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61. LINCS Health And Literacy Special Collection The Health and literacy Special Collection. This index will allow you to look upresources by subject or language. Included here are all listings from the http://www.worlded.org/us/health/lincs/indices.htm | |
62. The Educated Blogger It examines the importance of literacy and storytelling in learning, juxtaposingthese URL http//firstmonday.org/issues/issue9_6/huffaker/index.html. http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue9_6/huffaker/ | |
63. Visual Literacy - Spring 1999 - COMM 232 Sec. I - Lance Ford Jones Course offered at University of Tampa (Instructor Lance Ford Jones) http://utweb.utampa.edu/faculty/ljones/ut/comm/index.html | |
64. National Conference On Family Literacy Each spring, NCFL presents the premier National Conference on Family literacy.Drawing nearly two thousand professionals from the literacy, research and http://www.famlit.org/Conference/index.cfm | |
65. Recommended Trade Books For Adult Literacy Programs: Home Page In 1994, we assembled the OLRC Reading Group, a group of adult literacy professionals This page http//literacy.kent.edu/Oasis/Resc/Trade/index.html http://literacy.kent.edu/Oasis/Resc/Trade/ | |
66. Classical Authors Index Classical Authors index Chapter 1 Emotional literacy Education and SelfKnowledgeChapter 2 Emotional literacy Language and Vocabulary http://selfknowledge.com/index.shtml | |
67. Welcome To LEO: Literacy Education Online LEO literacy Education Online. LEO provides online handouts about a variety ofwriting topics. URL http//leo.stcloudstate.edu/index.html. http://leo.stcloudstate.edu/ | |
68. National Forum On Information Literacy A comprehensive source about information literacy including What is information literacy? Why it is important? How can I teach it? Who is doing it? And where can I read more? http://www.infolit.org/ | |
69. A Literary Index: Making Sense Of Literature On The Internet Literary index provides both an overview and a review of the more significantcollections of Internet literary resources of interest to scholars, students, http://www.vanderbilt.edu/AnS/english/flackcj/LitIndex.html |
70. Media Visions - Media & Education Articles and essays by journalist Ken Freed, covering issues related to literacy and educational technology. http://www.media-visions.com/education.html | |
71. LIBRARIES FOR THE FUTURE A US national organization dedicated to information equity, literacy and the preservation and renewal of libraries. Offers research and advocacy programs, planning and training, forums, and publications. http://www.lff.org/ |
72. Literacy Time Teachers professional development materials, part of the Virtual TeacherCentre (VTC) on the National Grid for Learning (NGfL). http://curriculum.becta.org.uk/literacy/ | |
73. ALA | Information Literacy Competency Standards For Higher Education Describes how to a new information literacy program or assessing an existing program. These standards, performance indicators, and examples are approved by the Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL). http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlstandards/informationliteracycompetency.htm | |
74. National Institute For Literacy (NIFL) An independent federal organization leading the national effort toward a fully literate America in the 21st century.ÃÂ http://novel.nifl.gov/ | |
75. Center For Media Literacy National advocate for media literacy education. Develops and distributes books, videos, teaching materials and other programs that promote critical thinking about the media. http://www.medialit.org/ | |
76. Laubach Literacy Nonprofit educational corporation dedicated to helping adults of all ages improve their lives and their communities by learning reading, writing, math and problemsolving skills. http://www.laubach.org |
77. Colorado Literacy Connections Welcome to literacy Connections! This is a new resource brought to you by the What Is literacy? literacy is a complex phenomenon commonly defined as the http://www.cde.state.co.us/literacy/ | |
78. Ntatutor.org The NTA is a nonprofit membership-supported tutoring association. Members represent colleges, universities, school districts, and literacy programs. http://www.ntatutor.org/ | |
79. New Mexico Media Literacy Project Provides training programs and materials in support of media literacy, especially in children. Products include examples of the use of subliminal messages and other forms of manipulation. http://www.nmmlp.org/ |
80. Newswise : Citizenship : Literacy Subscriptionbased service designed to improve literacy and critical thinking and encourage discussion using newspaper stories. Six free issues available online. http://www.dialogueworks.co.uk/newswise/ | |
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