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41. NLCHP - Publications And Reports Before the Subcommittee on housing and Community Development, Letters,legislative documents, legal memos, briefs and case summaries are NOT available http://www.nlchp.org/Pubs/index.cfm?FA=3&TAB=1 |
42. NLCHP - Publications And Reports Local Opposition to housing and Services for Homeless People Across the United Provides summaries of relevant legal and legislative developments and http://www.nlchp.org/Pubs/index.cfm?FA=3&TAB=0 |
43. Predatory Lending Links & Publications Material from this handbook are found in the housing Professionals Located throughout the King County area Neighborhood legal Clinics provide a free http://seattle.gov/housing/predatorylending/Links&Publications.htm | |
44. Legal Information Provided By Prairie State Legal Services These publications address a variety of common legal problems and may be usefulto you in housing Issues in Spanish. Fair housing Guide- Spanish http://www.pslegal.org/legal information.htm |
45. Press Releases From Sweet And Maxwell It covers the key legal developments in housing law and includes news of new of legal publications, including the leading works in the housing field. http://www.sweetandmaxwell.co.uk/pressroom/2003/Apr03.html | |
46. Mayor Of London - Publications - Housing with a range of partners from the voluntary, statutory and legal sectors. housing in London is an annual publication of key housing statistics for http://www.london.gov.uk/gla/publications/housing.jsp |
47. H.I.R.E. Resources And Assistance publications The legal Action Center publishes the following Safe at HomeA Reference Guide for Public housing Officials on the Federal housing Laws http://www.hirenetwork.org/publications.html | |
48. Corporation For Supportive Housing - Publications Question and Answer Guide on legal Issues in Supportive housing NationalEdition, 2001. Involving Public and Nonprofit Hospitals in Supportive housing http://www.csh.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=Page.viewPage&pageId=42&nodeID=81 |
49. CONTEMPORARY HOUSING This Selective Guide Contains A Bibliography full text of the articles, it is an invaluable resource on housing design and legal journal and magazine articles, books, and other legal publications. http://www.library.ncat.edu/info/reference/guides/hefs400.htm | |
50. FindLaw For Legal Professionals - Case Law, Federal And State Resources, Forms, FindLaw for legal Professionals is a free resource for attorneys that includes National Multi housing Council News, legislation, and publications. http://www.findlaw.com/01topics/33property/sites.html | |
51. BILD Publications Housing BILD publications. Horizontal rule. housing This booklet deals with some ofthe legal and technical issues and answers the most common questions about http://www.bild.org.uk/publications/housing.htm | |
52. Publications The publication is mainly directed to policymakers and other experts in the region . The housing sector thus has a variety of economic, social and legal http://www.iadb.org/sds/publication/publication_3572_e.htm | |
53. Davies | The Team | Housing | Practice Areas | Garden Court Chambers - Garden Co Liz has lectured on housing and human rights, and writes for legal Action, Nonlegal publications. Women of Europe Women MEPs and Equality Policy http://www.2gardenct.law.co.uk/index.php/2gt/practice_areas/housing/the_team/dav | |
54. A To Z Of Services - H Housing Advice Services We have a access to housing law encyclopaedias, legal publications and textbooks  We have access to expert legal advice http://www.enfield.gov.uk/A-Z/LBE_115296.htm | |
55. Publications (CSW) CSW Resources and publications publications legal Handbook If you needlegal assistance, you can contact the FAIR housing PROJECT (FHP) at http://www.nh.gov/csw/resources/legal_handbook_housing.html | |
56. United Nations Housing Rights Programme - Selected Publications And Papers (Abst United Nations housing Rights Programme Selected publications and housingrights legislation Review of international and national legal instruments http://www.unhabitat.org/programmes/housingpolicy/hpu/unhrp-pub-abstracts.htm | |
57. Housing Law Direct We also write and edit an extensive portfolio of other legal publications,including the leading works in the housing field such as the housing Law Reports, http://www.housinglawdirect.com/aboutardenchambers.html | |
58. The Legal Channel: Legalonline - Housing & Neighbourhood - Noise - Noise Dispute The legal Channel legalonline. The Law Made clear and simple There aremany situations where noise pollution can fall within public health standards http://www.legalonline.vic.gov.au/CA2569020010C266/All/1F8EFD24662D9CE9CA256FC80 |
59. South Brooklyn Legal Services - Housing Fact Sheet9 In Brooklyn you may apply at the legal Aid Society (718722-3100), Also, somefamilies who have already received public assistance for five years are http://www.sbls.org/lntfs9.htm | |
60. Brownstone Publishers, Inc. | Real Estate Newsletters & Legal Publications Brownstone Publishers, Inc. legal Information Service legal problems solved for Each month, our real estate publications guide professionals like you http://brownstone.com/newsletters/realestate/index.cfm | |
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