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81. DAPR-Distance Advancement Of Population Research
Internet–Based Demographic Resources for Population research Summaries/excerpts of legal and government documents concerned with international
Information Clearinghouse
(An Annotated Bibliography)
Tools Demographic Sources Full Text Health Data Information Resources ... Software
See also: ...Resources for Population Training
Bibliographic Tools (Top) (These are used to find citations and abstracts of journal articles, papers, etc.)
Getting Started: Selected Electronic Resources on HIV/AIDS
Sponsor: POPIN and APLIC-I
Links to a variety of HIV/AIDS information, from terminology to legislation to software. POPIN-APLIC Electronic Resource Guide, No. 1. Internet Grateful Med Sponsor: National Library of Medicine, USA
IGM is made up of 15 medical databases including AIDSLINE, HealthStar, MEDLINE, and POPLINE. All entries have citations, many have abstracts. IGM is related to PubMed.
  • AIDSLINE covers HIV, AIDS, and related topics
  • HealthStar covers articles and reports dealing with the effectiveness and outcomes of treatment, and the administrative side of health care delivery.
  • MEDLINE is the electronic version of Index Medicus which is one of the three significant medical indexes in the world (the others are EMBASE-Netherlands and PASCAL-France). It covers the majority of US medical journals and is best for locating journal articles, reviews, and letters to the editor. It is not a good source for statistics.
  • POPLINE is the premier source for the international population literature, especially about developing countries, and includes published and unpublished materials.

82. Women In International Law: Research Resources By Lyonette Louis-Jacques
Trafficking in Women (Directorate General for research, Population and Gender (links to Internet resources via PopNet, the source for global population
Women in International Law:
Research Resources
Recommended Readings
The following are suggested books and articles to read for background information on women and international law issues. Note that, for U.S. libraries, the following subject headings are useful to identify other books and journal articles on the topic in periodical indexes and library catalogs: WOMEN (INTERNATIONAL LAW); WOMENLEGAL STATUS, LAWS, ETC.; WOMEN'S RIGHTS. The bibliographies in the Internet Resources section below may also be consulted for additional readings.
  • The Boundaries of International Law: A Feminist Analysis Manchester Univesity Press
  • Hilary Charlesworth, Feminist Methods in International Law American Journal of International Law 379-394 (1999)(Symposium On Method In International Law).
  • Feminist Approaches to International Law American Journal of International Law 613-645 (No. 4, 1991).
  • Radhika Coomaraswamy, Reinventing International Law: Women's Rights as Human Rights in the International Community (1997 Edward A. Smith Lecture, Human Rights Program, Harvard Law School; Ms. Coomaraswamy is the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women)
  • Natalie Kaufman Hevener

83. Population Aging And Legal Retirement Age
analyzes the effects of population aging on the preferred legal retirement age. Under a defined contribution scheme aging lowers the preferred legal
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Population Aging and Legal Retirement Age
Author info Abstract Publisher info Download info ... Statistics Author Info Juan Antonio Lacomba liame2('es','ugr','m7i7','jlacomba') ) (Department of Economic Theory and Economic History, University of Granada)
Francisco Miguel Lagos (Department of Economic Theory and Economic History, University of Granada)
Additional information is available for the following registered author(s): Abstract
This paper analyzes the effects of population aging on the preferred legal retirement age. What is revealed is the crucial role that the indirect ’macro’ effects resulting from a change in the legal retirement age play in the optimal decision. Two Social Security systems are studied. Under a defined contribution scheme aging lowers the preferred legal retirement age. However, under a defined pension scheme the retirement age is delayed. This result shows the relevance of correctly choosing the parameter affected by the dependency ratio in the design of the Social Security programme. Download Info To download: If you experience problems downloading a file, check if you have the proper

84. Accounting,Accounting Other,Accounting Technician,Acting And
Demography andor Population Studies Dental Clinical Sciences and-or Graduate Educational Statistics And research Method Educational Supervision
colleges and universities go to
Univ Home

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United States Programs ...

