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         Leukemia & Diet:     more detail
  1. One Day at a Time: Children Living With Leukemia (Don't Turn Away) by Thomas Bergman, 1989-10
  2. The Breuss Cancer Cure: Advice for the Prevention and Natural Treatment of Cancer, Leukemia and Other Seemingly Incurable Diseases by Rudolf Breuss, 1995-10
  3. Living Through Leukemia: A Journey to Health by Louis George Whitehead, 2007-08-27
  4. Childhood Leukemia: A Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers (2nd Edition) by Nancy Keene, 1999-10-01
  5. It's Good to Know a Miracle: Dani's Story: One Family's Struggle with Leukemia by Jay Shotel, Sue Shotel, 2008-04-01
  6. Quick FACTS Leukemia (Quickfacts) by American Cancer Society, 2008-07-20
  7. When Cancer CallsSay Yes to Life: The Story of One Mans Journey through Leukemia by Rusty Hammer, 2007-10-29
  8. Leukemia (Venture Book) by Dorothy Schainman Siegel, David E. Newton, 1994-08
  9. The Absence of the Dead Is Their Way of Appearing by Mary Trautman Trautman, 1984-08
  10. A Guide to good nutrition during and after chemotherapy and radiation by Saundra N Aker, 1976
  11. Bone Marrow Transplants: A Guide for Cancer Patients and Their Families by Marianne Shaffer, 1994-04-25
  12. Survivor: Taking Control of Your Fight Against Cancer by Laura Landro, 1998-10-02

41. NRM: Kids With Leukemia May Have Mum's Diet To Blame
Kids with leukemia may have mum s diet to blame. By William D Donaldson. Kids aretraditionally the ones nagged to eat their veggies because they re good
SEPTEMBER 30, 2004 VOLUME 1 NO. 18 You are what your mother eats Kids with leukemia may have mum's diet to blame By William D Donaldson
Kids are traditionally the ones nagged to eat their veggies because "they're good for you." While this is indubitably true, new research says that mums-to-be need to chow down on veggies too. A study published in the August issue of Cancer Causes and Control claims that women who eat fruit and vegetables before pregnancy give birth to children who are less likely to develop leukemia, the most common childhood cancer. Even more surprising, there seems to be similar protective effect with meat protein, which is more often linked with causing cancer than preventing it. Researchers from Berkeley University compared the diets of 138 mothers of children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia to the food intakes of a control group of 138 women with demographically-matched healthy children. The study recorded what the mothers ate in the 12 months prior to pregnancy.

42. Medical News: Diet High In Fruit And Vegetables May Reduce Chemo Side Effects -
Medical news summary describing diet high in fruit and vegetables may reduce research and cancer; Research and childhood leukemia; Research and diet
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Diet high in fruit and vegetables may reduce chemo side effects
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Medical News Summary: Diet high in fruit and vegetables may reduce chemo side effects
About: Diet high in fruit and vegetables may reduce chemo side effects Date: 27 December 2004 Source: Health Day Author: Steven Reinberg Medical News Summary (summary of medical news story as reported by Health Day): A new study at the Colombia University reports that sufferers of childhood leukemia may be able to prevent or reduce some of the negative side effects caused by chemotherapy if they ate more fruit and vegetables. Fruit and vegetable consumption would increase their antioxidant and micronutrient level which is frequently low. Researchers found that children with higher levels of vitamins A, E and total carotenoids had fewer negative side effects such as infections and toxicity. If these findings are confirmed, children undergoing chemotherapy could benefit from eating a diet high in fruit and vegetable or at least supplements. URL: Related Disease Topics: Leukemia Cancer , Childhood leukemia, Infection , Toxicity Related Medical News Channels: This medical news summary article refers to the following medical channel categories:

43. Weight Loss Online - Diet And Lose Weight
Weight loss and diet information online. How to lose weight, While the riskof developing myeloid leukemia increased with body mass index, fatfree mass

44. Kentucky - Aspartame Death Capital Of The US
An extremely interesting point is she says leukemia should be included in the where people had been diagnosed with leukemia was connected to diet soda.

