Glossary abstract A summary students write for their assignments, especially for longer papers, designed to provide an accurate description of the original source academic research The complex, investigative research students produce in college academic writing Writing that students and others perform; emphasis is on the writing and research process as well as the written product; usually written to demonstrate learning analysis Breaking some idea or concept into its parts to understand it better annotated bibliography A special bibliography where entries include added information about the sources APA Shorthand name for the style guide used by the American Psychological Association; used most commonly in documenting research in social sciences and humanities application The experiential operation of knowledge argumentative techniques Formal rhetorical and logical techniques to argue your point of view audience analysis Detailed examination of the significant characteristics of an audience so that you can tailor your writing to meet its needs audience profile A tool writers use that describes the significant characteristics of the audience for whom they are writing barcode The 14-digit number on the back of your UMUC student identification card bibliography A list of works a writer presents for background or further reading brainstorming Prewriting technique used to generate ideas causes and effects Establishing a relationship between two things or among more than two things where there is a motive and a consequence; a thinking and organization pattern used in writing | |