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21. Office On Violence Against Women - Publications Fiscal Year 2002 legal Assistance for Victims (LAV) Grant Recipients Policy of quality comprehensive legal services to victims of domestic violence, http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/vawo/publications.htm | |
22. Reporting School Violence, Legal Series Bulletin #2 Reporting School violence, the second in the series, provides an overview OVC legal Series bulletins are designed to inform victim advocates and victim http://www.ojp.usdoj.gov/ovc/publications/bulletins/legalseries/bulletin2/welcom | |
23. Dying Of Sadness Education in legal rights and the provision of legal services for The 49th World Health Assembly in 1996 recognised violence as a public health priority http://www.undp.org/hiv/publications/gender/violencee.htm | |
24. Autonomous Women's Center Against Sexual Violence library of publications about violence against women. campaign Celebration of women s human rights legal support for women who survived violence http://www.womenngo.org.yu/sajt/english/sajt/awcasv/awcav_index.htm | |
25. BC Institute Against Family Violence - Links British Columbia s online access to multilingual legal publications. Many publications free to download regarding domestic violence, stalking, http://www.bcifv.org/resources/links.shtml | |
26. Self-Help Publications legal Services of New Jersey LSNJSelfHelp publications Looking Out. Domestic violence A Guide to the legal Rights of Domestic violence Victims in New http://www.lsnj.org/selfhelp.htm | |
27. Self Realization Publications:Â Violence:Â The Victimization Of Children: Emer legal and social issues surrounding closedcircuit television testimony of child victims Juvenile courts and their role in addressing family violence http://www.srpublications.com/violence/Victimization-of-Children.htm | |
28. Self Realization Publications:Â Violence:Â Violence Against Women The Secrecy The secrecy surrounding domestic violence is the focus of this timely program. when to leave, where to go, the legal aspects, getting help for abusers, http://www.srpublications.com/violence/violence-against-women.htm | |
29. Online Publications: Product Details advice on how to deal with violence or threatening behaviour towards school staff. Document A legal TOOLKIT FOR SCHOOLS, TACKLING ABUSE THREATS AND http://www.teachernet.gov.uk/safeschools | |
30. DVAS Publications - Domestic Violence - The Legal Process The Domestic violence Advocacy Service (DVAS) is a free and confidential legal service for women in New South Wales, Australia who are experiencing domestic http://www.dvas.org.au/index.php?fuseaction=home.publications&intpubid=3 |
31. DVAS Publications - Apprehended Violence Orders: A Guide To Legal Practice In NS The Domestic violence Advocacy Service (DVAS) is a free and confidential legal service for women in New South Wales, Australia who are experiencing domestic http://www.dvas.org.au/index.php?fuseaction=home.publications&intpubid=4 |
32. USC English Graduate Studies - Student - Leslie Bruce Publications Two types of what I am calling Âlegal violence are important to womenÂs novels the I will use Âlegal violence to indicate the presence of both types. http://www.uscenglish.com/students.cfm?action=pub_info&student_id=21&pub_id=266 |
33. The Effectiveness Of Legal Protection In The Prevention Of Domestic Violence In A national study of young women who experience physical violence by a partner is The authors examine the effectiveness of legal protection in preventing http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/tandi/tandi148.html | |
34. Violence: Directions For Australia - Part 3: Professions [Publications] the problems of violence in the community as a major public health issue. Members of the legal profession have occasion to come in contact with http://www.aic.gov.au/publications/vda/vda-sec32.html | |
35. Violence Against Women legal Rights. Women in the legal System. Letters to the Editor In preIslamic Arabia violence against women began at birth in the form of female http://www.mwlusa.org/publications/positionpapers/violence.html |
36. Faculty Research PublicationsâÂÂLegal Strategies To Prevent Gun Violence Academic research published by faculty from the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research on legal strategies to prevent gun violence. http://www.jhsph.edu/gunpolicy/faculty_research_pubs_legalsgvp.html | |
37. Violence Against Women Publications NDAA/APRI Publication Offerings The National Center for the Prosecution of violence Against Women publications. NCPVAW Home legal Issues/Resources http://www.ndaa-apri.org/publications/apri/violence_against_women.html | |
38. DVIRC Publications List New Kit 101 Ways Great Small to Prevent Family violence How are we to understand the failure of legal, welfare and medical services to protect the http://www.dvirc.org.au/resources/Resources.htm |
39. Children Who Witness Domestic Violence seek parenting support; contact domestic violence and/or legal services. Ph. 94869866 (TTY 9417-1255) Training, publications, library and secondary http://www.dvirc.org.au/publications/childrendv.htm |
40. NLCHP - Publications And Reports Domestic violence and Public and Subsidized Housing Letters, legislative documents, legal memos, briefs and case summaries are NOT available in hardcopy http://www.nlchp.org/Pubs/index.cfm?FA=6&TAB=1 |
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