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61. Highlights, Services And Resources For Children And Young Adults In Public Libra Results of a study on the various kinds of public library services and resources available for children and young adults. Commissioned by the United States Department of Education, Office of Library Programs, and released in 1995. http://nces.ed.gov/surveys/frss/publications/95357/ | |
62. Libraries Of The World And Their Catalogues On The Internet - National, Academic Links to national, academic and public libraries and their catalogues. Compiled by Sylvia Milne, a retired librarian. http://www.sylviamilne.btinternet.co.uk/plucked/libcats.htm | |
63. The UK Public Libraries Page An exhaustive list of libraries, compiled by Sheila and Robert Harden with sites that make 'an effort to use the medium imaginatively' marked. http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/square/ac940/ukpublib.html | |
64. Tennessee Secretary Of State - Redirect Search for libraries by region. http://www.state.tn.us/sos/statelib/publib |
65. Orange County Public Library Includes information about location, timings and services offered by itself, and its branch libraries. http://www.ocpl.org/ | |
66. Collection Development Training For Arizona Public Libraries Tutorials cover collection development policies, needs assessment, selectioncriteria, acquisition of materials, weeding, censorship issues, http://www.lib.az.us/cdt/ | |
67. Hamilton Library -- Quick Selection Menu Information on the library and online catalogue. http://www.hpl.govt.nz/ | |
68. Welcome To Victoria's Virtual Library Locate your local public Library, its hours of opening and special services. Links to the Library's homepage, email contact and online catalogue where appropriate. http://www.librariesvictoria.net/ | |
69. Reference & Referral Center: Florida Libraries Lists of public, school and college libraries, and a directory by county. Links to online catalogs offer a comprehensive way to search holdings of the state's libraries. Developed as a resource for distance learning students and teachers. http://www.rrc.usf.edu/library.html | |
70. Library Name Hennen s American public Library Ratings HAPLR ratings are based on data from the US haplrindex.com 6014 Spring Street, Racine, WI 53406 USA http://www.haplr-index.com/HAPLR100.htm | |
71. Calvert County Public Libraries Includes branch information, calendar of events, library catalog and resources, and account information. http://www.somd.lib.md.us/CALV/Libraries/ | |
72. Phoenix Public Library - Www.phxlib.org The Phoenix public Library is a system of 13 branch facilities in Phoenix, Arizona . Ask a Librarian, Ask about Your Library Card, AtoZ eJournal index http://www.phoenixpubliclibrary.org/ | |
73. Novi Public Library Home Page Top/Regional/North_America/United_States/Michigan/Arts_and_Entertainment/libraries/public http://novi.lib.mi.us/ | |
74. Home Pages For Libraries In Texas - Texas State Library Lists the internet addresses of public and academic libraries that reside in the state of Texas. The page is a courtesy for those libraries that wish to submit their home page addresses and have them listed on the page. http://www.tsl.state.tx.us/texshare/pl/texlibs.html | |
75. Library Resources Offers a varied library community which includes government, public, academic, and private/special collections. Features links to these resources and CALCO, Capitol Area Library Consortium. http://www.state.mn.us/libraries/ | |
76. Harrison Regional Library System - Shelby County Public Libraries Information on library locations and hours, books by mail, computer centers and calendar of events. http://shelbycounty-al.org | |
77. Graphic Novels For Public Libraries Annotated list of comics in book form, created for librarians by a librarian and comic book fan. http://my.voyager.net/~sraiteri/graphicnovels.htm | |
78. Northern Ireland Libraries Portal providing information on the services and resources available. Includes searchable catalogue of current library holdings. http://www.ni-libraries.net/ | |
79. School Library Journal Homepage Magazine serves librarians who work with young people in school and public libraries. http://www.slj.com/ | |
80. Lewisham Information and minutes from Blackheath, Grove Park and Manor House libraries' user groups. http://www.librarylondon.org/localgroups/lewisham/lewisham.htm | |
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