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121. Lewisham Council - Page Not Found Collections, facilities, opening hours and location for every public library in the borough. http://www.lewisham.gov.uk/Libraries/english.asp | |
122. Welcome To The Kansas City Public Library Welcome to the Kansas City public Library Image of Dragons, Dreams DaringDeeds Image of Joust Read Image of Exhibits at Central Library http://www.kclibrary.org/index.cfm | |
123. Ames Research Center Education Office Web sites, libraries, and other information for students, teachers, informal educators, and the media to inspire and motivate students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics and to engage the public in shaping and sharing the experience of exploration and discovery. http://education.arc.nasa.gov/ | |
124. Programmer Finds Filtering System Too Diligent | CNET News.com As Congress mulls whether smutblocking software should be installed in all public schools and libraries, a computer programmer on Tuesday published a report alleging that at least one filtering company takes its job too far. CNET.com http://news.com.com/2100-1023-247556.html | |
125. NOLA Regional Library System The NOLA (Northeast Ohio Library Association) Regional Library System is a multitype library agency serving the school, public, academic and special libraries in its region. http://www.nolanet.org/ | |
126. Public Documents And Maps - Perkins Library - Duke University Perkins Library is an official depository for North Carolina public documents . Location http//docs.lib.duke.edu/index.htm Last update 02/15/05 http://docs.lib.duke.edu/ | |
127. Central Vermont Libraries Accounts of public libraries in several small towns. http://www.badc.com/towns/library/ | |
128. Carmarthenshire County Council - Library Services Carmarthen Region is responsible for 9 Community libraries and 4 Mobile libraries.At these libraries you can gain access to over half a million books for http://www.carmarthenshire.gov.uk/eng/index.asp?docID=7765 |
129. Graphic Novels And Trade Paperbacks An annotated list of graphic novels and trade paperbacks recommended for young adult collections in public libraries. http://www.geocities.com/dawnanik/grnovels.htm | |
130. Libraries Main Page Arlington public Library Putting the world within reach. Search the New LibraryCatalog. Arlington public Library s New Catalog System How does it work? http://www.co.arlington.va.us/lib/ | |
131. LibraryBug.org - Public Library Data Site offers data and facts on public libraries in the United States. http://www.librarybug.org | |
132. Elizabethton Carter County Public Library Location, hours, online catalog, patron records, and links to other libraries in the region. http://www.eccpl.org/ | |
133. Silicon Valley Library System Home Page A cooperative system of the public libraries of Santa Clara county. Offers a search of all member libraries and information about the system. http://www.svls.lib.ca.us/ | |
134. Public Libraries Section The Section of public libraries provides an active international forum for thedevelopment and promotion of public libraries which serve the whole community http://www.ifla.org/VII/s8/ | |
135. H B Williams Memorial Library. A public library, responsible to and funded by local government (Gisborne District Council) H.B. Williams Memorial Library, along with 12 community libraries, serves the 45,000 people of the Gisborne East Coast district. http://www.gpl.govt.nz/ | |
136. The Campaign For The World's Libraries he Campaign for the World s libraries is a public education campaign of theInternational Federation of Library Associations and Institutions, the American http://www.ifla.org/@yourlibrary/ | |
137. Welcome To Victoria's Virtual Library A portal site for public libraries in Victoria, offering online databases, community information, information in languages other than English, online library catalogues, hot topics, government and professional information. http://www.libraries.vic.gov.au/ | |
138. Okaloosa County Public Library Cooperative Details on member libraries, programs and services offered, and online catalog. http://www.readokaloosa.org/ | |
139. St. Mary's County Library - Leonardtown, MD Includes online catalog, account information, library programs, and description of services. http://www.somd.lib.md.us/STMA/Libraries/ | |
140. The Capital Area District Library–Home Page Information on the Lansing public library system, branch libraries, hours of operations, and access to the online catalog. http://www.cadl.org | |
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