Kentucky - Aspartame
Death Capital Of The US
From Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum
The letter below is from Sharon Bevins, Mission Possible, Pound, Virginia. An extremely interesting point is she says leukemia should be included in the diseases triggered by aspartame, not knowing that the Italian Study has just proven the point. Here is her research: Regards, Betty
Two years ago, I met a couple of women at a natural health food store, that basically changed my life. They introduced me to a book called "Death by Diet" by a bio-chemist called Robert Barefoot. The book explained all the functions that calcium did in the body and that it could even prevent and cure cancer! I started giving some of this information out to my friends and relatives who were sick with various ailments, such as lupus, fibromyalgia, MS, different types of cancer. I noticed that almost all on my list were women! I wondered why?
I had read an article in a women's magazine that said that women were dying across America at twice the rate of men on almost every disease, especially autoimmune diseases. I started taking informed surveys across the region I lived in (southwest Virginia and eastern Kentucky), to see if I could come up with some answers. I knew that women were dieting all the time, this was obvious! I found they were not big meat eaters and milk drinkers like men, losing major sources of protein and calcium. The women at the health food store showed me a brochure about the damaging effects of aspartame in diet products. I knew it was bad, but I had no idea at the time just how bad!!

She said Something linked to diet soda drinking is also linked to obesity. Numerous physicians and consultants diagnosed histiocytic leukemia.
By Dr. Betty Martini
Mission Possible International
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Posted: 18 July 2005
The Cancer Research Center of the European Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy reported this week that a long-term study to evaluate the potential carcinogenic effects of aspartame demonstrates the chemical sweetener "induces an increase in lymphomas and leukemias in female rats." The research will be presented at a September international scientific conference, "Framing the Future in the Light of the Past: Living in a Chemical World." Neurosurgeon Russell Blaylock M.D. commented: "The new study released in the European Journal of oncology by Morando Soffritti and co-workers should terrify mothers and all those consuming aspartame sweetened products. This was a carefully done study which clearly demonstrated a statistically significant increase in several types of lymphomas and leukemias in rats. Both of these malignancies have increased significantly in this country since the widespread use of aspartame. "This study confirmed the previous study by Dr. Trocho and co-workers, which also found the formaldehyde breakdown product of aspartame to be damaging to cellular DNA and that this damage was accumulative. The type of damage was a duplicate of that associated with cancers. Along with this most recent study, this means that drinking a single diet cola sweetened with aspartame every day could increase one's risk of developing a lymphoma or leukemia.

46. -- Help For Oncology Nurses To Better Serve Their Patients -- Risk
of diet and alcohol consumption on leukemia have shown nothing definitive . a leukemia diagnosis and immediately look to make dietary changes in an
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Risks for, and Causes of, Leukemia It's only human to wonder what causes disease. After a diagnosis, you may ask, "How in the world could this have happened? What caused me to get leukemia?" Nobody knows. There are many theories and ideas being promulgated about what causes leukemia, but there are no hard and fast answers out there that we can point to and say, "This is what caused the leukemia." Who is at risk for leukemia In 1993 about 10 Americans per 100,000 were newly diagnosed with leukemia. It is heartening that incidence rates of all leukemias dropped by 5.3 percent from 1973 to 1993. This drop was seen across genders and ethnic groups. Similarly, mortality rates dropped 6.2 percent during the same period. More effective methods for diagnosis and a much wider variety of treatment options have made this possible. Better understanding of possible causes and areas of concern also affected the statistics. Although percentages have dropped, as the population has grown the number of people affected has risen slightly in the past few years. In 1999, an estimated 27,900 adults were diagnosed with leukemia. That's up from 23,100 in 1995, when 16,800 males and 13,400 females were diagnosed. According to 1999 statistics, AML has become the largest adult leukemia type, overtaking chronic lymphocytic leukemia in the numbers by about 2,300 individuals. More common use of blood tests has made early detection of these diseases easier and more efficient. To put the numbers in some perspective, in 1999 in the United States of America alone, about 1,221,800 new cases of all kinds of cancer are expected to be diagnosed, yet graphs of new leukemia diagnoses have remained pretty flat for the last five to eight years.

