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41. How To Do A Literature Review A literature review is a summary of previous research on a topic. literature reviews can be either a part of a larger report of a research project, http://www.library.ncat.edu/ref/guides/literaturereview03.htm | |
42. Literature Review 1999 - Part II A number of literature reviews or metaanalyses of research studies (Geismar Wood, 1986; Henggeler, 1989; Loeber Dishion, 1983; http://www.strengtheningfamilies.org/html/lit_review_1999_II.html | |
43. Lit. Review We are committed to undertaking a worldwide literature review relating to the delivery The literature reviews can now be downloaded from the link below. http://www.niace.org.uk/online/LitRev.html | |
44. Doug's Reading Corner A collection of children's literature reviews. http://dougsreadingcorner.tripod.com/ | |
45. InfoDome - Children's Literature Reviews On and offline review sources to help librarians select books for young readers. A project of the San Diego State University Library. http://infodome.sdsu.edu/research/guides/clreviews.shtml | |
46. Children's Literature, Awards/Prizes Children's literature reviews and critiques a broad selection of children's books. Presents an annual list of 150 outstanding books, and a selection of author profiles, themed reviews and teaching aids. Links to various literary resources, other booklists and awards, and to the CLCD database. http://www.childrenslit.com/award.html | |
47. Literature Reviews - Canada Mortgage And Housing Corporation (CMHC A literature review on the subject of women and homelessness. http://www.cmhc-schl.gc.ca/en/imquaf/ho/ho_015.cfm | |
48. Literature Reviews literature reviews. ABIOMED Home Clinical Information literature reviews. Print This Page. literature reviews http://www.abiomed.com/clinical_information/literature_reviews.cfm | |
49. Writing A Literature Review In many university courses, students need to write literature reviews as part A literature review is not just a summary of articles, texts or journals. http://aps.eu.rmit.edu.au/lsu/resources/projects/lit_review/ | |
50. Locating Literature Reviews In The Social Sciences Galvin, Jose L. Writing literature reviews A Guide for Students of the Social and In the second word/phrase box, type in literature reviews as a http://www.library.wwu.edu/ref/subjects/armstrong_literaturereviews.htm | |
51. Literature Reviews Let s look at a literature review search using EBSCO s Academic Search Premier. We will do a search for literature reviews concerning politics and http://www.suffolk.edu/sawlib/instruction_modules/research/lit-reviews.html | |
52. Literature Reviews - Alberta Gaming Research Institute - University Of Alberta A review of the gambling literature in the economic and policy domains. Edmonton , AB Alberta Gaming Research Institute. http://www.abgaminginstitute.ualberta.ca/literature_reviews.cfm | |
53. Literature Reviews literature reviews. Stable Isotopes Review of Scientific Instruments, Volume 74, Number 4, April 2003. Vacuumassisted Quartz Combustion Reactor for http://www.sigmaaldrich.com/Area_of_Interest/Chemistry/Stable_Isotopes__ISOTEC_/ | |
54. Literature Reviews - R&D - NCSL literature reviews undertaken for NCSL to build a knowledge base on which to develop programmes and other development activities. http://www.ncsl.org.uk/research_and_development/research_activities/randd-litrev | |
55. Carol Hurst's Children's Literature Site - Reviews And Teaching Ideas For Kids' Includes reviews of great children's books, classroom activities, lesson plans, and professional topics. http://www.carolhurst.com/ | |
56. Realm Book Reviews Book review site covering all genres of literature, along with author interviews, recommendations, and bestseller lists. http://www.angelfire.com/realm/bookreviews/index.html | |
57. Korean Literature, Korean Books (book Reviews) Very brief book reviews of modern Korean literature. http://dannyreviews.com/s/Korean_literature.html | |
58. Wally's Children's Literature A syllabus for a course on children's literature including many links to reviews of over 30 classics. http://www.northern.edu/hastingw/kidlitpg.htm | |
59. Web Page Under Construction A guide to contemporary literature, singling out contemporary novels of particular merit and featuring reviews, interviews, and a quarterly newsletter. http://www.thesecondcircle.com/ | |
60. Exploring Literature - Knowledge Explorer Centre reviews, commentary, and tools for exploring classic and contemporary literature. Includes a detailed look at literary criticism. http://www.shared-visions.com/explore/literature/lithome.htm | |
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