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101. EconLit The American Economic Association s electronic bibliography of economic literature.An extensive source of journals, abstracts and citations covering all http://www.econlit.org/ | |
102. University Of Nebraska Press - Studies In American Jewish Literature Scholarly journal focusing on historic and contemporary Jewish literary movements in the United States and Canada. http://www.nebraskapress.unl.edu/journalinfo/18.html | |
103. English Literature Distance Learning Course, Home Study Course, The London Schoo Home study course covers literature from the Middle Ages to the 20th Century. Course summary. English literature resources and essays. http://www.english-literature.org/ | |
104. Literature Women and literature Women s literature, Women in literature and FeministLiterary Criticism A Guide to Reference Sources http://www.ibiblio.org/cheryb/women/resource/literature.html | |
105. Literature Project - Online Hypertext - Recommended EBooks A collection of classic books, poems, speeches, and plays. Site offers online chapterindexed hypertext that can be easily read and searched and each piece includes downloadable e-text of the work. http://www.literatureproject.com/ | |
106. Forms Of Traditional Literature With Links Provides some definitions of common forms of traditional literature, such as folktales, tall tales, fables, proverbs, myths, and epics. http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/form2.htm | |
107. Internet Collections By Period, Genre, Etc.: Literature: Subject Guides: MIT Lib 20th 21st Century American, Canadian and Australian Theater/Drama Poetry Women literature. This page was last updated on 05/11/05 http://libraries.mit.edu/guides/subjects/literature/ | |
108. Legends Site Map Exploring legend in history, folklore, literature, fiction, and the arts. http://www.legends.dm.net/sitemap.html | |
109. Post-Colonial Literature Bibliography Notes more than 500 primary and secondary sources; includes sections on general works, empires, regions, postcolonial feminist approaches, post-colonialism and post-modernity, and Orientalism. http://www.ripon.edu/library/support/postcolonial.htm | |
110. Welcome To The De Grummond Children's Literature Collection American and British children's books dating from 1530 to the present housed at the University of Southern Mississippi McCain Library. http://www.lib.usm.edu/~degrum/ | |
111. Exploring Literature - Knowledge Explorer Centre Reviews, commentary, and tools for exploring classic and contemporary literature. Includes a detailed look at literary criticism. http://www.shared-visions.com/explore/literature/lithome.htm | |
112. Wolves: A Bibliography And Guide To The Literature Provides comprehensive, worldwide coverage of the scientific literature about wolves for the years 1968 through 1987. The bibliography does not contain references published after 1987. http://www.albany.edu/~knee/wolf.html | |
113. Exhibits Collection -- Literature This interactive exhibit, part of the Exhibits Collection, takes visitors on aliterary journey through the classic short story. http://www.learner.org/exhibits/literature/ | |
114. Children's Literature Information on the history of children's literature, writing and illustrating books for children. http://absolute-sway.com/pfp/childrens/ | |
115. Ovid This month s resource British Nursing index and Health and PsychosocialInstruments (HaPI) Learn More content+tools+services news and updates. http://www.silverplatter.com/ |
116. SpringerLink - Publication Offers an international forum for research and discussion on firstlanguage (L1)/mother-tongue teaching and learning. Includes description, subscription information, editorial board, author instructions and journal contents. Online version available. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/1567-6617/ | |
117. F&P Russian Literature Of The 19th And 20th Centuries Russian literature of the 19th and 20th centuries. http://www.fplib.org/literature/ | |
118. GermanDepartmentHeimat Department, staff and course information, plus happenings in the German Department. Also has postgraduate studies, opportunities to study abroad information and staff member teaching and research interests. http://www.otago.ac.nz/German/HeimatFrame.html | |
119. Untitled Document A quarterly journal that includes an extensive list of reviews on Canadian booksof all genres. http://www.canlit.ca/ | |
120. Canadian Literature: Archive Links show the issue number followed by the issue date. To order from CanadianLiterature, please use our back issue order form. http://www.canlit.ca/archive/ | |
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