47. The McDougall Newsletter February 2004 - Bovine
diet and human leukemia an analysis of international data. Prev Med.1993 May;22(3)40922. 11) Howell MA. Factor analysis of international cancer
February 2004 Vol. 3 No. 2 Subscribe to this newsletter at Printer Friendly Page
Widespread Infection with Leukemia Virus from Meat and Milk O ne little Holstein dairy cow from a Yakima, Washington farm introduced mad cow into America’s food supply and changed the world forever. Can you imagine the response when consumers discover 9 out of 10 of the herds in the US (89%) are infected with leukemia virus? This means millions of cows presently have live, infectious, leukemia viruses – bovine leukemia virus – living inside them. These viruses are known to cause cancers of the immune system, called leukemias and lymphomas, in these cows. More startling will be the reaction when they learn that consuming tainted beef has already infected as many as 74% of people living in the US. Hopefully, this will be a wake-up call that turns people from sausages to sweet potatoes and porterhouse to potatoes. A revolution is long overdue, especially since scientists have known about this health hazard for more than 35 years. Yet, you have heard little or nothing about leukemia viruses infecting your food supply because of the spin placed on this information by the cattle industry and the United States Department of Agriculture. They have taken the position: “until proven guilty beyond any doubt, eating live leukemia viruses is perfectly safe.” C

48. HON - News : Healthful Diet Urged For Kids Undergoing Chemo
using antioxidant supplements during chemotherapy for treating leukemia, said We really need to focus on improving the children s diet, she said.
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Resources from HONselect Healthful Diet Urged for Kids Undergoing Chemo
Treatment lowers antioxidant, nutrient levels By Steven Reinberg
HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Dec. 27 (HealthDayNews) Kids undergoing chemotherapy for the most common form of childhood leukemia have significant reductions in their antioxidant and micronutrient levels, which could lead to bad side effects from the treatment. If these children would eat more fruits and vegetables, they could improve these levels of antioxidants and micronutrients and prevent some of the negative side effects of chemotherapy, a new study suggests. "We got interested in looking at this because many parents had approached us about the safety and effectiveness of using antioxidant supplements during chemotherapy for treating leukemia," said lead researcher Dr. Kara M. Kelly, an associate professor of pediatric oncology at Columbia University. To find out, Kelly and her colleagues first had to understand what happened to levels of vitamins A, E and C during chemotherapy. They studied 103 children who had just been diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

49. HON - News : News For Neoplasms
Mom s diet May Reduce Breast Cancer Risk in Daughters (04/20/2005, HealthDay) Stem Cell Transplant Bests Chemo for Common Childhood leukemia (08/04/2005
What is it? Speech: On / Off HONcode sites All Web sites HONselect News ... X Y Z Browse archive:
A J J ... J News for Neoplasms HONselect: News: Bladder Neoplasms Broccoli May Fight Bladder Cancer (08/04/2005, HealthDay)
Pay Attention to Bladder Cancer's Warning Signs
(07/24/2005, HealthDay)
Hair Dye Cleared of Cancer Risk
(05/24/2005, HealthDay)
Health Tip: Help Prevent Bladder Cancer
(03/14/2005, HealthDay)
Lawn Chemicals Can Cause Cancer in Some Dogs
(04/30/2004, HealthDay)
Studies Find Little Link Between Acrylamide and Cancers
(03/29/2004, HealthDay)
Making the Tough Choices With Bladder Cancer
(03/14/2004, HealthDay)
No Cancer Risk Found in Food Chemical
(01/28/2003, HealthDay)
Cancer Suppression Gene Identified
(11/15/2002, HealthDay)
Selenium May Cut Bladder Cancer Risk in Ex-Smokers
(11/01/2002, HealthDay) Bladder Cancer and Smoking Link Studied (10/05/2002, HealthDay) Bladder Cancer Keeps Coming Back (09/23/2002, HealthDay) Bone Neoplasms Breast Cancer Gene Tied to Non-Breast Tumors in Men (09/01/2005, HealthDay) Genes Discovered That May Predict Breast Cancer Spread to Lungs (07/27/2005, HealthDay) Web-Based Cancer Research Reaps Reward (03/29/2005, HealthDay)

