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81. Jump$tart Coalition Purpose is to evaluate the financial literacy of young adults; develop, disseminate, and encourage the use of guidelines for grades K12; and promote the teaching of personal finance. http://www.jumpstart.org/ | |
82. Literacy Services - Oklahoma Department Of Libraries Information about the Oklahoma literacy Coalition, including information on howto join. http://www.odl.state.ok.us/literacy/ | |
83. Reading The Image, Main Page Helps teachers teach about the function of images and symbols in society. Using museums students learn about concepts, techniques and people in exhibitions of contemporary and historical artworks. http://www.ucalgary.ca/UofC/departments/NAM/RTI/ | |
84. ReadWriteThink: Literacy Engagements Providing educators and students access to the highest quality practices andresources in reading and language arts instruction. http://www.readwritethink.org/literacy/ | |
85. Cook With Lyle Over 50 free readyto-use activities for literacy, numeracy and ICT are featured, all based on food and recipes and fully referenced to the British National Curriculum and the National literacy and Numeracy Strategies. http://www.cookwithlyle.co.uk/ | |
86. ReadWriteThink Genre study; Language conventions; Vocabulary; Word study; Content reading;Critical literacy; Inquiry/research; Integrated curriculum; Literature study http://www.readwritethink.org/ | |
87. SAGE Publications - Journal Of Early Childhood Literacy New peerreviewed research journal that serves as a research publication forum for studies. Published three times a year. Subscription information, about the journal, reviews, advertising details, indexing and abstracting, editorial board and instructions for authors. http://www.sagepub.co.uk/journal.aspx?pid=105634 |
88. Educational CyberPlayGround: Literacy Area This Page Has Moved. Please update your links. In 3 seconds ou will be redirectedto. http//www.educyberpg.com/literacy/ http://www.edu-cyberpg.com/Literacy/Home_Literacy.html | |
89. Steps To Literacy Products include everything from big books and magnetic letters to phonics and manipulatives for early literacy, professional educators development, and home schooling needs. http://www.stepstoliteracy.com | |
90. TeacherInfo.com -- Resources For Educators, From Educators. Training modules for email, word processing, spreadsheets, data bases, and presentations as well as resources in media literacy, math, art, and special education. http://www.teacherinfo.com | |
91. Literacy Development Summarizes the research and professional expertise related to literacy instructionfor students from kindergarten through Grade 8. http://www.eduplace.com/rdg/res/literacy/ | |
92. Tata Computer-based Functional Literacy Programme Launched by the Tata group of companies, aims to lift the adult literacy rate. http://www.tataliteracy.com/ | |
93. INVITATIONS TO LITERACY Houghton Mifflin s Invitations to literacy K6 program helps every student literacy Development Series addresses key issues in reading instruction. http://www.eduplace.com/rdg/itl/ | |
94. The Information Literacy Land Of Confusion Blog of librarian Michael Lorenzen discussing library user education, library instruction, librarianship, information literacy, and search engines. Also covers other observations on life in general. http://lorenzen.blogspot.com/atom.xml | |
95. The Role Of Libraries In Literacy Education Learn about how public libraries can help to promote literacy education programs. Includes a report of how public libraries have engaged in literacy education. http://www.libraryinstruction.com/literacy-education.html | |
96. Canine Literacy Mentors Lead Pack In Reading Children learn by reading to dogs (and a few cats) trained to listen attentively. This pilot program in Salt Lake City is spreading across the country. http://stacks.msnbc.com/local/pencilnews/371570.asp |
97. Metropolitan/Delta Adult Literacy Council, Inc. Works to enable adults and families to acquire basic level literacy skills, including reading, writing, listening, speaking, mathematics, and technology. Includes events, programs, schedules and a newsletter. http://www.mdalc.org/ | |
98. Halifax Public Libraries - Literacy And ESL Services Please note Adult literacy and ESL for Adults program do not run during thesummer months. For information on upcoming fall programming, please call or http://www.halifaxpubliclibraries.ca/literacy/ | |
99. Literacy Center Education Network™ Games with sound that teach shapes, colors, letters, numbers and keyboarding. Requires Flash plugin. http://www.literacycenter.net/lessonview_en.htm | |
100. Digital Sisters Technology Education With Women In Mind A technology social service agency focused on promoting and providing technology education and enrichment for young girls and women who are traditionally underserved. Providing programs including financial literacy, parenting, basics of self sufficiency. http://www.digital-sistas.org | |
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