Mon Oct 27 13:14:08 EST 2003

85. Research And Statistics
The present study was funded by the research and Statistics Division, Department of The most significant characteristic of the population of Aboriginal

  • Research Areas Publications
    Ab Currie
    June 2000
    The present study was funded by the Research and Statistics Division, Department of Justice Canada. The views expressed herein are solely those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the Department of Justice Canada. PDF Document
    This project was designed to improve the level of legal aid service to Aboriginal people in New Brunswick. The project was implemented on an experimental basis in Kent County, New Brunswick to serve Aboriginal people from the Big Cove, Buctouche, and Indian Island First Nations communities. The need for a different approach to meeting the needs of native people became apparent with the large number of adjournments required by Aboriginal people at first appearance court. It was suspected that the difficulty in moving legal matters of Aboriginal people through the court reflected a number of difficulties experienced by Natives in communicating with the non-Aboriginal lawyers providing regular duty counsel service. In order to explore the issues more carefully, and at the same time to put in place immediate steps to address the situation, an Aboriginal lawyer was hired to provide duty counsel service for Aboriginal people in the provincial court at Richibucto. The lawyer spoke Mi'Kmaq, the Aboriginal language of the region. The project commenced in December 1998. The project was supported in part by a contribution from the Department of Justice Canada, and monitored during the first year by the Research and Statistics Division of the federal Department of Justice.

86. Abortion Distortions -
legal abortion would lead to less domestic violence, since young women would The divorce rate (per 1000 population) rose for several years after Roe and

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Abortion Distortions
Senators from both sides make false claims about Roe v. Wade. July 18, 2005 Modified: August 22, 2005 eMail to a friend Printer Friendly Version
Roe v. Wade. Roe Roe made abortions legal nationwide. Roe. Roe.
On July 5, Sen. Boxer claimed that overturning Roe v. Wade might Associated Press Boxer: It means a minimum of 5,000 women a year will die. New York City and Germany. before the first states liberalized abortion laws in 1967. The Journal of the American Medical Association Roe was decided. Boxer would have been correct to say that some increase in deaths of pregnant women would result should abortions be made illegal. But the number is much lower than she claimed. In 1972, the last year before Roe v. Wade Roe Republican Senator Rick Santorum of Pennsylvania claims in a new book that a number of social ills got "much worse" after Roe was decided in 1973. He's clearly right about some, but wrong on at least one, female suicide, and possibly on another, crime. It Takes a Family: Conservatism and the Common Good , released on July 4. It devotes several chapters to abortion, and one of them includes this argument

87. National Statistics Online
The Northern Ireland Statistics and research Agency (NISRA) carry out the Northern Ireland Census of Social and economic characteristics of the population.

88. Untitled Document
California Department fo Finance Demographic research Unit E-1 City / County Population Estimates with Annual Percent Change — January 1,

89. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms,
FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that includes Annual Review of Population Law Ceased publication as of December 2000.
//For Jeff's Modules. var what="LNCAI"; var uri=document.location; FindLaw For the Public For Small Business For Corporate Counsel ... Intellectual Property Research a Lawyer Use the Thomson Legal Record to access a lawyer's litigation record, articles and more! Search by Name Search by Experience Search FindLaw FindLaw Articles News Commentary Browse Resources My current location: city Change Location FindLaw Practice Areas Health Law Health Law
  • Adverse Drug Reaction System Database of adverse drug reactions primarily reported by health professionals.
  • Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Research findings, clinical information, data and more.
    • Data and Surveys Health expenditures by DRG, inpatient statistics, HIV costs and utilization and health informatic standards.
    • Findings Childrens' health, long-term care, managed care, primary care, women's' health, and fact sheets.
  • AMA Physician Select From the American Medical Association (AMA). Professional information on individual physicians in the U.S.
  • American Board of Medical Specialties Database Verify board certification status, location, and specialty of any physician certified by any Member Board of the ABMS.
  • 90. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms,
    FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that includes Eurostat Statistics on European economy, finance, population and social
    //For Jeff's Modules. var what="LNCAI"; var uri=document.location; FindLaw For the Public For Small Business For Corporate Counsel ... Intellectual Property Research a Lawyer Use the Thomson Legal Record to access a lawyer's litigation record, articles and more! Search by Name Search by Experience Search FindLaw FindLaw Articles News Commentary Browse Resources My current location: city Change Location FindLaw Practice Areas International Law International Law
  • Country Studies/Area Handbook From the Library of Congress. Facts and overview of countries.
  • Current Account Balance Data From the Bureau of Economic Analysis. U.S. International Transactions.
  • Eurodata Annotated links to Government statistical offices in Europe and North America.
  • Europa - The European Union On-Line Database of information on the European Union.
  • Eurostat Statistics on European economy, finance, population and social conditions.
  • FAOSTAT Statistical databases of international agricultural, forestry and nutritional topics.
  • Foreign Agricultural Service From the U.S. Department of Agriculture. News and resources on their overseas programs.
  • 91. EMJA: Mulligan, Confidentiality In Health Records: Evidence Of Current Performan
    The current legal provisions for protecting confidentiality in South Using data from a population survey in South Australia, I investigated the level of
    Home Issues Email alerts Classifieds ... Search
    Medicine and the Community Confidentiality in health records: evidence of current performance from a population survey in South Australia Ea C Mulligan
    Other articles have cited this article
    Abstract Methods Results ... More articles on Infectious diseases and parasitology Abstract Objective: To determine attitudes towards doctors and hospitals as data custodians, and patients' experiences of unauthorised information releases from health services.
    Design: Analysis of data from a cross-sectional, descriptive household survey (October-November 1999).
    Setting: South Australian community.
    Participants: 3013 randomly selected residents over 15 years of age.
    Main outcome measures: Level of confidence in doctors and hospitals as data custodians, and patient-reported experience of unauthorised information releases by health services.
    Results: 288 survey participants (9.6%) were not confident that healthcare providers keep and use information responsibly, 108 (3.6%) reported that healthcare providers had released information without their consent (although at least 48 of these disclosures were legally defensible), and 57 (1.9%) reported harm arising from unauthorised disclosures by health services. Projecting these findings to the South Australian population, over 2000 people experienced harm arising from unauthorised information release in 1999. However, in the same period, there were fewer than 20 formal complaints to major agencies (eg, Ombudsman, Medical Board).

    92. Bureau Of Justice Statistics Prison Statistics
    Examines issues of legal representation for defendants in Federal district court and large Proportion of the population under correctional supervision
    Bureau of Justice Statistics BJS home page Corrections Statistics -
    Corrections facts at a glance

    Reentry Trends in the United States
    Prison Statistics
    Summary findings BJS publications Selected statistics
    Also by BJS staff
    ... Related sites
    Summary findings
    On June 30,2004,
    2,131,180 prisoners were held in Federal or State prisons or in local jails an increase of 2.3% from midyear 2003, less than the average annual growth of 3.5% since yearend 1995.
    there were an estimated 486 prison inmates per 100,000 U.S. residents up from 411 at yearend 1995. the number of women under the jurisdiction of State or Federal prison authorities increased 2.9% from midyear 2003, reaching 103,310 and the number of men rose 2.0%, totaling 1,390,906.
    At midyear 2004 there were 4,919 black male prison and jail inmates per 100,000 black males in the United States, compared to 1,717 Hispanic male inmates per 100,000 Hispanic males and 717 white male inmates per 100,000 white males.
    Between 1995 and 2001, the increasing number of violent offenders accounted for 63% of the total growth of the State prison population; 15% of the total growth was attributable to the increasing number of drug offenders.