50. Rat Study Links Aspartame To Cancer
Lymphoma, leukemia in Rats Fed Sweetener; Industry Group Says Aspartame Is Safe A 180pound man would need to drink four cans of diet soda a day.
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Who We Are About WebMD Site Map sponsored Featured Centers Rat Study Links Aspartame to Cancer Lymphoma, Leukemia in Rats Fed Sweetener; Industry Group Says Aspartame Is Safe By Daniel DeNoon WebMD Medical News Reviewed By Michael Smith, MD on Thursday, July 28, 2005 More From WebMD Get the Lowdown on Artificial Sweeteners Dieticians Say Splenda is Not the Same as Sugar Slimming Recipes and Tips for Summer July 28, 2005 A study of rats links low doses of aspartame the sweetener in NutraSweet, Equal, and thousands of consumer products to leukemia and lymphoma. But food industry officials point out that many other studies have found no link between aspartame and cancer. The rats in the study were fed various doses of aspartame throughout their lives. In female but not male rats, lymphoma and leukemia were significantly associated with daily aspartame doses as low as 20 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) of body weight. And there was a trend toward these cancers at doses as low as 4 mg/kg of body weight. To reach a dose of 20 mg/kg, a 140-pound woman would need to drink three cans of diet soda a day. A 180-pound man would need to drink four cans of diet soda a day.

51. Healthy Foods Halt Leukemia In Small Children: Bananas, Oranges And Turmeric
And a diet containing the curry spice turmeric may also be protective accountingfor Chemotherapy causes widespread DNA damage in leukemia patients; Welcome to the fastest-growing news network on the web. We do news right:
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52. Infectious Disease - Feline Leukemia
Feline leukemia Feline leukemia diet FeLV positive kitten FeLV Q My cat wasdiagnosed with leukemia. What type of diet she should be on?
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Infectious Disease - Feline Leukemia
Feline leukemia transmission and false positive test results

Feleuk tests and exposure to positive kitten

Feline leukemia, feral cats and euthanasia

FELV care and lifestyle changes
... Feline Leukemia/ Behavioral changes also see Euthanasia also see Feline Leukemia Test also see Feline Leukemia Treatments also see Feline leukemia Medication also see Living Arrangement Problems also see FIP - Feline Infectious Peritonitis also see FIV - Feline Immunodeficiency Virus also see Infectious Disease also see Vaccine related Problems also see Zoonotic Disease
Feline leukemia transmission and false positive test Question: Two years ago I found a young female cat on the farm where I was living. It took 3 months of daily feeding her before she would let me

53. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
Read my suggestions on diet HERE. leukemia is an uncontrolled proliferation ofone kind of white blood cell (or leukocyte). Like all cancers (probably),


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Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia (CML)
Source [Karl Note: This is probably an accurate, but drug-oriented reference to this form of Leukemia. It is often true that the ONLY technical description of some form of cancer is published to promote the use of some particular drug. Those who offer alternative therapies never have the resources to provide such information. I don't hesitate to present such information, even to include references to the drugs being suggested, but I do also suggest what alternatives I think are possibly useful. I suggest you read about Taheebo Life Tea at and about Biopsy and Cancer at and, finally, that you consider major changes in diet with the expectation that diet change alone can remove almost any health problem, including cancer. Read my suggestions on diet HERE.

