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101. Childrens Leukemia Research Association! Childrens leukemia Research Association! Describing National leukemia, children s leukemia, National leukemia Association and Team leukemia. http://www.childrensleukemia.org/ | |
102. Hiro Nishimura And T-Cell Leukemia Memorial to a young man and a journal of his fight. http://hiro-nishimura.com | |
103. Leukemia / Lymphoma Parent Information Information for parents about the leukemia / Lymphoma treatment program at St. Jude. http://www.stjude.org/leukemia/0,2530,422_2049_10616,00.html | |
104. Sierraryan.com In memory of Sierra Marie Ryan, daughter of William Cole Wilkinson and Betsy Lee Wilkinson. Her life Was cut short by Acute Myeloblastic leukemia. http://www.sierraryan.com | |
105. JLS Foundation | Children With Leukemia | Home Each reader of this web site can make a difference in the life of a child diagnosed with leukemia. We ask, having known the suffering that our own child http://www.jlsfoundation.org/ | |
106. Oreilly.com -- Online Catalog: Childhood Leukemia, Second Edition The second edition of this comprehensive guide offers detailed and precise medical information for parents that includes dayto-day practical advice on how to cope with procedures, hospitalization, family and friends, school, and social, emotional, and financial issues. It features a wealth of tools for parents and contains significant updates on treatments and procedures. http://www.oreilly.com/catalog/leukemia2/ | |
107. CNN.com - Health - Cancer Drug Produces Dramatic Results - December 2, 2000 CNN http://cnn.com/2000/HEALTH/12/02/leukemia.drug/index.html | |
108. Alternative Natural Health - Breakthrough - A Powerful Natural Nutritional Remed Discusses how natural trace elements in the diet can prevent cancers, Arthritis, MS, leukemia and most autoimmune diseases. http://www.truehealth.org | |
109. CFA Health Committee - Feline Leukemia Virus CFA Health Committee strives to improve the health of cats through awareness and communication and by obtaining data and information which will benefit http://www.cfainc.org/health/FeLV.html | |
110. Leukemia Information And Resources Cancer survivor's resource with many links which touch on a number of related topics. http://www.geocities.com/leukemia_lymphoma/leukemia2.htm | |
111. The Cancer Information Network A physician guided site for leukemia patients, their families, and caregivers. The diagnosis of leukemia bring with them many questions and a need for http://www.cancerlinksusa.com/leukemia/index.asp | |
112. Some Moore Cats - Feline Leukemia Story about a cat called Maxwell and his battle with FeLV and his chronic eye problems, including corneal ulcers, entropion, and conjunctivitis. http://www.somemoorecats.com/felv.shtml | |
113. Alex's Place - Update On Alex's Fight Against Acute Myelogenous Leukemia Update on 3 1/2 year old Alexandra Martini's three year fight against pediatric Acute Mylogenous leukemia. http://www.alexupdate.com | |
114. Cat Fanciers Site HAS MOVED!! Update Your Links! Cammy Lee leukemia Foundation http://www.ai.mit.edu/fanciers/other-faqs/feleuk-faq.html | |
115. The Mark Forti Leukemia Fund WebSite Includes involvement history and fundraising information. http://www.markfortifund.com/ | |
116. CML Support: Most Comprehensive Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Information Discussion about chronic myelogenous leukemia featuring Gleevec, other treatment matters, news, FAQs and patient stories. http://www.cmlsupport.com/ | |
117. Leukemia & Human Genome - Triumph & Hope provides interactive stateof-the-art programs to support the continuing education needs of community practitioners in all areas of clinical practice and http://library.thinkquest.org/C006312/ | |
118. Feline Leukemia Virus - Overview, Risk Factors & Transmission - AnimalHealthChan of the condition including the different types of FeLV and its incidence....... http://animalhealthchannel.com/FeLV/ | |
119. Cancer And Blood Diseases | Bone Marrow Transplant | Leukemia Treatment Options leukemia Treatment Options. There are two major types of leukemias, acute and chronic. Acute leukemia may involve either lymphocytes, called acute http://www.ucsfhealth.org/childrens/medical_services/cancer/bmt/treatments/leuke | |
120. CaringBridge.org - Kendrie Little Kendrie is a child who is fighting leukemia. Site includes her story, and pictures. http://www.caringbridge.org/ga/kendrie | |
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