    93. MeL Population Demographics
    ICPSR Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social research Population Estimates Tables for Cities Towns - US Census Bureau

    94. INTERNET QUICK REFERENCE (IQR): A Digital Library Which Identifies And Organizes
    See META SEARCH ENGINES for research INDEX to fulltext scientific literature This guide provides sources for historical population housing census
    This Meta Site has been given the award
    Established 1996
    Last update or modification: 8-23-05 PAGE DESCRIPTION: IQR is a virtual library which attempts to identify, summarize, and categorize significant Web sites applicable to the information needs of a wide number of visitors. Unlike other virtual libraries, IQR has internal "see" cross-referencing for enhanced access to related subject areas. Currently, more than 1,500 Web sites may be launched from this Meta Site. Go here for more information about IQR. Webmasters may freely link to this page. All dead Web site links on IQR are revitalized or removed every 30 days. No Web site on IQR is necessarily endorsed by the Webmaster or Utah State University; final judgment remains with the user. Go here for IQR in several foreign languages. Alternate Web addresses for IQR are: or or Note that you can keyword search this entire Web page by clicking on "Edit" at the top of your screen, then, clicking on "Find (on this page)." Thank you for stopping by. GO TO TABLE OF CONTENTS
    visitors since 2-7-00 TABLE OF CONTENTS BUSINESS SOURCES


    95. CCPR - California Center For Population Research
    Population Studies and Training Center Visiting Professors (Due Open until filled) Visitors will be given office space and research support in the
    Fellowship Opportunities Return to: Job Opportunities Main Page Faculty PostDocs Staff ... nternships To view job descriptions, click on the position title. Print View This information is provided as a service. CCPR cannot vouch for any of these announcements and, therefore, cannot take responsibility for the accuracy of the information in them. Fellowship Opportunities
    • National Center for Health Statistics (Div. Hlth Interview Stats) - Fellowship (Priority 9/1/05) New
    • Foundation for Child Development - Fellowship Program (Due: 11/1/05)
    • Ellison Institute (Harvard University) - Fellowship Program (Rolling Basis: 11/05)
    • Public Policy Institute of California - (Due: Open until filled)
    • Public Policy Institute of California - Visiting Fellow (Regulation) (Due: Open until filled)
    • Population Studies and Training Center - Visiting Professors (Due: Open until filled)
    Job Description Population Studies and Training Center Brown University (Posted: 3/8/05, Due: open until filled)

    96. BU Libraries | Research Guide | Population Studies
    http//; Office of Population research, Princeton University. Princeton University s Office of Population research provides information on its
    Catalogs E-Resources E-Journals Guides ... Ref Shelf
    Population Studies
    Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.
    Encyclopedia of Bioethics. 5 vols. 2004.
    Discusses the moral and ethical issues concerning such topics as population ethics, population policies, and abortion. Science and Engineering Library Ref. QH332 E52 2004.
    Encyclopedia of Sociology. 5 vols. 2000.
    Contains 397 entries for concepts in sociology, including population and emography. Essays are lengthy and include bibliographies. Mugar Ref. X HM425 E5 2000.
    Encyclopedia of the U.S. Census.
    From "accuracy and coverage evaluation" to "women in the decennial census," the 120 essays in this volume cover all aspects of the decennial census, including census history, contents, politics, procedures, and uses. Mugar Ref. X HA37 U55 E53 2000.
    International Encyclopedia of Population.

    97. Commerce 3MC3: Quick Start Research Guide - Innis
    Contains hundreds of market research reports, some covering Canada. Provides basic statistics on Canadian population, households, incomes and retail
    Home MORRIS
    Our Catalogue
    Search ... Innis Home Page
    Commerce 3MC3
    Applied Marketing Management
    Newspaper, Magazine and Journal Articles Canadian Company Directories Industrial Classification Codes Industry Resources ... Hamilton Area Resources Other Useful Links: Citation Guide for Business Class Presentation LibAccess: Access to e-Resources
    Newspaper, Magazine and Journal Databases
    ABI/INFORM Global , 1971 to the present
    Significant articles from over 1,800 major business and management journals , 1971 to the present
    Significant articles from over 750 magazines and newsletters with an industry focus. Business Source Premier Trial Extended to March 30, 2005
    Provides full text for more than 7,400 scholarly business journals and other sources, including full text for nearly 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. Click on the EBSCO link on the trial page and then select Business Searching Interface CBCA Current Events , 1980's to the present, but varies by title
    Indexes articles from several Canadian newspapers, newswires, newsmagazines, television and radio transcrpts. Selected full-text. CBCA Reference , 1980's to the present, but varies by title
    Provides access to articles from over 500 Canadian journals, magazines, and newsletters. Selected full-text.