54. Ask The Herbalis: Questions On Leukemia
I m sure you know what lymphocytic leukemia is, but for those reading this post, his diet is CRITICAL at this point. He must stop all ingesting of the herbalist/asktheherbalist_questions_on_leukemia.h
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My husband has been diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia. At this time they don't suggest treatment, just watch and wait. What would you suggest that would help him?
ANSWER : Just wait? For what, him to become so sick he has to have radiation therapy? Honestly. Sometimes I could just scream. I'm sure you know what lymphocytic leukemia is, but for those reading this post, I'll elaborate a little Lymphocytic cells are the white blood cells that contain the T cells needed to fight off infection. Leukemia is a cancer of the blood producing cells of the bone marrow. In your husband's case, he is not producing enough of the lymphocytic cells.
The following herbs may prove beneficial in helping your husband back to wellness.

55. National Cancer Institute - Dictionary Of Cancer Terms
Dexamethasone is used to treat leukemia and lymphoma and may be used to treat other substances taken by mouth, and intended as an addition to the diet.

56. Bone Marrow Cancers (e.g. Multiple Myeloma (MM), Leukemia, Etc.) - Alternative T
CAUTION Melatonin should NOT be used by people with leukemia, Hodgkins disease, The Budwig diet (eg flaxseed oil and cottage cheese) has some profound
Bone Marrow Cancers
(e.g. Multiple Myeloma (MM), Leukemia, etc.)
Bone Marrow Cancers (e.g. Multiple Myeloma (MM), Leukemia, etc.)
CAUTION: Melatonin should NOT be used by people with leukemia, Hodgkins disease, lymphoma or multiple myeloma. Melatonin's beneficial effect on immunity could worsen immune system cancers. Calcium supplements should also be taken with care to avoid hypercalcemia. Let me first talk about chemotherapy:
"a recent randomized trial of treatment for stage one multiple myeloma by Riccardi and colleagues (British Journal of Cancer 2000;82:1254-60) showed no advantage of conventional chemotherapy over no treatment."
(search for: myeloma) It is important to understand that multiple myeloma (i.e. MM) is a "Stage IV" cancer, by definition. It is also important to understand that most of the items listed on this web page are not strong enough to treat a "Stage IV" cancer by themselves, or even when combined. There are two critical articles you need to read before attempting to treat a "Stage IV" cancer like MM. First, you must read my article on the "theory" of alternative cancer treatments. This article will explain the difference between treating a "Stage III" cancer and a "Stage IV" cancer.

57. Leukemia - Alternative Cancer Treatments
Links to Alternative Cancer Treatment Information leukemia Testimonials These should be REQUIRED for any leukemia diet, along with the other items in
Initial Comments
Certain types of alternative cancer treatments would have no affect on leukemia because they do not apply. For example, shark cartilage is primarily designed to stop the growth of tumors, which does not apply to leukemia. The Rath Cellular Solution is designed to work with the connective tissue, which also does not apply to leukemia. And there are other alternative treatments that do not apply. The main thing I want to emphasize about leukemia is that it may be far more related to a fungus than other types of cancer. In fact many cases of fungus have been misdiagnosed as leukemia. I suspect that EVERY case of leukemia is associated with a type of fungus. I have links below to articles on this issue which are highlighed in yellow. See also my article on Bone Marrow Cancers/Leukemia at:
Bone Marrow Cancer Article
Note: Never go on an alternative cancer treatment without first checking the strength of the treatment against my "Checklist" article:
Click for Checklist Article
If you follow the "Checklist" article, you will be taking carrot juice (e.g. for Vitamin A), MSM, Vitamin C and Vitamin B12. These should be REQUIRED for any leukemia diet, along with the other items in the checklist. However, purple, red or black grapes, WITH THEIR SKINS, are normally an optional "major" treatment. For leukemia patients the grape mush should be REQUIRED. You might also want to take a "grape seed extract" supplement.

