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41. The Association For Computational Linguistics The ACL isa society for people working on problems involving natural language and computation. http://www.aclweb.org/ | |
42. Weiterleitung The scientific publishing house of Walter de Gruyter has for decades been synonymous with superior scientific literature. Annually, we publish more than 250 http://www.degruyter.de/journals/linguistics/ |
43. The Homepage Of Integrational Linguistics A specific approach to linguistics combining a comprehensive theory of language and a theory of grammars. http://camelot.germanistik.fu-berlin.de/il/ | |
44. Catalan Working Papers In Linguistics Revista del Grup de Gram tica Te²rica de la UAB. Publicaci³ d'articles de recerca que desenvolupin teories sobre l'estructura de llenguatges particulars des de la perspectiva d'una teoria general del llenguatge hum http://seneca.uab.es/ggt/cjl.htm | |
45. Linguistics Resources Welcome to the new, updated Blackwell linguistics Resource Center! Philosophy Other good collections of linguistics resources on the web. http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/linguist/Default.asp | |
46. Glot-Bot: The Application Of Genetic Algorithms Towards The Creation Of A Functi Using genetic algorithms to create English words. http://www.ocf.berkeley.edu/~jkunken/glot-bot/ | |
47. UCL Phonetics & Linguistics Home Page Undergraduate and graduate degrees in linguistics, phonetics and phonology; summer course in English phonetics; educational and computatational resources in http://www.phon.ucl.ac.uk/ | |
48. Journal Of Slavic Linguistics Contains articles on major research in Slavic linguistics, discussions of single issues, and commentary on issues in the field. http://www.slavica.com/jsl/ | |
49. School Of Humanities Mainly administrative information for this School that brings together a group of related disciplines American studies, Art History, Cinema, English, History, Modern Languages, linguistics, Music and Philosophy. http://www.sussex.ac.uk/hums/ | |
50. Greek Language And Linguistics Gateway Links to resources, in print and on the Web, for classical and Biblical (koine) Greek linguistics. http://www.greek-language.com/ | |
51. Welcome To Dr.Heidi Hamilton's Homepage! Associate professor in the Department of linguistics. Research interests include discourse analysis, health communication, Alzheimer's Disease, and aging. http://www.georgetown.edu/faculty/hamilthe | |
52. Linguistics Home Page, University Of Manchester Course details, information for alumni, and biographies of some of the staff members. http://lings.ln.man.ac.uk/ | |
53. Rutgers Linguistics Home Research and education in all linguistics areas, emphasizing Optimality Theory and Minimalist Theory. Faculty, undergraduate and graduate course and program description, photos, resources, publications and events. http://ling.rutgers.edu/ | |
54. Linguistics At UGA An interdisciplinary program with faculty drawn from nine departments in the Franklin College of Arts and Sciences and three departments in the College of Education. Undergraduate or graduate degrees in four applied areas Cognitive linguistics, Second Language Acquisition, Historical linguistics, and Language Variation/Sociolinguistics. http://www.linguistics.uga.edu/ | |
55. Corpus Linguistics: Table Of Contents Key Resource Links2Go Key Resource linguistics Topic. Web pages to be used to supplement the book Corpus linguistics published by Edinburgh University http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/monkey/ihe/linguistics/contents.htm | |
56. Anthropological Linguistics Quarterly scholarly journal publishing articles on world cultures and languages, with an emphasis on Native Americans. http://www.indiana.edu/~anthling/ | |
57. Fictional Linguistics: A KICKS Academy Course In The Creation Of Artificial Lang Online free course about creating languages, hosted at the KICKS Academy of the SciFiVine. Members of the SciFiVine may participate after a free registration in the class project for an invented language called TransGalactic Lingo . KICKS stands for Kenobi Intergalactic Council of Kindred Spirits . http://feminafelis.tripod.com | |
58. Home Page, Department Of Linguistics And Modern English Language At Lancaster Un Details of courses, research projects, and related news, as well as information for both undergraduates and postgraduates. http://www.ling.lancs.ac.uk/ | |
59. SpringerLink - Publication Journal focusing on issues related to structure and meaning in natural language, as addressed in the philosophy of language, linguistic semantics, syntax and related disciplines. Edited by Pauline Jacobson, and published six times per year by Kluwer Academic Publishers. Includes contents and abstracts. http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0165-0157 | |
60. Penn Linguistics Home Provides an overview of the graduate and undergraduate programs with course details and syllabi. Lists departmental events and areas of research. http://www.ling.upenn.edu/ | |
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