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121. Written Language And Literacy Focuses on scientific reports in areas such as (neuro)linguistic and cognitive models. Editorial board, subscription information, special issues and guidelines. http://www.benjamins.com/cgi-bin/t_seriesview.cgi?series=WL&L |
122. Media Literacy Review - Home Page The Media literacy Review is no longer available as a quarterly online publication.The Media literacy Online Project has returned and the resources on this http://interact.uoregon.edu/MediaLit/mlr/home/ | |
123. Saroj Ghoting: Early Childhood Literacy Consulting Presents early literacy training and information sessions at national, regional, and state conferences, and training for library staff and their partners. http://www.earlylit.net | |
124. Jerz's Literacy Weblog (Online & Offline Literacy Links; Dennis G. Jerz) Dennis G. Jerz, a new media professor, blogging about humanities, cyberculture, journalism and writing. http://jerz.setonhill.edu/weblog/ | |
125. Indiastat.com: Revealing India Statistically! - Information And Facts About Indi Pay site, complete data about literacy, infrastructure, enrolments, plans and budget, R D in the field of education. http://www.indiaeducationstat.com/ | |
126. Schooliblit News links and musings about school library media centers, information literacy, reading, and technology in education. http://radio.weblogs.com/0122111/ | |
127. BuildLiteracy Home American Library Association Press Release 6/30/2004. Read the latest press release.Americas literacy Directory Americas literacy Directory http://www.buildliteracy.org/ | |
128. ALA | Literacy And Outreach Services Provides multiple resources to assist the efforts of library staff who seek effective library outreach strategies to serve traditionally underserved populations. http://www.ala.org/ala/olos/literacyoutreach.htm | |
129. SIT STAY READ! - About SIT STAY READ! Improves literacy skills and fosters a love of animals by partnering reading assistance dogs with children. Includes training and testing for pet and handler. How it works in Chicago. May not work for all browsers. http://www.sitstayread.org/About.aspx | |
130. Literacy Volunteers Of America -- National Capital Area Provides free tutoring to adults who cannot read. Features volunteer opportunities and events. http://www.lvanca.org/ | |
131. Kids Computer Workshop -- Welcome! A non profit that provides technology training to atrisk youth. They teach computer literacy and use technology to support academic enrichment. http://www.kcw.org | |
132. Canadian Readers Home Page Active international book club shares their reactions to one book each month. Books are selected by the members from a wide variety of genres. All proceeds from books purchased through Canadian Readers Group links donated to literacy programs. http://www.geocities.com/canadianreaders/ | |
133. ITeacherEd Project This site is an original resource for instructional technology for the K12 level and for Schools of Education wanting to better introduce technological literacy into Teacher Education Programs. http://education.uregina.ca/iteachered | |
134. User Education Round Table IFLA group dedicated to international library instruction and information literacy education. http://www.ifla.org/VII/rt12/rtued.htm | |
135. Home Develops curriculum materials and provides K12 staff development workshops, seminars and programs throughout the United States. Conducts research to understand the impact of media literacy education on the development of students' academic skills. http://www.reneehobbs.org/ | |
136. Business Literacy Institute Business Acumen - Finance For Non-Financial Managers Financial and business basics training. Partial client list, products and services, and description of the business and its philosophy. http://www.business-literacy.com/ | |
137. Literacy And Education This page has assorted links to papers on literacy and education, as well as links to several related gopher archives. http://eserver.org/literacy/ | |
138. Supporting Early Childhood Literacy In Natural Environments Tools of learning for all children. To learn more about Supporting Early Literacyin Natural Environments, click a topic in the yellow bar on the left. http://www.wri-edu.org/literacy/ | |
139. ACRL Institute For Information Literacy - Best Practices Initiative Project Plan Prepared for the Association of College and Research Libraries. http://www.earlham.edu/~libr/Plan.htm | |
140. The Literacy Web At The University Of Connecticut Homepage Locate ideas for integrating literacy strategies into your classroom. Choose one,Effective Teaching, Comprehensive literacy, literacy Standards http://www.literacy.uconn.edu/ | |
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