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Literature Index: more books (100) | |||
141. Literature, Libertines And Lenin's Wife Article is subtitled, Famous people and libraries http://www.library.unisa.edu.au/about/papers/famouslb.pdf |
142. Topical Index Alternative Medicine Definitions and essays on alternative medicine ideas and practices with references to the best skeptical literature. http://www.skepdic.com/tialtmed.html | |
143. LSU Libraries -- Literature Webliography A directory of links sponsored by the Louisiana State University Libraries. Features descriptions of holdings, related Internet sites and style guides, as well as research tips. http://www.lib.lsu.edu/hum/lit/lit.html | |
144. RUSI- Landing Pages Royal United Services Institute for Defence and Security Studies information on the Duke of Westminster's Medal for Military literature. http://www.rusi.org/go.php?structureID=landings&ref=L409B93DB60A87 |
145. IRSLDB-Search Bibliography of infrared and Raman spectroscopy and its applications. Provides reference data (title, author(s), journal, page, date info.) collected from 123 journals, grouped into 129 classes. http://irsldb.pu-toyama.ac.jp/ | |
146. Cactus And Succulent Plant Mall Contains an extensive collection of links to organizations and information, including societies, clubs, nurseries, and literature. http://www.cactus-mall.com/ | |
147. Artificial Life: Links & Literature Collected by Kerstin Dautenhahn. http://homepages.feis.herts.ac.uk/~comqkd/Alife.htm | |
148. UNE, CALLS Established in 1989 to coordinate and promote the research into and teaching of Australian Language and literature, and to encourage Australian writing. http://www.une.edu.au/calls/ | |
149. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Syriac Language And Literature Syriac is the important branch of the group of Semitic languages known as Aramaic. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/14408a.htm | |
150. ARCHIDO Archives For Drug Related Literature Provides database, bibliographies, reviews, and links. http://www.archido.de/index_en.html |
151. Doing Military Ethics With War Literature Article by Robert Bonadonno presented at JSCOPE 99, arguing for the importance of lierary narrative in forming a practical appreciation of military virtue. http://www.usafa.af.mil/jscope/JSCOPE99/Bonadonna99.html |
152. Research And Literature Reviews The Effective Public Health Practice Project publishes and summarizes systematic reviews on the effectiveness of public health interventions. http://www.city.hamilton.on.ca/PHCS/EPHPP/EPHPPResearch.asp |
153. Scientific Search Engine - Www.OJOSE.com - Online JOurnal Search Engine - Where A multisearch tool that permits queries from scientific journals. http://www.ojose.com/ | |
154. Ferrari Literature - Presentation Books Dealer in classic Ferrari sales literature, owners' manuals, Enzo Ferrari autographs, racing memorabilia, and outof-print books. Extensive downloadable inventory list. http://www.ferrariliterature.com/ | |
155. Journal Of Economic Literature Provides tables of contents and abstract archive. http://www.aeaweb.org/journal.html | |
156. UMass Amherst: Offering many degrees in foreign languages, literature, history, performing arts, and writing. http://www.umass.edu/hfa/ | |
157. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Latin Literature In Christianity (Sixth To Twentieth Cent During the Middle Ages the socalled church Latin was to a great extent the language of poetry, and it was only on the advent of the Renaissance that classical Latin revived and flourished in the writings of the neo-Latinists as it does even today though to a more modest extent. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/09026a.htm | |
158. City Of The Silent - Literature Of Death http://www.alsirat.com/silence/literature/ |
159. U Of C Comparative Literature A department in the Division of Humanities dedicated to the multidisciplinary, historically selfreflective and cross-cultural study of texts, traditions, and discourses. http://humanities.uchicago.edu/humanities/complit/ | |
160. College Of Literature, Science, And The Arts Information provided for parents of students enrolled in the College of literature, Science, and the Arts at the University of Michigan http://www.lsa.umich.edu/lsa/parents/ | |
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