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81. The Fading Milky Way light pollution is a growing environmental problem that threatens to erase the light pollution Prevents Seeing the Milky Way a Goddard Space Flight http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2001/ast01nov_1.htm | |
82. Cosmic Light Pollution NASA Science News A series of unmanned balloon flights will measure the subtle ultraviolet glow of the night sky and help unravel one of the most http://science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2000/ast10jul_1.htm | |
83. The Astronomical Society Of Malta [Sub Groups] Explains how light pollution can and is been controlled in Malta. Lots of links. LPAG is a part of The Astronomical Society Of Malta. http://www.maltastro.org/lpag/ | |
84. Astronomy - The Dark Night Goes Quietly - Matt Quandt Fight light pollution with the International Dark Sky Association For more information on light pollution, see Reclaim the night sky, by Astronomy http://www.astronomy.com/asy/default.aspx?c=ss&id=87 |
85. Light Pollution light pollution Everyone s Problem A UACNJ report by Gordon Bond. Example letters you can send to help fight the light pollution problem in New Jersey. http://users.erols.com/njastro/orgs/lightpol.htm | |
86. Edmonton Area Light Pollution Awareness & Abatement - Homepage Explanatory information, links, news, photographs, a mailing list, FAQ's and personal stories from this region of Canada. http://www3.telus.net/~hgibbins/lightpollution/ | |
87. The Universe In The Classroom #44 - Light Pollution, Pg. 2 If we are to reduce the effects of light pollution, we must learn about the types, both good and bad, of fixtures used in outdoor lighting. http://www.aspsky.org/education/tnl/44/lightpoll2.html | |
88. CNN - Light Pollution Threatens National Parks - March 29, 1999 light pollution sources can affect national parks more than 100 miles away. light pollution may also affect animals in national parks, by leading newly http://www.cnn.com/NATURE/9903/29/light.pollution.enn/ | |
89. CNN.com - A Starry Night Fuels Debate Over Light Pollution In Arizona - August 2 For astronomers in Tucson, Arizona, keeping the sky dark is a matter of their survival. For business owners, keeping the sky lighted up means much the same http://www.cnn.com/2000/US/08/24/dimming.the.lights.ap/ | |
90. Light Pollution Awareness Website Includes lighting pictures, satellite images, the latest news, lots of links and information about how to shield lighting. http://members.aol.com/ctcadman/ |
91. BBC NEWS | Politics | Action Call Over Light Pollution Ministers come under fire for their inconsistent approach to light pollution as MPs call for serious action . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3167276.stm | |
92. Fatal Light Awareness Program Home Page Information on how light pollution affects birds, and what steps must be taken to save the lives of birds by reducing lighting. http://www.flap.org/ | |
93. ASP: Light Pollution The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an international nonprofit scientific and educational organization founded in 1889 that works to increase http://www.astrosociety.org/education/publications/tnl/44/lightpoll.html | |
94. ICOLE Promoting better outdoor lighting and reduced light pollution achieved by full shielding, Indiana Chapter Sierra Club s Resolution on light pollution http://icole.home.att.net/ | |
95. IDA Utah Includes information on good bad light fixtures, hidden costs and health risks with pictures and links. http://www.UtahSkies.org/lightpollution | |
96. Light Pollution Taking Toll On Wildlife, Eco-Groups Say A century ago the night sky was a black expanse pricked by thousands of stars. Then came Edison s light bulb, and light pollutionÂthe luminous orange glow http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2003/04/0417_030417_tvlightpollution.htm | |
97. RCA: Dark Skies Includes a information about the effects of light pollution and local darksky sites. http://www.rca-omsi.org/darkskies.htm | |
98. Travel Column: Hotels Cut Light Pollution, See Stars Select hotels are dimming their outdoor lighting, says I National Geographic Traveler /I s Jonathan B. Tourtellot. The hostelries aim to treat guests, http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2004/03/0318_040319_travelwatch.html | |
99. ILE Institution Of Lighting Engineers - Home Page Forerunner in light pollution control in the UK. Publishes lighting codes and guidance available via the website. Website content is minimal. http://www.ile.co.uk/ | |
100. Fort Lauderdale Light Pollution Map Fort Lauderdale light pollution Map. This is a small exerpt (207mi wide x 230mi high) from the image of North America from the The World Atlas of the http://cleardarksky.com/lp/FtLauderFLlp.html | |
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