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161. Federal Reserve Bank Of Philadelphia - Consumer Information - Financial Literacy List of Curricula Subject index Chart. Supplements. Saving and Investing Budgeting Credit Debt Management Money Management Predatory Lending http://www.phil.frb.org/consumers/curricula.html | |
162. Bibliography Of Print Resources On Library Instruction Extensive list of print resources relating to information literacy and library instruction divided into ten categories. http://www.msu.edu/user/lorenze1/ | |
163. 21st Century Schools Professional staff development and curriculum design for educators including media literacy and critical pedagogy. http://www.21stCenturySchools.com | |
164. The Environmental Literacy Council - Food Articles critical of agribusiness, pesticides, and genetically engineered plants. http://www.enviroliteracy.org/category.php/6.html | |
165. ABC CANADA Literacy Foundation Canadians with the lowest literacy skills have higher rates of Canadians withlow literacy skills are more likely to have lower incomes than those with http://www.abc-canada.org/literacy_facts/ | |
166. New Literacy Is technology developing a whole new kind of literacy? Onceliterate people may find themselves classified as illiterate according to this new system. http://lrs.ed.uiuc.edu/students/tfranklin/literate.htm | |
167. The Knowledge Loom Adolescent literacy Collaboratory Online learning opportunity, click here tolearn more Ask an Expert The Loom Unplugged Guidebook http://knowledgeloom.org/ | |
168. Information Literacy At FIU Links to various academic and practical resources on literacy research, opinion and training. http://www.fiu.edu/~library/ili/ | |
169. Literacy Information And Communication System (LINCS) National Home Page LINCS is the literacy community s gateway to the world of adult education andliteracy resources on the Internet. The goal of LINCS is to bring adult http://www.nifl.gov/lincs/ | |
170. National Institute For Literacy (NIFL) An independent federal organization leading the national effort toward a fully literate United States in the 21st century. http://www.nifl.gov/ | |
171. Jan's Illustrated Computer Literacy 101 An online illustrated Computer literacy course covering the material in a collegecourse, but easy to understand for all ages. http://www.jegsworks.com/Lessons/ | |
172. CMLI -- Christian Media Literacy Institute Home Page Equipping parents and teachers to teach media evaluation from the point of view of Christian values. http://www.cmli.org/ | |
173. Oxfam's Cool Planet For Teachers - Literacy And English Oxfam GB s website for teachers literacy and English. http://www.oxfam.org.uk/coolplanet/teachers/literacy/ | |
174. Literacy & Spelling Through Phonics: Teach Your Child To Read, Write, & Spell. Early literacy program incorporating phonics and spelling. http://www.spellingpolice.com/ | |
175. Improving Literacy Through School Libraries This program is designed to improve the literacy skills and academic achievementof students by providing them with access to upto-date school library http://www.ed.gov/programs/lsl/ | |
176. National Council On Economic Education (NCEE) A nationwide network that promotes economic literacy with students and their teachers. http://www.ncee.net/ | |
177. Archived: Family Literacy: Directions In Research And Implications For Practice This is the archived table of contents to Family literacy Directions in Researchand Implications for Practice January 1996; Summary and Papers of a http://www.ed.gov/pubs/FamLit/ | |
178. Archived: Early Childhood & Literacy Explores how early childhood experiences provide a foundation for literacy. Includes suggestions for caregivers. From the U.S. Department of Education. http://www.ed.gov/americareads/educators_early.html | |
179. The LEARNS Literacy Assessment Profile LLAP Bullet LEARNS literacy Assessment Profile. Drawing from a variety of nationalliteracy assessments, LLAP was created by the LEARNS partners at Bank http://www.nwrel.org/learns/resources/llap/ | |
180. TILT - Texas Information Literacy Tutorial Instruction and testing modules to help students develop information literacy skills. Includes details about the Open Text License that allows other institutions to copy and adapt the tutorial for their own use. http://tilt.lib.utsystem.edu/ | |
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