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41. JAMES J Cowrote proposal for photonics track in the physics department. JJ Butler,MS Malcuit, and TW Stone, ÂPolarization-Sensitive holograms Formed With Use http://www.physics.pacificu.edu/butler/vita.html | |
42. Pratt School Of Engineering At Duke University - News photonics is a field that exploits the uses of light for communications. The tie was special threedimensional kinds of holograms. http://www.pratt.duke.edu/news/releases/index.php?story=35 |
43. List Of Recent Papers N. Suzuki and Y. Tomita, Diffraction properties of volume holograms recorded in by ultraviolet light in LiNbO3Mg, Journal of Applied physics vol.91, http://talbot.ee.uec.ac.jp/English/Elist.html | |
44. Martin Fally - List Of Publications Neutron optics with lightinduced gratings. Dept. of physics, Univ. of Ljubljana ,Slovenia, 2004. Recording of holograms in nonlinear optical crystals. http://homepage.univie.ac.at/Martin.Fally/papers/lop.html | |
45. UNDERGRADUATECOURSES PHY102 30-3 The Flying Circus of physics Sound and light. PHY460 4-0-4LASER physics and photonics prerequisites PHY241(243), PHY242(244) Basics of http://www.csuohio.edu/physics/Undergrad/UNDERGRADUATECOURSES.html | |
46. U. Mary WWW Resources - By Subject - Physics physics Overview ¦ physics Constants ¦ physics Databases ¦ physics Articles and photonics, and Laser Science Online Resources studyweb.com holograms http://it.umary.edu/Library/research/www_subjects/physics.html | |
47. Www.iop.org News - Photonic Crystals In 3-D Â The Physics Congress 2003 Speaking at the Institute of physics Congress on Monday 24 March, Denning saidHolograms are usually made by making two beams of light interfere with http://www.iop.org/news/538 | |
48. What Is Photonic Computing, File 1 Of 3 Photonic computing uses photons of laser light to do the same job, When laserlight is directed through the resulting hologram, the light does exactly http://rmrc.org/photonics/photon1.htm | |
49. Science & Technology At Scientific American.com: Holographic Control -- [ PHYSIC Liquidcrystal holograms form photonic crystals. By Graham P. Collins. Photoniccrystals influence light in the way that semiconductor materials affect http://www.sciam.com/article.cfm?articleID=000EF7E7-BE61-1EDC-8E1C809EC588EF21 |
50. INTERNET Optics-industry-1/96 1) Polarization studies and Electrooptic light Modulators - We examine ways of Current research projects include programmable holograms and optical http://www-rohan.sdsu.edu/~davisj/SDSUOpticsprogram.html | |
51. Prof. Betty Lise Anderson EE 716 Optics with Laser light EE731 Fiber Optics EE732 Quantum Electron DevicesLasers EE737 photonics Laboratory EE833 Optical Effects in Materials and http://www.ece.osu.edu/~anderson/photonics.html | |
52. Oe Magazine - Shedding Light On Diagnostics Under whitelight illumination, the developed grating acts as a reflector In addition to Smart holograms Inc., Lowe sits on the boards of five companies http://oemagazine.com/fromTheMagazine/mar03/diagnostics.html | |
53. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results Reflection and the Ray Model of light is part of the physics Classroom suite of This course introduces light propagation in periodic systems, photonic http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/psisearch.pl?term1=light reflection&subje |
54. PSIgate - Physical Sciences Information Gateway Search/Browse Results Olympus Microscopy Resource Center physics of light and Color RP PhotonicsConsulting GmbH Encyclopedia of Laser physics and Technology http://www.psigate.ac.uk/roads/cgi-bin/search_webcatalogue2.pl?limit=625&term1=l |
55. Photonics: Definition And Much More From Answers.com Systems that generate and transmit light (photons). Most photonic systems useelectricity and electronic circuits as their source of energy. http://www.answers.com/topic/photonics | |
56. PRO - EnLIGHTen - October, 1999 To make a hologram, a beam of coherent light is split into two beams. Enlighten is produced bimonthly by photonics Research Ontario, an Ontario Centre http://www.pro.on.ca/about_us/newsletters/newsletter_oct_99.htm |
57. Physics Resources A searchable, general database that contains articles about physics and othertopics. Electricity and magnetism, light and vision, sound and hearing, http://mclibrary.nhmccd.edu/physics.html |
58. From The ICO Golden Book He has been recognized for his contributions to photonics, optical computing andparallel A Ph.D in physics from the University of Sydney in 1996, Prof. http://www.ico-optics.org/Goldenbook.html | |
59. Physics Encyclopedia: Lasers This page is devoted to physics of laser radiation and different types of lasers . photonics Dictionary simply huge quick reference dictionary of terms http://members.tripod.com/~IgorIvanov/physics/laser.html | |
60. Ying-Chih Chen -- CUNY Photonics Center for Advanced Technology for Ultrafast photonics at CUNY (CUNY CAT) My research focuses on the physics, technology and materials of lasers, http://www.cunyphotonics.com/People/ChenYC.htm | |
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