online version of American livestock Magazine. It features alpacas, llamas, miniature horses, miniature donkeys, and miniature cattle. http://www.americanlivestockmagazine.com | |
124. 2006 Houston Livestock Show And Rodeo™ Includes dates and information. Houston, Texas. http://www.hlsr.com | |
125. Royal Society | Science Issues | Infectious Diseases In Livestock Inquiry into Infectious Diseases in livestock following the 2001 Foot and Month outbreak. http://www.royalsoc.ac.uk/landing.asp?id=1251 |
126. Your Dog And Livestock Information about the laws of Newtownabbey, Northern Ireland, and tips on how to train dogs to behave around livestock. http://www.newtownabbey.gov.uk/dogs/livestock.htm | |
127. Agri-Management Group - Agriculture Jobs And Consulting Wisconsinbased group which can provide a 'one-stop-shop' for farm advice including personnel, financial, managerial and technical aspects, for both livestock and crop-based enterprises. http://www.agri-man.com | |
128. Beef Nutrition - Nutritech - Ruminant, Beef, Cattle, Sheep, Dairy, Elk, Deer, Re Offering expertise for farmers to increase their livestock productivity through nutrition. http://www.beeftech.com/ | |
129. Beef Sheep Hog Livestock Breeders Community Brought To You By The Breeders' Worl Online livestock breeders directory with sheep, cattle, and hog breeders, upcoming shows and sales, livestock breed association information, and sheep, cattle, and hog supplies and services. http://www.breedersworld.com/ | |
130. U Of MN Extension - Agriculture, Food And Environment Educational programs for agricultural systems that produce, market, or consume animal products. Information on aspects of livestock, poultry, and dairy production (including nutrition, genetics, animal health, and breeding, as well as finance, environmental management, and other related topics). http://www.extension.umn.edu/farm | |
131. Kemin Nutritional Solutions Manufactures patented and proven additives for human food, vitamin and personal care products, pet food diets, livestock feed and grain treatment. Company profile, product information and career opportunities. http://www.kemin.com/ | |
132. Temple Grandin's Web Page One of the leaders in livestock behavior and welfare; lots of good information. http://www.grandin.com/ | |
133. Temple Tag, Manufacturers Of Livestock Identification Tags And Products Offers full line of quality products for herd management and livestock identification. Product, price, and contact information. Catalog and samples on request. http://www.templetag.com/ | |
134. Powder River Powder River manufactures livestock handling equipment for cattle, horses, bison, swine and rodeo Since 1938, Powder River has led the way. http://www.powderriver.com/ | |
135. Illini SheepNet An animal can be expected to respond to stimuli from both the handler and the environment. This publication looks at each of these factors more closely. http://www.ansci.uiuc.edu/sheepnet/fulltext.cfm?section=2&documentID=1 |
136. Livestock Marketing Association Provides members the industry information, insurance and legislative/regulatory services which they need to remain viable businesses. http://www.lmaweb.com/ | |
137. Farmstead Health Supply... Natural Animal Health Supplies, Organic Wormers, Supp Providing medications and supplements for livestock and pets, as well as faecal study kits and microscopes. Hillsborough, North Carolina, USA. http://www.farmsteadhealth.com/ | |
138. Agriculture & Livestock: Horses, Cattle, Exotic Animal Classifieds Advertising for agriculture, farming, livestock, exotic animals, equine and western art, all horse breeds and all cattle breeds. http://www.pitchfork.com/ | |
139. Cooperative Extension Catalog Of Publications--Dairy ÂG915, Testing livestock Feeds For Beef Cattle, Dairy Cattle, Sheep and Horses, 0.25. ÂG961, Supplemental Fat For High Producing Dairy Cows, 0.25 http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/dairy/ | |
140. La Mejor Livestock Company - Seymour, Texas - Backgrounding, Preconditioning, An Located in Seymour, Texas offers backgrounding, preconditioning and expert hauling of all classes of Cattle. http://www.la-mejor-livestock-co.com | |
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