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21. Brick And Click Libraries - Sessions Managing and maximizing use of Your EJournal Collection Results of Fall 2004student and faculty surveys about the library tour; facultyÂs planned use http://www.nwmissouri.edu/library/pr/symposium/symp2004.htm | |
22. Maximizing The Value Of Library CAP Sites - Documents - Administration - Info Fo maximizing the Value of Library CAP Sites. Saskatchewan Perspectives Actively promote the use of our libraries for delivering programs and services of http://www.lib.sk.ca/staff/admin/documents/maxcap.html | |
23. NCEF Resource List: Library And Media Center Design--K-12 Discusses maximizing space for multipurpose use; changing library personnel dutiesto meet changing needs; increasing collaboration with teachers; http://www.edfacilities.org/rl/libraries.cfm | |
24. ALA | Maximizing The Value Of A Rally To make a real difference for state funding of libraries, you will need Develop a campaign slogan that everyone can use to keep the message consistent. http://www.ala.org/ala/pio/piopromotions/maximizingvalue.htm | |
25. NMLD 5-yr Plan B. This committee shall periodically review and recommend rules and proceduresfor maximizing use and minimizing abuse of the systems by member libraries. http://www.bpl.lib.me.us/nmld/plan.htm | |
26. Library Journal - Lies, Damned Lies, And Web Logs libraries tally reference questions, circulation figures, Some, again includingAOL, have begun maximizing the use of their connections by reassigning http://www.libraryjournal.com/article/CA106218.html | |
27. University Libraries Strategic Goal 4 use of Findings. Develop strategies for maximizing the libraries influencewithin the University community; Plan for and direct change http://library.albany.edu/about/strategic_goal4.htm | |
28. Linker And Libraries Guide maximizing Shareability. As mentioned in Underlying System, only a shared object stext segment is shared by all processes that use it. http://docsun.cites.uiuc.edu/sun_docs/C/solaris_9/SUNWdev/LLM/p24.html | |
29. Access To Electronic Information Networks The Illinois State Library and all ILLINET libraries use electronic information policy by maximizing the use of the resources of all types of libraries. http://www.cyberdriveillinois.com/departments/library/what_we_have/access.html | |
30. UW-Madison Libraries - 2003 Strategic Goals The Library, mosaic mural, created by James Watrous, emeritus professor of Health Sciences Library and Steenbock Library) and maximizing use of space by http://www.library.wisc.edu/libraries/news/reports/2002/2003-strategic-goals.sht | |
31. Project Videonet Survey Survey of Videoconferencing use Among US Public libraries strategy, actionplan, and administrative support for maximizing the technology s utility. http://www.infopeople.org/partners/vidnet/exec_summary.html | |
32. LE@D - How To LE@D maximizing the Value of Library Education @ Desktop Recognize and rewardmember libraries that maximize their integration and use of LE@D classes. http://web2.unt.edu/cmp_lead/maximize.cfm | |
33. AUD Library : Policy The use of mobile phones is allowed in the Library BUT ringers must be with other AIU libraries with the goals of maximizing resource sharing and http://www.aud.edu/library/policies.htm | |
34. Gateway To Medical Information At The National Library Of Medicine: Maximizing T maximizing the use of the Cochrane library through librarianclinician partnerships.Gagnon AJ, Rader T. Int Cochrane Colloq. 2000; 8. http://gateway.nlm.nih.gov/robot_pages/MeetingAbstracts/hstar/Cochrane_sgml/GWHS | |
35. Maximizing The Performance Of Your Active Server Pages (Active Server Pages Tech This article is based on the presentation maximizing the Performance of YourActive Server Pages, use Microsoft Transaction Server Library Packages. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/dnasp/html/maxperf.asp | |
36. Maximizing Product Security This topic is about maximizing Product Security. use only Windows NT integratedsecurity, and restrict access to only privileged Windows NT accounts. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/his_2004Main/htm/his_gs_deploy_qsgo.asp | |
37. Maximizing The Use Of The Cochrane Library Through Librarian-clinician Partnersh maximizing the use of the Cochrane library through librarianclinician partnerships.Gagnon AJand Rader T. McGill University School of Nursing, http://www.cochrane.org/colloquia/abstracts/capetown/capetownPA31.html | |
38. Dynix.com - Public Library Solutions ever to assure your library is maximizing use of time and technology. For bothDynix and the public library, the mission hasn t changedÂbut the tools http://www.dynix.com/solutions/public/ | |
39. Influencing User Behavior Through Digital Library Design: An Example From The Ge In this article, we explore how the portal of a digital library can be designed maximizing use of Pedagogic Information. The primary information seeking http://www.dlib.org/dlib/may05/fox/05fox.html | |
40. Library Classroom Policy Seattle Pacific University Library Instructional Classroom use Policy. Âmaximizing use of student computers is defined as instructional activities http://www.spu.edu/depts/library/about_library/main/policies/classroom_policy.ht | |
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