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Literacy Index: more books (100) |
141. Looking For Flash Plug-In... literacy program for adults and children in Hollywood, California. http://www.helplearn.org/ | |
142. Project Literacy Among Youth A notfor-profit sponsorship of media literacy among youth. A scholarly yet practical experimentation with the ways in which all communication technologies can and do shape the education of youth. http://www.kidsplay.org/ |
143. Dyslexia - The Danks Davis "Seven Steps To Literacy Success" Method Helping Dysl Seven Steps to literacy Success for dyslexics. http://www.danksdavisdyslexia.com | |
144. Division Of Instructional Support The path to literacy is a continuum, not an event, and the rate at which studentsreach the standards may vary. These files are Adobe Acrobat PDF files. http://www.nycenet.edu/dis/standards/literacy/ | |
145. TimeMAPS Tutorial Financial Literacy Software Interactive financial literacy software for educational, mass market, and military arena's. http://www.remtech.biz/tutorial.htm | |
146. Collaborative Visual Literacy Program Information about a collaborative program between the departments of art and art history, textiles and clothing design, and the college of human resources for beginning art and design students at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln. http://www.unl.edu/finearts/vislit.html |
147. Literactive - Teaching Children To Read Offers literacy and ESL activities for use with young learners. http://www.literactive.com | |
148. Health Literacy Studies Health literacy Studies and NCSALL logo Health literacy is an interactionbetween Health literacy A Prescription to End Confusion http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/healthliteracy/ | |
149. LEARN Information Literacy Initiative Student tutorials on research methods, including the use of library catalogs, the Internet and electronic databases. http://www2.tafe.sa.edu.au/lili/ | |
150. Literacy Home Page Formerly known as Reading literacy and language. A refereed journal for those interested in its study and development. Special issue, subcription, renewal, samples, table of contents, editorial board and author guidelines. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/journal.asp?ref=1741-4350&site=1 |
151. Kindergarten Reading Program Teaching Phonemic Awareness And Letter Knowledge NewPhonics kindergarten classroom kits come with 52 lessons, puppets, educational materials, and teacher's instructions for the early literacy program. http://www.newphonics.com | |
152. Literacy & Technology Instructor's EduBlog : Lynne Jordan, literacy Instructor at Georgia State University, is working with Anne Davis, Instructional Technology Specialist at GSU, to create EduBlog possibilities with preservice teachers. This EduBlog was created to provide a sample of the project designed for using EduBlogs for Literature Circles. http://anvil.gsu.edu/Literature/ | |
153. Building Language For Literacy This learning activity helps emerging readers identify letters, sounds, and wordsusing interactive multimedia. Three animal characters ask students to drag http://teacher.scholastic.com/activities/bll/ | |
154. Nirman: A Varanasi, India-Based Nonprofit NGO NGO with initiatives in schoollevel education, pedagogical research, adult literacy, and projects related to the arts and artisans of South Asia. http://www.nirmanweb.com | |
155. 21st Century Literacies: Homepage Our team of literacy experts developed lessons to aid in your ability to incorporate21st century literacy skills into your teaching techniques. http://www.kn.pacbell.com/wired/21stcent/ | |
156. The Information Literacy Land Of Confusion Commentary about libraries, library instruction, and information literacy by Michael Lorenzen at Central Michigan University. http://lorenzen.blogspot.com/ | |
157. Error 404 - The Leaf Chronicle - Www.theleafchronicle.com A white dog named Merry Christmas and five other pet therapy dogs are taking part in 4 Paws for Reading program at the ClarksvilleMontgomery County (TN) Library. Dogs and owners are trained and screening to be designated as special literacy mentors. (The Leaf-Chronicle) http://www.theleafchronicle.com/news/stories/20031012/localnews/441354.html | |
158. EW! Home Page Nonprofit organization that promotes children's literacy by pairing students with reading mentors. Includes program description and newsletter. http://www.everybodywinsdc.org/ | |
159. Computer Angels Inc - Are You A Computer Angel? A volunteer organization which aims to make technology accessible promoting and encouraging computer literacy throughout the community in West Australian to make practical use of information and communications technologies. http://www.computerangels.org.au/ | |
160. Office Of Educational Technology (OET) Funding opportunities for technology, the Technology literacy Challenge, information on the erate, research and publications. http://www.ed.gov/about/offices/list/os/technology/ | |
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