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161. Miami Valley Libraries Library cooperative for the public libraries of Southwestern Ohio. http://www.pcdl.lib.oh.us/mvl/ | |
162. Impacts Of The Internet On Public Library Use Results of a spring of 2000 study conducted by the Urban libraries Council, and conducted in English and Spanish. http://www.urbanlibraries.org/Internet Study Fact Sheet.html |
163. Images From The 1876 Report Selected accounts from the Bureau of Education report 'public libraries in the United States of America Their History, Condition, and Management'. http://www.coe.missouri.edu/~seaveyca/1876/ | |
164. Internet Camelot: Internet Trends, Ebooks, Business On The Web libraries, Librarians and other Book Lovers, with 74 books, includes books I input this entire book by hand to make it available to the public. http://www.samizdat.com/ | |
165. Guidelines For Children's Library Services A global guide designed to help public libraries around the world develop services for children and young adults. Prepared by the libraries for Children and Young Adults Section of the International Federation of Library Associations. http://www.ifla.org/VII/s10/pubs/ChildrensGuidelines.pdf |
166. Oxford Scholarship Online: Home Oxford Scholarship Online is a crosssearchable library containing the full textof over 980 Oxford Free trials are available to libraries worldwide. http://www.oxfordscholarship.com/oso/public/ | |
167. Welcome To The California State Library Details services to local libraries, state and local government and the public. Links to California Research Bureau papers online, LDS publications, the state library directory and other useful information. http://www.library.ca.gov/ | |
168. Children's Environmental Health Information Resources For Public Health Professi National Network of libraries of Medicine project to provide public health professionals with access to information resources. http://phpartners.org/cehir/ | |
169. East Providence Public Library System Includes Weaver Memorial Library plus the Fuller, Riverside and Rumford Branch libraries http://www.eastprovidencelibrary.org | |
170. Gale - Free Resources - Market Your Library - Find Yourself In The Library - Hom public School libraries. Thomson Gale s new program  Find Yourself in theLibrary  offers you a variety of free creative marketing and advertising http://www.gale.com/free_resources/marketing/find_yourself/ | |
171. Global Libraries - Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Information on US public library programs, including news items and information on grant applications. Site is devoted to donating computers and improving access to information technology. http://gatesfoundation.org/libraries/ | |
172. Familia: Libraries Index libraries index Maps and Places Guides Sources Links Italics LocalAuthority Library Services for which information has not been received http://www.familia.org.uk/libraries.html | |
173. Il000109.html - Celebrating A Century Of Service To Children Article from Illinois libraries which examines the history of the Children's Services Department at the Champaign public Library from 18991999. http://www.lib.niu.edu/ipo/il000109.html | |
174. Public Library Services For Home Schooling. ERIC Digest. An ERIC Digest article about the different ways that public libraries can serve home schooled students and their home schooling parents. http://www.ericdigests.org/1997-3/public.html | |
175. Biblioteka Públiko Kòrsou Features information on its holdings, branch and mobile libraries, hours of operation, adult and children services, and contacts. English, Papiamentu, Nederlands, and Espa±ol language options. http://www.curacaopubliclibrary.an/ | |
176. NYPL, Science, Industry And Business Library New York public Library s Science, Industry and Business section has numerousbusiness links and information. http://www.nypl.org/research/sibl/ | |
177. Ottawa Public Library GENERAL INFO Library locations, hours, loan periods, renewals and other ABOUT OPL My library s mission and the people who deliver it board, staff, http://www.library.ottawa.on.ca/english/ | |
178. Toronto Public Library Home Page Includes branches and hours, programs and events, resources, and catalogue. http://www.tpl.toronto.on.ca/ | |
179. Oakland Public Library Home Page Catalog search via telnet, library hours and information. http://www.oaklandlibrary.org/ | |
180. Los Angeles Public Library Provides comprehensive information and entertainment resources, web site indexes,databases, virtual library links as well as links to its central library http://www.lapl.org/ | |
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