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61. CAUSEweb.org literature index. The readings and publications archived in the database do notrepresent an exhaustive compilation of all research in statistics education. http://www.causeweb.org/research/literature/ | |
62. Andover-Harvard Library - Catholic Periodical And Literature Index Online (April The Catholic Periodical and literature index (CPLI) is an index which covers allaspects of Catholic faith and lifestyle. The database includes indexed http://www.hds.harvard.edu/library/news/archive/2005/CPLI.html | |
63. Literary Index - Main Menu Find which Gale literature series include entries on an author. Look forauthors in the index by name, birth date, death date, or nationality. http://www.galenet.com/servlet/LitIndex | |
64. A Literary Index: Making Sense Of Literature On The Internet Literary index provides both an overview and a review of the more significantcollections of Internet literary resources of interest to scholars, students, http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/english/flackcj/LitIndex.html |
65. Bibliomania: Free Online Literature And Study Guides General overview of American literature, broken down into time periods. http://www.bibliomania.com/Reference/Simonds/SHAL/index.html | |
66. The Literature Network: Online Literature For The Student, Educator, And Enthusi Home Author index Shakespeare The Bible Quotes Forums Books on CD.Select the author you are looking for from the list below http://www.online-literature.com/author_index.php | |
67. Download - Support.xilinx.com Documentation and literature index to total array of System Generator documents;ThirdParty Programmer Support Up-to-date information on programmer http://www.xilinx.com/literature/ |
68. LII: Literature & Books Literary Movements literature War literature by Place Primary financialsupport for lii.org (Librarians index to the Internet) provided by the US http://www.lii.org/search/file/literature | |
69. Literature - Library And Archives Canada A selection of Library and Archives Canada resources on Canadian literature. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/literature/index-e.html | |
70. Online Russian Library Collection of texts and audio, including works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Fet, Krylov, Esenin, Akhmatova and Chekhov provided by the Online Russian Language Center. Texts are available in Russian and English. http://www.learningrussian.com/library/index.htm | |
71. Teaching European Literature And Culture With Communication And Information Tech The papers outline a rich range of approaches to the teaching of analytical and critical skills in literary and cultural studies. An Oxford University study. http://users.ox.ac.uk/~ctitext2/publish/occas/eurolit/index.html | |
72. Intel Technical Documentation Center Intel s literature Center Site index *Legal Information Privacy Policy Contact Us, Copyright 2005 Intel Corporation. http://appzone.intel.com/literature/index.asp | |
73. Great Stories, People, Books & Events In Literary History Today in literature a website about the great people, books, characters, andevents in literary FULL STORY » RECENT STORIES » AUTHOR index » http://www.todayinliterature.com/index.asp | |
74. Introduction To Using The SCAN Command For Citation Databases Procedure for index Scanning Searches of Cited literature in the SCI, SSCI, AHCIand Cited index scanning search of cited literature using Webfront http://www.nii.ac.jp/ir/SCAN-e.html | |
75. Index To Children's Book Authors & Illustrators Indexed Sites. African American literature Book Club The de Grummond Children sliterature Collection at USM Research archives of papers of children s http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/biochildhome.htm | |
76. African Writers Index: Rwandan Literature/Littérature Rwandaise A complete and comprehensive index of african writers, literary movements, news,latest books and much more http://www.geocities.com/africanwriters/Countries/AuthorsRwanda.html | |
77. Search The Jourlit And Bookrev Databases (Psychoanalytic Literature Bibliography There is no consolidated index of this vast literature. Over the past 15 yearswe have found that searching within this bibliography for key words in titles http://www.apsa.org/lit/ | |
78. Index To Bibliographies. The Cambridge History Of English And American Literatur index to Bibliographies of The Cambridge History of English and American literature ENGLISH AND AMERICAN literature An Encyclopedia in Eighteen Volumes http://www.bartleby.com/cambridge/bibliographyindex.html | |
79. S2000_photo_index The Shingwauk Project. Indian Residential School literature index. St.John s Indian Residential School, Chapleau Ontario May - June 2002 MAIN index. http://www.shingwauk.auc.ca/irsliterature/IRS_indexintro.html | |
80. Linguistics And Literature -- Index index. Combinations Linguistics and literature Philology literature Linguistics and literature Romance Languages http://aivwww.ugent.be/Studentenadministratie/Studiegids/2005/EN/STUDY/C/INDEX.H | |
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