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61. LÃbia / Libya :: Culture & Tourism Links : Kulturális és Idegenforgalmi Linke International catalogue of culture and tourism. Internationaler kultureller undtouristischer Katalog. Nemzetközi kulturális és idegenforgalmi katalógus. http://katalogus.kulturinfo.hu/ly.html | |
62. Libya - Libyan Arab Jamahiriya Official web sites of libya, the capital of libya, art, culture, history, cities,airlines, embassies, tourist boards and newspapers. http://www.nationsonline.org/oneworld/libya.htm | |
63. Tiscali - Search Learn about libyan culture. Samples of arts, crafts, poetry, food, and music . My libya. An informative site about the country, its people, culture, http://directory.tiscali.it/Regional/Africa/Libya/Society_and_Culture | |
64. Libie.StartTips.com All links to libya Libie. ·libyan culture. ·Art Links. ·Arts, Music Literature. ·Berber culture. ·Ezwawi Cartoons. ·Listen to the Music. · zoek http://www.libie.starttips.com/ | |
65. Arts And Culture-libya arts and culture work by british council libya. We don t have an Arts programmein libya, however we can help you have access to the best of UK arts. http://www.britishcouncil.org/libya-arts-and-culture.htm | |
66. Libya: THE ALL-AFRICA INTERNET GUIDE: Libya general politics culture travel. General. libya Onlinehttp//www.libyaonline.com/ A smallish portal site, with a business directory, http://www.goafrica.co.za/africa/libya.stm | |
67. Libya-Islam And Middle East culture. Center for libyan Studies A British thinktank dedicated to presentingclear information on libya. libya Mazigh This is a site that details http://www.ou.edu/mideast/country/libya.htm | |
68. Libya Business Culture And Doing Business In Libya Guides on business culture and doing business in libya. http://www.worldbiz.com/index.php/cPath/149 | |
69. Libyan Eclipse 2006 8 days, 7 nights; Eclipse Viewing on Centerline 400 duration; Weather odds of7080% clear skies; Exotic Libyan culture; Desert Oasis to Roman temples http://astronomicaltours.net/2006/Libya/ | |
70. Libya libya (Socialist People s libyan Arab Republic). culture Business/Economy General libya Mazigh highlights libya s Amazigh (Berber) culture http://www.mevic.org/libya.html | |
71. Travel In Tripoli - Libya - Africa - Culture - WorldTravelGate.net®- WorldTravelGate.net®Information about travel inTripoli,libya,Africa,Accommodation,Hotels,Restaurants,Car Rentals,,Travel Agencies.! http://www.africatravelling.net/libya/tripoli/tripoli_culture.htm | |
72. Libya - Content Development culture and Sports. Libyan Football http//libyasoccer.homepage.com/.Date Accessed 02/08/99. Abstract This web site provides news and reports about http://www.uneca.org/aisi/nici/country_profiles/Libya/libycond.htm | |
73. Marweb, Search Engine: Arts_and_Humanities literature, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Tamazight culture, Tamazgha, libya Directory Search Engine, libya Online resources includes libyan Travel Guide http://en.marweb.com/libya/Arts_and_Humanities/ | |
74. Explore.co.uk > Activity Holidays In Libya libya s cultural sites The more recent culture is no less interesting and aswe pass through the changing landscapes of these three countries, http://travel.explore.co.uk/libya-activity-holidays.php | |
75. Culture Of Libya - The World Heritage Sites Of Libya - A Tour To Libya 25 plus years experience on small grours to the most exotic destinations in Asia,the Middle East Africa. Indepth culture, adventure customised http://www.bestway.com/itineraries/t102.php | |
76. Libya libya. My libya. A site by Ibrahim Ighneiwa describing libya s culture and history.http//ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/dr_ibrahim_ighneiwa http://www.placesonline.org/sitelists/africa/libya.asp | |
77. Libya Society And Culture? All Showcase Africa | Libya Society And Culture Infor Society and culture Websites in libya Africa. Buraq Air Search on libyaSociety and culture on Juvio Solutions for Life http://www.allshowcase.com/Africa/Libya/Society_and_Culture/ | |
78. EDUCATION PLANET - 2273 Web Sites For Music Appreciation libyana Dedicated to libyan culture * - Learn about libyan culture. Samples ofarts, crafts, poetry, food, and music from libya. libyana is a collective, http://www.educationplanet.com/search/Art_and_Music/Music/Music_Appreciation | |
79. TakingITGlobal - Libya libyan culture libyan culture libya TakingITGlobal libya is a webbasedplatform for ideas and expression, a resource of opportunities, and a network http://libya.takingitglobal.org/ | |
80. Middle East Online Italy to give libya back statue of Venus. libyan culture minister says ItalianPM could personally return Venus if proposed trip to libya goes ahead. http://www.middle-east-online.com/english/libya/?id=2573 |
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