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61. Computer Animation: From The Studio To The Home PC If you get a chance to use CrazyTalk 4.0, I d advise it; it s hours of entertainmentjust creating alone, Flash Tip maximizing Workspace in Flash MX http://animation.about.com/ | |
62. Bass Pro : Outdoor Library : Gear For Maximizing Space In Camping Tents Home Outdoor Library Gear For maximizing Space in Camping Tents, View Cart The first thing to do is determine the best way to use the storage space http://wwww.basspro.com/page-67/article/30110.htm | |
63. Apple - Science - Maximizing Mac OS X Applications Performance: Reference Librar maximizing Mac OS X Applications Performance Reference Library 1800-MY-APPLE.Contact Us Terms of use Privacy Policy http://www.apple.com/science/optimization.html | |
64. Long Range Plan This plan has been developed using the Public Library Association (PLA) Provide and maintain a welcoming facility, maximizing use of available space http://www.mv.com/org/dunlib/LRPlan.html | |
65. Winds Of Change - Winter 2002 Have sessions for students who hate to use the library. Have sessions gearedtoward maximizing use of the resources from outside the library. http://www.wsulibs.wsu.edu/LibWire/changes.html | |
66. About Libraries -Index - Saskatchewan Libraries How to use libraries connected and wired world of individuals and organizationsmaximizing their use of information technology in an informed, http://www.lib.sk.ca/aboutlibraries/ | |
67. New Brunswick Faculty Council Minutes, April 15, 2005 Dan Fishman, chair of the Library Committee, thanked the other members of the the possibility of minimizing meetingtravel time, maximizing use of http://nbfc.rutgers.edu/year04_05/Minutes0405.htm | |
68. Competitions, Maximizing Your Abilities Competitions maximizing Your Abilities has more than 100 different entries Through many forms and guides for students to use, the authors have created http://www.geniusdenied.com/articles/Record.aspx?NavID=13_33&rid=11048 |
69. Learning Abstracts January 2004, Volume 7, Number 1 maximizing Student Success A Library and Nursing Department Web Partnership instruction in the use of library materials to support class assignments, http://www.league.org/publication/abstracts/learning/lelabs0401.html | |
70. ALA | C&RL, March 2000, Vol. 61, No. 2, Editorial In recent years, Âjointuse libraries have taken on a different meaning and a It is uncommon to find any two joint-use libraries that are identical in http://www.ala.org/ala/acrl/acrlpubs/crljournal/backissues2000b/march00/candrlma | |
71. Report 02-0082 Increased use of the library during the past decade is addressed in the revised maximizing the skills and knowledge of the library staff to deliver high http://sunnyvale.ca.gov/pc2003/Reports/03-24/02-0082.htm | |
72. Professionals' Fair Use Of Journal Articles For Scholarship, Reference And Resea the right of fair use if the focus becomes maximizing profit for publishers This is probably a permitted use under the library exemption in Section http://www.utsystem.edu/ogc/intellectualproperty/mono4.htm | |
73. Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math maximizing the Number of Rectangles. Date 10/26/2000 at 033259 From Bryan Re maximizing paper use Thanks for writing to Ask Dr. Math, Bryan. http://mathforum.org/library/drmath/view/51791.html | |
74. Library: Guide To Image Collections Tutorials are provided for maximizing your use of this collection. This is agrowing project Thematic collections gathered by the Library of Congress. http://library.csusm.edu/subject_guides/visual_and_performing_arts/art/imagecoll | |
75. POLICY FOR LIBRARY USE BY staff and students while maximizing the research experience for visiting groups Be aware that the use of the library by OBU students is very heavy http://www2.okbu.edu/library/reference/policyforlibraryusebynon-obustudents.htm | |
76. AgNIC Portal - AgNIC Annual Coordinating Committee, March 1999 existing electronic library maximizing the use of technology University ofWisconsin (Jean) discussed their cranberry site emphasizing the importance http://www.agnic.org/agnic/About/Meetings/CoordCom/CoordCom/Document.2003-10-03. |
77. A Library Writer's Blog maximizing use of vendor services Partnering with library departments outsideof TS Partnering with vendors Preservation digitization http://librarywriting.blogspot.com/2004_11_01_librarywriting_archive.html | |
78. Maximizing Productivity With Application Development Environments - Tutorial - D maximizing Productivity with Application Development Environments Take advantageof the ADEs available, use existing code for some tests, http://zone.ni.com/devzone/learningcenter.nsf/webmain/3A312D98F0CADD9D8625703F00 | |
79. Maximizing Reusability And Flexibility With System Management - Tutorial - Devel use this layer to call modular test programs written in any application development maximizing Reusability and Flexibility with System Management http://zone.ni.com/devzone/learningcenter.nsf/webmain/3144999036A5F1D88625703F00 | |
80. TSD Program Review Structure, Values, & Principles Supports the library s vision and strategic directions; Streamlines functions Good stewardship maximizing use of available resources (people, time, http://www.lib.umd.edu/TSD/PROGRAMREV/structure&principles.html | |
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