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181. Native American Literature: Selected Bibliography Alphabetical arrangement of major scholarly studies. By Donna M. Campbell. http://guweb2.gonzaga.edu/faculty/campbell/enl311/nativebib.htm | |
182. Literature For Children A collection of digitized children's literature titles from the 17th through 20th centuries. http://susdl.fcla.edu/juv/ | |
183. Database Of Award-Winning Children's Literature Create a list of age appropriate books of a particular format, setting, genre, or date. Also features a list of children's literature awards and their winners. http://www.dawcl.com/ | |
184. The Stanhopea Pages; The Literature; Edited 17 August 2005 Listing of all known literature referencing Stanhopea orchids, with frequent updates. http://www.houstonorchidsociety.org/Stanhopea/Stanhopea_TheLit.html | |
185. How To Write For Children And Teens - Institute Of Children's Literature. Childrens writing course available. http://www.institutechildrenslit.com/ |
186. CiteSeer The NEC Research Institute Scientific Literature Digital Library Aims to improve the dissemination and feedback of scientific literature, and to provide improvements in functionality, usability, availability, cost, comprehensiveness, efficiency, and timeliness. Rather than creating just another digital library, CiteSeer provides algorithms, techniques, and software that can be used in other digital libraries. CiteSeer indexes Postscript and PDF research articles on the Web, and provides a number of special features. http://citeseer.ist.psu.edu/ |
187. SAGE Publications - Language And Literature International journal covering the latest developments in stylistic analysis, the linguistic analysis of literature and related areas. Subscription information, editorial board, introduction to the journal and association, online sample copy, table of contents, reviews, indexing and abstracting, notes for authors and advertising details. http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journal.aspx?pid=105705 |
188. School Of Language, Literature And Performing Arts - Linguistics At Otago Linguistics at the University of Otago is one of seven sections of the School of Language, literature and Performing Arts. Information on what is linguistics, what courses are available, staff profiles and interests and postgraduate work. http://www.otago.ac.nz/Linguistics/home.html |
189. [EMLS 2.1 (April 1996: 15.1-11]Review Of English Verse Drama: The Full-Text Data Creating a CDROM literature database by David L. Gants, University of Virginia. http://www.humanities.ualberta.ca/emls/02-1/rev_gan1.html | |
190. Noncanonical Literature The main Jewish and Christian apocryphal and pseudepigraphal texts, Fathers of the Church and Gnostic literature of Nag Hammadi, Egypt. http://wesley.nnu.edu/biblical_studies/noncanon/ | |
191. THE INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PHILOSOPHY AND LITERATURE Providing a context for the interplay of Philosophy, Literary Theory, and Cultural Studies. http://www.iapl.info/ |
192. Lesson Exchange: Chicka-Chicka-Boom-Boom/ Chicka Challenge (Elementary, Literatu literature extension activities and assessment ideas http://www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/523.html | |
193. Money Tree Payday Loan Poetry, literature, science, philosophy and rare quotes with online browsing, searching, daily email mailing, user voting and no banners. http://dqs.worldatwar.org/ | |
194. Scedview A review of international science education literature for the primary and high school science teacher, plus resources for the science education classroom. Edited by Dr Peter H. Eastwell. http://www.flexi.net.au/~willdown/scedview.html | |
195. Ken McGee Auto Books Canada's largest stock of shop manuals, owner's manuals, sales brochures, data books,and dealer's albums. These items cover antique, classic and modern cars. We ship all over the world. http://www.kenmcgeeautobooks.com | |
196. Guns In The Medical Literature -- Seattle Refutation of study attempting to show Canada's gun laws resulted in lower rates of violence than in the U.S. http://teapot.usask.ca/cdn-firearms/Suter/med-lit/seattle.html | |
197. Doucette Index: K-12 Lesson Ideas For Literature www.educ.ucalgary.ca/litindex Jumpstart Login http://www.educ.ucalgary.ca/litindex/ | |
198. VoS - Voice Of The Shuttle Separate national, regional or ethnic categories (e.g., Irish, Australian, AfroAmerican ). http://vos.ucsb.edu/browse.asp?id=2719 |
199. Jumpstart Login http://vnweb.hwwilsonweb.com/hww/jumpstart.jhtml?prod=EGL |
200. Worm Literature Index Jumpstart Login http://elegans.swmed.edu/wli/ | |
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