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41. World Literature Index Page Return to CU Index Page. Teaching World Literatures of the Twentieth Century Using World Literature to Build Character in a Global Context http://www.unm.edu/~abqteach/world_lit/world_lit_index.htm | |
42. John Cage Literature Index Discography and other information on American composer John Cage. http://www.johncage.info/index4.html |
43. Essay And General Literature Index @ The Libraries User Guides, Guide to Essay and General literature index. Source, Database producerHW Wilson Co.; search interface Dataware http://www.libraries.wright.edu/quicklinks/databases/ohiolinkdirect/essay/ | |
44. Essay And General Literature Index - Indexes To ARTICLES More Contents, Essay and General literature index (EGL) is a bibliographic databasethat cites essays and articles contained in collections of essays and http://www.library.arizona.edu/indexes/links/essayandgenerallit.shtml |
45. All India Site - Literature Index An index of pages related to all forms of Indian literature. http://www.gadnet.com/books.htm | |
46. Literature Index Of Available Pdf Documents From Zoeller Co. Zoeller Pump Company manufacturer of dirty water submersible sump pumps fordewatering, effluent, sewage and grinder applications, home improvement http://www.zoeller.com/zcopump/Products/literature/litindex.htm | |
47. Film And Television Documentation Center: Film Literature Index Web site of the Film and Television Documentation Center, which publishes theFilm literature index. http://www.albany.edu/sisp/fatdoc/fli.htm | |
48. Essay And General Literature Index Essay and General literature index focuses on the humanities and social sciences,with subject coverage ranging from economics, political science, http://er.library.northwestern.edu/detail.asp?id=310869 |
49. San Antonio College LitWeb World Literature Index Outlines the works normally read in world survey courses, and provides links to external sites. Part of the Sac LitWeb project from the Alamo Community College District. http://www.accd.edu/sac/english/bailey/worldlit.htm | |
50. Catholic Library Association - Catholic Periodical And Literature Index Catholic Periodical and literature index is published quarterly by the CatholicLibrary Association. Subscriptions to each volume, based on the calendar http://www.cathla.org/cpli.php | |
51. Essay General Literature Index Essay and General literature index, produced by The HW Wilson Company, is abibliographic database that cites essays and articles contained in collections http://libweb.sonoma.edu/search/db/essaylit.html |
52. ADULT CHILDREN ANONYMOUS: "INNER PEACE" LITERATURE INDEX PAGE The Homepage of links to other pages of information about Adult Children and theACA Program. http://acainnerpeace.ncf.ca/acainner.htm | |
53. Film Literature Index Resource Information Page The Film literature index (FLI) annually indexes 150 film and television periodicalsfrom Film literature index Bloomington, Ind. Indiana University http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/eresources/databases/5325391.html | |
54. Literature Index Page1 top quality freeware is the best place to find Freeware, antivirus, archive,download, desktop, themes, games, file, news, files, power, software, free, http://www.topqualityfreeware.com/literature.html | |
55. British Academy PORTAL - Modern British Literature Index (Modern Languages And L Modern British literature index English; literature; Thomas Hardy; HenryJames; Robert Bridges; Oscar Wilde; Joseph Conrad; AE Housman; William Butler http://www.britac.ac.uk/portal/resource.asp?ResourceID=162 |
56. Tracts And Literature On-Line Fundamental Evangelistic Association. Online tracts and literature index page.Numerous resources for Bible believing Christians. http://www.fundamentalbiblechurch.org/Tracts/fbctract.htm | |
57. Legato Literature Index Legato Solutions help organizations solve their data protection, high availabilityand email management challenges with awardwinning backup software, http://www.legato.com/products/literature/literature.htm | |
58. Film Literature Index , Contains approximately 700000......Information, Film literature index. Also known as, FLI Online. Access,Freely available Internet database. http://www2.lib.udel.edu/database/fli.html | |
59. Critical Reviews Of The Literature Index Page This Critical Reviews of Incontinence Literature section has been established topromote scholarly debate on issues raised in recently published studies and http://incontinet.com/critical.htm | |
60. Essay And General Literature Index Coverage is 1985 to the present. Connect to Essay and General literature indexusing the OCLC FirstSearch service. Indexes Abstracts By title http://www.lib.iastate.edu/collections/db/essaygenlit.html | |
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