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81. Chicora Home public nonprofit heritage preservation organization. Learn about Chicora's programs in archaeological and historical preservation and education for museums, archives, libraries, historic organizations and private citizens. http://chicora.org/ | |
82. The Solar System Ambassador Program A public outreach program designed to work with motivated volunteers across the nation who organize and conduct public events that communicate exciting discoveries and plans for exploration in Solar System research and technology through nontraditional forums, e.g. Rotary Clubs, libraries, museums, planetariums, star parties, and mall displays. http://www.jpl.nasa.gov/ambassador | |
83. Orange County Public Libraries Official site of the library system with online catalogs and library information. http://www.co.orange.nc.us/library/ | |
84. GeoWeb -- Home Page Includes search function by title, author and subject. http://opac.library.gov.mt/ | |
85. Lawfully Surfing The Net US public libraries are working to understand the requirements of the ChildrenÃsInternet Protection Act, in particular, disabling policies that must be http://www.firstmonday.org/issues/issue9_4/minow/ | |
86. Libraries Debate Net Filtering | CNET News.com The notion of filtering Net access at public libraries received very different reactions from the city councils of Coppell, Texas, and San Jose, California, where officials tried to balance concerns about online pornography with cries of censorship. News.com http://news.com.com/2100-1023-203548.html | |
87. MOLO Regional Library System The MOLO Regional Library System is a statechartered organization serving public, academic, school and special libraries in Eastern Ohio. http://www.molo.lib.oh.us | |
88. Newfoundland & Labrador Public Libraries :: Home AC Hunter Library. St. John s Arts Culture Center. Last Updated August 10th,2005 Copyrighted © 2004 Newfoundland Labrador public libraries. http://www.nlpubliclibraries.ca/ | |
89. PLUS: Public Libraries Using Spanish Resource bank for librarians striving to better serve Spanishspeaking patrons. http://www.sol-plus.net/plus/home.htm | |
90. WWW Virtual Library: Public Health public health www virtual library. http//www.ldb.org/iphw/index.htm Thewebbased service monitoring international and national governmental http://www.ldb.org/vl/ | |
91. Santa Cruz County Local History: Libraries And Schools Illustrated articles on the public library system, Carnegie libraries and schools in Santa Cruz, California. http://www.santacruzpl.org/history/libsch/libsch.shtml | |
92. House Rules Hawaii Newspaper index The 50 libraries which make up the Hawaii State PublicLibrary System (HSPLS) are located on the following islands. Hawai`i http://www.librarieshawaii.org/locations/ | |
93. Friends Of St. Thomas Public Libraries, U.S. Virgin Islands Mission, projects, how to join. Libraryrelated and Friends-related news. http://www.geocities.com/fostpl/ | |
94. The New York Public Library Research affiliations Association of Research libraries, Center for Research libraries, Research Library Group. http://www.nypl.org/ | |
95. Brooklyn Public Library Brooklyn public Library serves the borough s 2.5 million residents, offeringthousands of public programs, millions of books and use of more than 850 free http://www.brooklynpubliclibrary.org/index.jsp |
96. PUBYAC Home A discussion list about the practical aspects of children's and young adult services in public libraries. Topics are focused on programming ideas, outreach, literacy, censorship and policy issues, collection development, administrative considerations, job openings, and professional development. Requires registration. http://www.pubyac.org/ | |
97. UK H.E. And Research Libraries Re-Direct - University Of Exeter Library And Info List of references indexed by topics like public, school and national libraries. Also includes sections about organisations and science resources. http://www.ex.ac.uk/library/wwwlibs.html | |
98. Hong Kong Public Libraries Library Catalogue, Electronic Resources, About Hong Kong public libraries,Application of Library Card. Library Location Information, Extension Activities http://www.hkpl.gov.hk/ | |
99. The Public Lending Right UK Web Site Provides information on the PLR Scheme. It provides advice on eligibility, registration and payment from government for the free lending of their books by libraries. http://www.plr.uk.com/ | |
100. Home Page For WCPL Site Countywide network of libraries located in Franklin and the Bethesda, Fairview, Leiper's Fork, and Nolensville communities. http://lib.williamson-tn.org/ | |
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