58. Lifestyle Changes To Manage Leukemia - Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, Washingt
Lifestyle Changes to Manage leukemia Swedish Medical Center, Seattle, Avoid making drastic changes in your diet based on the latest fad diet.
PDF Version Search Send-to-Friend Health Library Home ... Other Treatments Lifestyle Changes Living With Leukemia Talking to Your Doctor Resource Guide
Lifestyle Changes to Manage Leukemia
by Debra Wood, RN Lifestyle changes can be helpful in a variety of important ways:
  • Strengthening your body so that you can withstand some of the rigors of treatment Optimizing the function of your immune system to aid in the fight against cancer Improving your emotional outlook, so you can enjoy life to the fullest, even during treatment for leukemia Making healthful choices that will help you avoid other medical problems that could complicate your health
General Guidelines
Stop Smoking
Smoking is a known risk factor for many cancers. Although you may have already been diagnosed with cancer, its not too late to stop smoking. When you quit smoking, you reduce your risk of its many associated medical complications, which should improve your chances of withstanding the physical stresses of cancer and treatment. Also, since the immune system of smokers is generally less effective than non-smokers, by quitting you may be adding your immune systems ability to join in the battle against cancer. Ask your doctor about programs to help you stop smoking, such as group support, hypnosis, and alternative nicotine delivery systems.

59. Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treatment - Alternative Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemi
AP John Cancer Institute, specializing in chronic Lymphocytic leukemia (Keep in mind, CAAT is much more than just a “diet”; it is an amino acid,
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treatment - Alternative Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Treatment - Leukapheresis
institute for cancer research
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
What is Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia?
Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) , a cancer of the blood, is the second most common type of leukemia. It is caused by the overproduction of immature blood cells in the marrow (the spongy inner mass of bone). These immature cells crowd out healthy cells needed to fight infection and deliver oxygen to the body. CLL progresses slowly, and it may take years for symptoms to appear or for treatment to be needed. CLL forms because of genetic mutations in lymphocytes, a kind of white blood cell that fights infection. Lymphocytes are found in the blood, and in a clear fluid called lymph that flows through the body and collects in lymph nodes. In people with CLL, lymphocytes are not as good at fighting infection. Over time, they crowd the bone marrow, allowing less room for the cells that make red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. CLL is one of four types of leukemia. Like chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML), CLL progresses slowly. Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) affects the same lymphocytes, but progresses more quickly. Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) also progresses quickly.

60. Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment - Alternative Chronic Myelogenous Leukemi
AP John Cancer Institute, specializing in chronic Myelogenous leukemia (Keep in mind, CAAT is much more than just a “diet”; it is an amino acid,
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment - Alternative Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Treatment - CML
Chronic Tranulocytic - Chronic Myelocytic
institute for cancer research
Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
What is Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia?
Chronic myelogenous leukemia (CML) is a cancer of the blood-producing cells in the spongy inner mass of the bone, known as marrow. CML is also called chronic granulocytic, chronic myelocytic or chronic myeloid leukemia Most people with CML have a genetic abnormality where two chromosomes (long strands of genes that dictate how the body behaves) swap their end pieces. This is called translocation, and in this case involves chromosomes number 9 and 22 and is named the "Philadelphia chromosome." The mutation causes bone marrow cells (called myeloid cells) to produce an enzyme that prompts white blood cells (cells that normally fight infection) to grow unchecked. These abnormal cells do not work well and over time; crowd out normal white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. CML is one of four types of leukemia. Like chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), CML progresses slowly at first, and people may have it for months or years before symptoms appear. CML and CLL differ in the type of white blood cells that become cancer, and CLL patients do not have the same genetic changes to their cells. Acute leukemia’s, acute myelogenous leukemia (AML) and acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), progress more quickly.

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