    98. Aging
    As our population lives longer, the study of gerontology has become increasingly Indiana University s Center for Aging research Grants and Funding
    E-Resources Services About the Library Home ... E-Resources Search Our Site: Search Library Catalog: Aging As our population lives longer, the study of gerontology has become increasingly important in many fields including medicine, psychology, sociology, political science, and law. This can be seen by the increase in university programs, governmental bodies, political debate, organizations, literature and research devoted to aging. The Health Sciences and Human Services Library's Aging web page links users to a small number of selected web sites that may be useful to both students and health care professionals interested in the field of aging. See selection criteria Clearinghouses Glossaries Government Agencies ... UMB Links Clearinghouses
    • GeroWeb is a searchable Virtual Library on Aging maintained by Wayne State University's Institute of Gerontology. It has both search and browse features which connect to web sites on a wide variety of topics related to aging. A description of the web sites can be seen by clicking on the information icon to the left of each site.
    • Indiana University's Center for Aging Research - Grants and Funding Information page was designed to assist researchers by providing links to grant-making organizations that fund research on aging and includes community, corporate, private and public organizations.

    99. Drug War Facts: Drug Offenders In The Corrections System — Prisons, Jails And P
    In fact, the proportion of drug offenders in the state prison population nearly The total of judicial and legal employees grew about 97% to over 488000
  • "Prisoners sentenced for drug offenses constituted the largest group of Federal inmates (55%) in 2001, down from 60% in 1995 (table 18). On September 30, 2001, the date of the latest available data in the Federal Justice Statistics Program, Federal prisons held 78,501 sentenced drug offenders, compared to 52,782 in 1995." "Between 1984 and 1999, the number of defendants charged with a drug offense in U.S. district courts increased about 3% annually, on average, from 11,854 to 29,306." "As a result of increased prosecutions and longer time served in prison, the number of drug offenders in Federal prisons increased more than 12% annually, on average, from 14,976 during 1986 to 68,360 during 1999." "In 1995, 23% of state prisoners were incarcerated for drug offenses in contrast to 9% of drug offenders in state prisons in 1986. In fact, the proportion of drug offenders in the state prison population nearly tripled by 1990, when it reached 21%, and has remained at close to that level since then. The proportion of federal prisoners held for drug violations doubled during the past 10 years. In 1985, 34% of federal prisoners were incarcerated for drug violations. By 1995, the proportion had risen to 60%." Source: Craig Haney, Ph.D., and Philip Zimbardo, Ph.D., "The Past and Future of U.S. Prison Policy: Twenty-five Years After the Stanford Prison Experiment," American Psychologist, Vol. 53, No. 7 (July 1998), p. 715.
  • 100. Rutgers University Libraries: Subject Research Guides: Government Information: I
    Internet Resources and research Tools Federal Government Features US and world population clocks, statistical resources, a publications catalog,
    @import url(/rul/includes/04rul-style2.css); NOT LOGGED IN ASK A LIBRARIAN SEARCH WEBSITE SITE INDEX ... ALUMNI LIBRARY
    Stephanie Bartz
    Reference/Government Publications Librarian

    September 21, 2005 Research Resources: Subject Research Guides: Government Information Resources:
    Internet Resources and Research Tools: Federal Government
    Indexes and Full-text Databases
    Catalog of U.S. Government Publications Monthly Catalog (1994+)
    This official source covers titles published by agencies of the U.S. Government and cataloged by the U.S. Government Printing Office since 1994, and includes links to publications that are available full-text in electronic format. U.S. Government Publications Monthly Catalog Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries (1976+) [Rutgers Restricted]
    Another version of the Monthly Catalog , this index covers titles published by agencies of the U.S. Government and cataloged by the U.S. Government Printing Office since 1976. Checklist of United States Public Documents, 1789-1909

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