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81. Legal Aid Society: Housing Law The legal Aid Society of Hawai`i provides help in the area of housing Law tofamilies and Public housing or Section 8 disputes;; Requests for repairs; http://www.legalaidhawaii.org/housing_law.php | |
82. Free Legal Information For Individuals, Maintained By Delia Venables Citizens Advice Bureau provides information on housing matters. The LegalService Commission is an executive nondepartmental public body created under http://www.venables.co.uk/individk.htm | |
83. Documents & Publications - Housing | ClacksWeb Documents publications housing. Order by This strategy fulfils the legalrequirements introduced in the housing (Scotland) Act 2001 by setting out http://www.clacksweb.org.uk/site/documents/housing/ | |
84. Tenants Union Of Victoria The Victoria Law Foundation publishes plain English legal information. A site for Queensland tenants, features publications, links, service details, http://www.tuv.org.au/links.htm | |
85. JMLS - Fair Housing Legal Support Center The primary goal of The John Marshall Law School Fair housing legal SupportCenter FHLSC is to educate the public about fair housing law and to provide http://www.jmls.edu/fair_housing/legal_support_center.shtml | |
86. Legal Aid Ontario - Links - Community Legal Clinics It is also a free legal advisory clinic for the public, and will act at hearings and The Community legal Clinic of York Region helps people with housing http://www.legalaid.on.ca/en/links/Community.asp | |
87. Mickey S Housing And Homelessness Resources Fair housing legal Support Center The primary goal of The John Marshall CLPHA represents 55 of the largest public housing authorities (PHAs) in the http://mickeys-place-in-the-sun.com/housing.html | |
88. Know Your Government legal Research Resources. Public Law Libraries and Collections NYC housingAuthority (NYCHA) Public and Subsidized housing NYCHA Tenants Rights http://www.metcouncil.net/factsheets/knowgov.htm | |
89. Senior Housing Information For more information visit the HUD Public housing site. See legal servicesÂbrochure called What You Should Know about housing Discrimination . http://www.ctelderlaw.org/seniorhousing.htm | |
90. .: EUROPEAN ROMA RIGHTS CENTER :. housing Rights Manual for Roma Rights Activists in Slovakia Knowledge ofrelevant international and domestic legal standards pertaining to the http://www.errc.org/Otherpub_index.php | |
91. Housing - Seniors Gateway To Legal Information & Resources CMHC financial assistance program for landlords of affordable housing to pay The BC Ministry of Public Safety and Solicitor General site has answers to http://seniorsgateway.vcn.bc.ca/subject_categories/housing.html | |
92. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that Wilentz,Goldman Spitzer publications includes articles on real estate law, http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/33property/publications.html | |
93. Links NHLP focuses on public policy advocacy, litigation assistance, training, The site contains information on the legal aspects of various housing topics, http://www.aidshousing.org/links2209/links_list.htm?section=Fair Housing & Legal |
94. DC Housing Authority Lynn Cunningham Confirmation Resolution Of 2002, PR 14-844 as a public member of the District of Columbia housing Authority Board of 5/92 to 2/1/93, legal Resource Center for NonProfit housing Development http://www.dcwatch.com/archives/council14/14-844.htm | |
95. Housing Authority Board Of Commissioners Lynn E. Cunningham Confirmation Resolut 5/92 to 2/1/93, legal Renounce Center for NonProfit housing Development, 9/86 to 9/87, Mayor s Blue Ribbon Commission On Public housing, http://www.dcwatch.com/archives/council13/13-854.htm | |
96. Housing Services Summary - Cambridge Massachusetts Public housing agency. Provides public subsidized housing for families, Free legal services for lowincome residents. Call for information. 617/661-1010 http://www.cambridgema.gov/~CDD/hsg/hsg_services.html | |
97. Housing & Buildings - Publications & Documents Access information about housing building energy efficiency or find grants publications documents. Affordable warmth briefing note Affordable warmth http://www.est.org.uk/housingbuildings/publications/index.cfm?mode=listing&audty |
98. Oregon Housing And Community Services MDPCR Publications And Resources You can also order our publications by printing, filling out and mailing our Provides education and outreach services explaining fair housing laws, http://www.ohcs.oregon.gov/OHCS/MDP_Resources.shtml | |
99. HABITAT Debate legal Resources for housing Rights International and National Standards This publication reveals how widespread the recognition of housing rights is http://www.unhabitat.org/HD/hdv6n4/new_publications.htm | |
100. NRC - Publications publications are available by contacting the National Resource Center or by legal Remedies to Address Discrimination Against People Who Are Homeless and http://www.nrchmi.samhsa.gov/publications/default.asp | |
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