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41. FIELD - Research And Publications - International Environmental Law Group of public international lawyers committed to the promotion of 98/39 legal Aspects of a Nuclear Weapons Convention , African Yearbook of http://www.field.org.uk/publ_iel.php | |
42. Y - Abbreviations Of Legal Publications (Monash University Library) YBICJ, Yearbook of the international Court of Justice. YBIHL, Yearbook of international YLLPEA, Yearbook of Law and legal Practice in East Asia http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/legal-abbreviations/abb-y.html | |
43. E - Abbreviations Of Legal Publications (Monash University Library) Abbreviations of legal publications. Abbreviations lists A B C D E F G H EPI, Electronic Payments international. EPL, European Public Law http://www.lib.monash.edu.au/legal-abbreviations/abb-e.html | |
44. Publications: International Planned Parenthood Federation, Western Hemisphere Re IPPF/WHR has a wide range of publications that are available upon request legal definitions and responsibilities, and monitor the quality of care. http://www.ippfwhr.org/publications/index.asp | |
45. THE LEGAL DEPOSIT OF ELECTRONIC PUBLICATIONS legal deposit regulations traditionally apply to publications of the There are as yet no international standards for recording this kind of information. http://www.unesco.org/webworld/memory/legaldep.htm | |
46. International Legal News From LexisNexis Mealey Publications Search today s news on Lexis.com. Â, Headline legal news on lexisONE.com An international Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes arbitral tribunal http://www.mealeys.com/legalnews/international.html | |
47. ELSA Guide To Legal Studies In Europe The ELSA Guide to legal Studies In Europe (GLSE) is the only publication of its kind that gives such detailed international Focus Programme, * http://www.elsa.org/publications/studyguides.asp | |
48. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - International Legal Servic Order forms for these publications are available as Rich Text format (RTF) documents. Australian international legal Education Training Directions, http://www.ag.gov.au/agd/WWW/ilsHome.nsf/Page/Publications_Publication_Documents | |
49. Australian Government Attorney-General's Department - Attorney General's Departm international legal Services Advisory Council publications. publications For Sale Order forms for these publications are available as Rich Text format (RTF) http://www.ag.gov.au/agd/WWW/agdHome.nsf/Page/Civil_Justice_and_Legal_Services_G | |
50. International Organization Of Legal Metrology Established to promote the global harmonization of legal metrology procedures. Includes overview of certificate system, publications for purchase, meetings, http://www.oiml.org/ | |
51. ARMA International: The Association For Information Management Professionals - I You are here Home Information for legal Professionals publications. ARMA international and NetDiligence RIM EAssessment http://www.arma.org/legal/audience/index.cfm?View=Publications |
52. ARMA International: The Association For Information Management Professionals - L This Icon Indicates Information of Interest to an international Audience Information of Interest to legal Professionals legal Professionals http://www.arma.org/legal/us/index.cfm?View=Publications |
53. International Law Expert Says U.S. Should Delay An Iraq Attack Until It Gains Se And even if the United States can make a valid claim for legal I think it is certainly true that eight out of 10 international lawyers would say that http://www.cfr.org/publication.php?id=5646 |
54. UNSWLAW : Ben Saul - Publications Ben Saul, Âinternational Terrorism as a European Crime The Policy Rationale for Nonlegal publications. Ben Saul, ÂEnter A Vagrant Land The http://www.law.unsw.edu.au/staff/saulb/publications.asp | |
55. Legal Status Of International Organizations Who s Who in international Organizations Made to measure publications Selected Reports, Papers and Studies on international legal Status of NGOs http://www.uia.org/legal/ | |
56. Publications - FAO Legal Office Legislatives Studies publications FAO Legislative Studies legal aspects of international joint ventures in agriculture, 1990 (E)45. La réforme du droit de la terre dans http://www.fao.org/Legal/legstud/list-e.htm | |
57. EarthRights International - Publications: Legal Manual EarthRights international works to protect human rights and environment. http://www.earthrights.org/legalmanual/litigation.shtml | |
58. Publications Dickinson Logo Selected Global legal Practice Resources ABA Section of international Law ABA Section of legal Education and Admissions to the Bar http://www.personal.psu.edu/faculty/l/s/lst3/globalprac.htm |
59. CISDL legal Briefs CISDL Members publications. Announcing Publication of Âinternational Law and Policy of Sustainable Development with Manchester University http://www.cisdl.org/publications.html | |
60. Papers & Publications - Legal Status Of International Space Crews Papers publications. Papers publications Habitat Law Jurisdiction. legal Status of international Space Crews http://www.spacefuture.com/cgi/glossary.cgi?gl=doc&term=Legal Status of Internat |
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