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Legal Publications Violence: more books (30) | |||
41. Racial Harassment, Abuse And Violence publications racial harassmentLinks legal advice and the law legal advice Racist attacks and violence are serious criminal offences and must be http://www.cre.gov.uk/legal/right_harass.html | |
42. Michigan Coalition Against Domestic And Sexual Violence: Publications It contains accurate information regarding medical and legal concerns, publication that features commentary on emerging violence against women issues, http://www.mcadsv.org/products/ | |
43. Michigan Coalition Against Domestic And Sexual Violence: Publications While legal experts have reviewed this manual, the recommendations are offered for Michigan Domestic violence and Sexual Assault Programs and 2) legal http://www.mcadsv.org/boutique/publications.html | |
44. Domestic Violence - American Bar Association Commission on Domestic violence publications. The Impact of Domestic violence on Your legal Practice A Lawyer s Handbook, 2nd Edition (2004) http://www.abanet.org/domviol/pubs.html | |
45. Bibliography Of Print Publications On Gender violence Against Women. The following publications are listed Includes information on alcohol and drug abuse and violence , legal responses to violence, http://www.soros.org/initiatives/women/links/bib_violence | |
46. CFFPP: Publications - Technical Assistance Series—Fatherhood Programs And and included information about domestic violence in some of our legal In the same way that domestic violence organizations may view fatherhood http://www.cffpp.org/publications/fatherhood_programs.html | |
47. Human Rights Watch: Women’s Human Rights: Publications Human Rights Watch interviewed many victims of sexual violence in camps in Chad and Darfur The majority have been tried without legal representation. http://hrw.org/doc/?t=women_pub |
48. Department Of Justice - Publications And Reports, Publications And Reports those Affected by Family violence Report Number 2 The legal System and Family violence, Public violence A Report of violence in Victoria, 1992 http://www.vccav.vic.gov.au/CA256B0B0014FEBC/OrigDoc/~7ED8C798D2639B09CA256A9300 |
49. UNBF Libraries - Subject Guides And Tutorials - Family Violence Indexes international legal journals and newspapers. Indexes over 1600 journals, as well as other types of publications which cover the public and http://www.lib.unb.ca/subject_guides/FamilyViolence.html | |
50. NHBA - Domestic Violence Issues legal Links publications Vendor eMall The NH legal Assistance Domestic violence Advocacy Project1 (800) 5623174 NHLA is a nonprofit law firm that http://www.nhbar.org/for-the-public/domestic-violence-issues.asp | |
51. N.J. State Bar Foundation - Publications - Domestic Violence: The Law And You (S How do I know if I am a victim of domestic violence under this law? What legal remedies can I seek if I have been a victim of domestic violence? http://www.njsbf.com/njsbf/publications/domviolence.cfm | |
52. Michigan Prosecuting Attorneys Coordinating Council (PACC) Home Page of Michigan on the Pro Bono Project for Domestic violence legal publications. PACC publishes three newsletters Michigan Prosecutor (which keeps http://www.michiganprosecutor.org/ | |
53. MSBA.org - Publications It is intended to inform the public and not serve as legal advice. The House of Ruth Domestic violence legal Clinic provides legal assistance to victims http://www.msba.org/departments/commpubl/publications/brochures/violence.htm | |
54. Help End Sexual Violence - Wisconson Coalition Against Sexual Assault publications can be ordered by phone, fax, or by sending in our printable New in 2004, this resource contains extensive legal information on a broad http://www.wcasa.org/resources/publications.html | |
55. WLUML: Publications  Dossier 18 legal Aid, New Laws violence Against Women In Sudan The Public Order Act These are new laws to the Sudanese legal tradition and were http://www.wluml.org/english/pubsfulltxt.shtml?cmd[87]=i-87-2677 |
56. NYU > The Center On Violence And Recovery > Publications For more information on publications or interviews and public speaking events, The law of white spaces Race, culture, and legal education. http://www.nyu.edu/cvr/publications.html | |
57. Sexual Orientation And U.S. Military Personnel Policy: Options And Assessment AntiHomosexual violence and the Formulation of Policy Regarding Homosexuals in the SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND THE MILITARY SOME legal CONSIDERATIONS http://www.rand.org/publications/MR/MR323/ | |
58. HSE - PUBLICATIONS - Violence To Workers In Broadcasting In this information sheet must denotes a legal obligation. The possibility of violence should be considered when planning broadcasts or filming, http://www.hse.gov.uk/pubns/etis2.htm | |
59. MINCAVA Electronic Clearinghouse: Document Library FCADV works towards ending violence through public awareness, dating violence, SOAR survivors, campaigns, events, legal, publications, and more. http://www.mincava.umn.edu/cgi-bin/documents/documents.pl?category=566&detail=1 |
60. University Of Chicago Law School > Publications, Presentations And Works In Prog publications. Defense in The Impact of Domestic violence on Your legal Practice A Lawyer s Handbook, 2nd ed, (American Bar Association Commission on http://www.law.uchicago.edu/faculty/stone-r/ppw.html | |
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