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Literature Reviews: more books (100) |
141. Chandra's Bookpage reviews and summaries in English and often in German - of books, both classical and modern (under the subsections Kannada literature and Indian fiction in English), from the Indian subcontinent. http://ch.8m.com |
142. Cinerama: Ratings And Reviews Ratings and reviews of movies current and past by a graduate student in English literature. http://www.guidetocinema.com |
143. | Hlo - Hungarian Literature Online Contemporary Hungarian literature in English. Translations, reviews, essays, news, events, publishers, listings, forums, and weekly topsellers list. http://www.hlo.hu | |
144. Iter: Gateway To The Middle Ages And Renaissance Covers literature pertaining to the Middle Ages and Renaissance (4001700). Includes citations for journal articles, reviews, review articles, bibliographies, catalogues, abstracts and discographies. http://www.itergateway.org/ |
145. Swedish Book Review Bringing articles and reviews of Swedish literature to the English speaking world. http://www.swedishbookreview.com/ | |
146. Poetry Previews - Read Reviews And Chat About Poetry This site is a great resource for students, teachers, and those who appreciate great poets. Read reviews of poetry books and discuss poetry, poets, and literature on the site's message board and chat room. http://www.poetrypreviews.com | |
147. [EMLS 2.3 (December 1996: 13.1-6] Review Of A Dictionary Of Sexual Language And Douglas Bruster reviews the Gordon Williams book. http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/02-3/rev_bru1.html | |
148. Literature, Arts, And Medicine Database O'Neill, Eugene reviews of his dramas from a medical perspective. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webauthors/o.neill338-au- | |
149. NYU Literature, Arts, And Medicine Database reviews of 'Past Wildflowers' and 'Petrushkin!'. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webauthors/charach716-au- | |
150. Alexandre Dumas > Summary Includes a brief biographical section, contemporary reviews of his works, and a dictionary. In French and English. http://www.dumaspere.com/pages/english/sommaire.html | |
151. Early Modern Literary Studies: Home Page An online journal with essays and reviews on topics in sixteenth and seventeenth-century English literature. Links to conference information, discussion groups, electronic texts, and Internet resources. http://www.shu.ac.uk/emls/emlshome.html | |
152. The Literature Of Paul Gallico Biography, book reviews and information, FAQ, and related movies and TV shows. http://www.paulgallico.info/ | |
153. Montreal Serai Magazine, Reviews, Stories, Editorials, Poetry And Music. An alternative, progressive arts and culture ezine bringing the margins to the center . Poetry, literature, theatre, short stories, reviews, cultural essays, and political pieces. http://www.montrealserai.com/ | |
154. Literature, Arts, And Medicine Database O'Connor, Flannery reviews of five short stories from a medical pointof-view. http://endeavor.med.nyu.edu/lit-med/lit-med-db/webdocs/webauthors/o.connor115-au | |
155. Harlem Renaissance Discussion of literature, poetry, and book reviews, in addition providing articles dedicated to the enormous contributions of African Americans during the Harlem Renaissance era. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/harlem_renaissance |
156. The Literature Review: A Few Tips On Conducting It A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by In writing the literature review, your purpose is to convey to your reader http://www.utoronto.ca/writing/litrev.html | |
157. Writing A Literature Review In The Health Sciences And Social Work Your objective is not to rack up points by listing as many articles as possible; rather, you want to demonstrate your intellectual ability to recognize http://www.utoronto.ca/hswriting/lit-review.htm | |
158. UCSC Library - How To Write A Literature Review literature review study guide. Not to be confused with a book review, a literature review surveys scholarly articles, books and other sources (eg http://library.ucsc.edu/ref/howto/literaturereview.html | |
159. Writing Up Research: Discussion In terms of a literature review, the literature means the works you The literature review is a critical look at the existing research that is http://www.clet.ait.ac.th/EL21LIT.HTM | |
160. HOW TO WRITE A LITERATURE REVIEW This article is written in the form of a literature review for the journal You can also use this article to structure a literature review for a thesis, http://www.sportsci.org/jour/9901/wghreview.html | |
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