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101. Necropsy: The Review Of Horror Fiction Necropsy is the sister zine of the print journal Necrofile. Readers will find reviews of horror literature and recent horror films. The Necropsy Art Gallery includes original gothic artwork. http://www.lsu.edu/necrofile | |
102. Bibliofemme: An Irish Bookclub Irish bookclub including a database of reviews and recommendations for contemporary literature, literary fiction, biography and books by women writers. http://www.bibliofemme.com | |
103. Babelguides: World Literature In Translation A guide to literature in English translation. Provides a crossreferenced database of books from 12 languages, reviews and a forum. http://babelguides.com | |
104. CCL: Welcome! Bilingual scholarly journal of Canadian books and other media for children and young adults. Includes recent reviews and an archive of past issues. http://www.uoguelph.ca/ccl/ | |
105. NECESSARY PROSE. reviews, essays, and writing on the crux of the Bible and Western European literature. http://www.necessaryprose.com | |
106. Book Reviews At Building Rainbows Book Reviews And Discussion Archive Electronic literature for Mark Twain's works with provisions for providing book reviews for each book. http://www.buildingrainbows.com/ETEXT/twain.html | |
107. Gale - Catalog - Home Children s literature Review. Excerpts from reviews, Criticism, Commentary on Books for Children Young People. Published by Thomson Gale http://www.gale.com/servlet/BrowseSeriesServlet?region=9&imprint=000&titleCode=C |
108. Feminist Science Fiction, Fantasy & Utopia reviews of feminist SF, F and Utopian literature. Offers thematic listings, an anthology catalogue, author information and writers' resources. http://www.feministsf.org/femsf/index.shtml | |
109. World Of Art Featured articles include profiles of artists and galleries, updates on art literature and materials, show reviews, gallery news and event schedules, and reporting on the arts, personalities, trends, and events. http://www.worldofartmagazine.com | |
110. Reading Recovery. ERIC Digest. This ERIC Digest discusses elements of the program, describes a typical lesson, addresses the importance of teacher education, reviews the existing literature in the ERIC database, and discusses cost effectiveness. http://www.ericdigests.org/1996-2/reading.html | |
111. Oxford Journals | Humanities | French Studies Society for French Studies publishes articles/reviews including language and linguistics, all periods and aspects of literature in France and the Frenchspeaking world, thought and the history of ideas, cultural studies, film, and critical theory. http://fs.oupjournals.org | |
112. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): A Review Of The English-Language Scien View the PDF of the MDMA literature Review Update 1 1/20/03 (211K) Please note; Recent reviews and summaries of literature will no longer be stored in http://www.maps.org/mdma/protocol/litreview.html | |
113. Women Writers: A Zine Includes over 250 links to author sites, including official sites, reviews, etexts, tour schedules. Not only a guide to writers, this site has commentary/editorial/rants by women's literature specialists, chat and newsletters. http://womenwriters.net/ | |
114. 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA): A Review Of The English-Language Scien View the PDF of the MDMA literature Review Update 1 1/20/03 (211K) Updated Review of MDMARelated Scientific literature. Please note; Recent reviews http://www.maps.org/research/mdma/protocol/litreview.html | |
115. Canadian Literature Includes book reviews, interviews, discussion board, and links. http://www.suite101.com/welcome.cfm/canadian_literature | |
116. Children's Literature Monthly themed book reviews, author interviews, bestseller lists, and literary news. http://www.childrenslit.com | |
117. BookAngles - Conservative Values Book Reviews For Home BookAngles is the conservativevalues angle on literature for home and family. Their family reviews books to help you judge suitability for your family. http://bookangles.com/ | |
118. Book Reviews At Building Rainbows Book Reviews And Discussion Archive L. Frank Baum classics to read with provisions to provide book reviews for each of the books. http://www.buildingrainbows.com/ETEXT/baum.html | |
119. Andy's Anachronisms -- Time Travel Reviews Exploring the themes of time travel and alternate universes in literature and entertainment. Includes related reviews of film, books and television. http://www.timetravelreviews.com/ | |
120. Boston University | Directory | Standard Search Includes literature, book reviews, films, art, chess, history, and theology pages from a Boston University of Theology student. http://people.bu.edu/bren/ | |
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